Before She Was Found(82)
Do you want me to shut her up for you?
Case #92-10945
Excerpt from the journal of Cora E. Landry
Apr. 12, 2018
Today after school Violet came over. It’s been nice having a best friend, but I feel kind of weird ever since Joseph told me the mean things that she and Jordyn have been saying about me. I want to ask her about it, but I’m afraid to. I mean, I’m just happy that she’s talking to me again. Violet doesn’t act like she thinks I’m annoying and boring. She seems to like hanging out with me but I guess it could all be an act.
We grabbed a snack and ran upstairs to my bedroom and started doing our homework when someone pounded on the door. Violet and I screamed and we heard someone laughing from the hallway and then Jordyn walked in.
I don’t trust her. I can’t believe she has forgiven me for ruining our presentation and slapping her. Plus, Gabe has started sitting next to me at lunchtime again and he talks mostly to me. I counted the other day. Gabe talked directly to me five times and to Jordyn just two times. Jordyn didn’t like that at all. She kept trying to take over the conversation but Gabe pretty much ignored her.
Anyway, Jordyn barged in the room waving a piece of paper and practically screamed, “I’ve got a great idea. Let’s go find Wither!” Violet and I both said Shh at the same time.
She flopped down on my bed and we sat down next to her and Violet tried to grab the paper out of her hand, but she held it high over her head.
“Why would we want to find Joseph?” I asked Jordyn as if this was the craziest thing I’ve ever heard.
“Duh, because Joseph loves you, Corareef12,” she said. I nearly threw up. I looked over at Violet but she wouldn’t look me in the eye. She told Jordyn about DarkestDoor and the letters. She promised that we wouldn’t tell anyone about it, especially Jordyn. I wanted to cry and it was a miracle that I didn’t, but there was no way I was going to let Jordyn see me blubbering like a baby.
Later, Violet told me that she only told Jordyn about DarkestDoor and not about the letters he left for me. I don’t know if I believe her or not. Everyone in school probably knows about it now.
Jordyn took her own sweet time showing us the piece of paper she was holding. It ended up being a map she drew of town, but not a very good one. I asked her what the X’s meant and she said that the X’s were the places in town where Wither supposedly killed or kidnapped a girl over the years. There was an X by Locust Creek, one by the cemetery and another X in the train yard. Violet told her that she forgot a few.
“Oh, well, let’s just ask him,” Jordyn said and pulled up the DarkestDoor site on her phone.
For once in my life I stood up to Jordyn and took the phone out of her hand before she could post anything.
“Stop it!” I told her. “It was just a joke. I don’t even talk to him anymore.” This was a lie, of course.
But Jordyn wasn’t giving up. “This is perfect,” she said. “We’ll go to the train yard and once he shows up to grab Cora we’ll...” She crossed her hands over her neck in a choking motion and stuck out her tongue.
I kept saying what a stupid plan it was. How there was no way we could get to the depot without our parents finding out—which was a total lie. I still go back to the Primrose every few days to see if Wither left a note for me in the jar. Violet said that if we spent the night at her house there was a good chance we could sneak out and not get caught because her mom would go up to bed and leave us alone while we slept in their living room.
I looked at Violet and realized that she was full-in on this plan and not on my side anymore. Jordyn was winning. She was trying to take Gabe from me (okay, I know he’s not really mine, but I think he likes me) and she’s trying to take Violet from me, too.
I told them that going to Violet’s house wasn’t going to work because number one, my mom never lets me spend the night at anyone else’s house, and number two, Violet’s house is like four miles away from the train yard.
“I guess we’ll just have to go without you,” Jordyn said in a fakey voice that sounded like she felt bad but I knew she didn’t. The only thing worse than going to the train yard with Jordyn was to have her go there without me.
I said I would ask my mom if they could spend the night and Jordyn said she would bring the weapon because we needed to protect ourselves. Violet didn’t say much of anything. I think she knew I was mad at her. At five thirty my mom poked her head inside my room and said that Violet’s mom was there to pick her up. I didn’t say goodbye.
Text Message Exchange
Between Jordyn Petit and Violet Crow
Friday, April 13, 2018
Jordyn: I really think she believes this Wither crap.
Violet: Yeah. It’s pretty scary, though
Jordyn: Not you, too? You’re both such dorks
Jordyn: JK. Don’t be mad
Violet: It’s just creepy. Maybe we shouldn’t go
Jordyn: Srsly? Don’t chicken out now. Besides, it will be hilarious
Violet: IDK
Jordyn: Never mind. I’ll ask someone else to go. I thought you were up for it
Violet: I am!
Jordyn: K. CU Sunday
Interview of Jordyn Petit
Pitch Police Department
Officer Bree Wilson
Robert Peale—Attorney for Jordyn Petit
Wednesday, April 18, 2018