Beauty from Pain (Beauty, #1)(25)

I feel her reach for my hair and fist it, so I know I’m right where I need to be. I lick and suck her until her screams echo from every wall inside the cave. When she stops screaming, she’s statuesque across the dining table.

Good thing everyone’s gone for the next several days if she screams that loud every time she comes.

I crawl up her body, kissing it as I go until we’re face to face. She’s breathing heavily and appears dazed. She blinks several times to focus on my face. A smile spreads and I’m relieved to see that she’s not angry with me about the tactics I used to get her answer.

I place a kiss against her mouth and smile because I know this is only the beginning. “You won’t regret saying yes.”


Laurelyn Prescott

I lie on my back, naked from my waist down, across an ornate dining table and stare up at the ceiling. I’m lightheaded and dazed during my postorgasmic bliss. Drunk almost. I’m no innocent virgin, but this is new for me. Blake never made me feel like that, not that he ever tried.

I don’t want to think about him. I won’t let him ruin anything else for me.

I feel Lachlan kissing his way up my body and it takes a minute before I’m able to focus on him when he hovers above me. I see his smile and I know he’s pleased with my acceptance of his proposal. He didn’t play fairly, but he got what he wanted from me. That’s something I’ll need to remember in the future.

I wait for the sound of his zipper sliding down, but it doesn’t come. Instead, I hear him tell me how I won’t regret saying yes and I can’t argue because I know he’s right. The next three months are going to be extraordinary.

I find my voice and whisper, “Caveman.” That’s going to be my nickname for him.

He throws his head back laughing and I join in soon after. He’s so beautiful when he smiles. The happiness in his dazzling blue eyes is unmistakable. I’m elated because it’s all for me; I’m the one making him beam, and I couldn’t be happier about that.

He lowers his face to my neck and nuzzles it with his nose. I know he’s smelling me because I hear his long, deep intake of air followed by a sigh. “A caveman. You think that’s what I am, huh?”

I feel the warm rush of his breath against my skin and chills cover my body. “You definitely have caveman tendencies.”

He places a kiss against my neck and I lift my chin so he can have full access. “You don’t like my tendencies?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“I was only helping you say yes,” he reminds me, as if he’s afraid I have forgotten my agreement.

“I was coerced by a caveman,” I laugh. My laughter is cut off by my sharp intake of air when he runs his hand up my shirt to my naked nipple. He rolls it between his fingers and I feel it pebble from his touch all over again.

He sucks my earlobe and it’s a reminder of how it felt to have his mouth between my legs. He whispers against my ear. “But you’re not taking it back, are you?”

He’s coercing me again, but in a different way. He doesn’t realize it, but it’s unnecessary. Paige Beckett already belongs to him.

I think about how much fun his persuasion might be if I tell him I recant. I don’t mind his way of compelling me, but I decide it’s better to not push my luck since he warned me he gets what he wants. He claims to use reasonable means, but I don’t think that’s true after what he just did to me to get a simple yes. “No, I’m not taking it back.”

“Good. That’s what I hoped you say.” His mouth leaves my neck and he pushes himself up to stand. His touch is gone too soon and I suppress a whimper. He takes my hands in his and helps me from the table.

I stand wearing nothing from the waist down in front of him, and I feel vulnerable, even though I know this won’t be the last time I’m naked with this man. The thought makes me want to do my happy dance, but I decide to save it for later when I’m alone.

He picks up my panties and shorts from the stone floor and holds them out for me to step into, like an adult dressing a toddler. I balance by holding his shoulders, and he leans forward and inhales deeply before he places a kiss against my smooth mound. He makes me want to fall back across the table to have a second round, but I resist because I know he has other plans for me.

He pulls my panties and shorts up, and I’m frightened by how well I know this place I shouldn’t go. This man will be hazardous for my heart if I allow it. He’ll use me up if I let him. I know this without a doubt and remind myself of a lesson well learned not so long ago. Never confuse sex for love.

Right now, we’re black and white, but I vow that the second it becomes a hazy shade of cold steel gray, I will get out. No question about it.

He kisses my mouth as I fasten my shorts. I wonder if he does it because he’s curious to see my reaction—if I’ll kiss him back after he’s had his mouth between my legs. I kiss him hard and he smiles.

“Take a walk with me.” He clutches my hand and leads me through the maze of rooms toward the cave’s exit. I’m a little disappointed to leave and I hope he brings me back here again soon. I’m quite fond of his caveman ways.

We walk between two rows of vine-covered trellises that stretch as far as the eye can see. He’s quiet, but simply walking next to him is peaceful. My mind isn’t spinning in search of our next topic of conversation—for some reason, not talking is okay. Simply being next to him is enough to keep me content and that’s when I realize what is happening. He is right about this relationship. We feel relaxed with each other because there are no pretenses.

Georgia Cates's Books