Between Shades of Gray(73)

Special thanks to Ms. Agnie?ka Narkevi? for translation in Vilnius; Mrs. Dalia Kazlauskiene for sharing her husband’s stunning photos of Siberia with me; Nemunas Tour and the Zabaliunas family; Dr. Danute Gailiene, head of the Department of Clinical Psychology at the University of Vilnius in Lithuania for meeting with me to answer all of my questions; Gintare Jakuboniene, director of the Memorial Department of the Center of Genocide and Resistance; Vilma Juozevi?iūt? at the Museum of Genocide Victims; the Genocide and Resistance Research Center; Lithuanian Parliament; the Lithuanian Foundation; Rum?i?k?s Museum, and Karosta Prison in Latvia.

I am indebted to the following books that helped fill in the blanks: A Stolen Youth, a Stolen Homeland by Dalia Grinkevivi?iūt?, Sentence: Siberia by Ann Lehtmets and Douglas Hoile, Leave Your Tears in Moscow by Barbara Armonas, Lithuanians in the Arctic by the Laptevie?iai Organization, and The Psychology of Extreme Traumatization by Dr. Danute Gailiene.

And finally, to the extended family of Jonas ?epetys. Thank you for the continued love and support you have always shown our family. Your patriotism, loyalty, and sacrifice shall never be forgotten.

A?iū labai!

Ruta Sepetys's Books