Be with Me (Wait for You #2)(24)

She glanced over at the Jeep and grinned as she wiggled her fingers. “Have fun.”

Waving good--bye, I took a deep breath and made my way over to where he waited. He leaned over, opening the passenger door from the inside. Several locks of rich brown hair fell forward, brushing the tips of his lashes. Luke Bryan crooned from the radio.

“Hey there, pretty lady.”

“Hey.” I hoisted myself up and closed the door, overly pleased with his greeting. And I figured that wasn’t very healthy. Reaching for the seat belt, I looked over at him again and tried not to gawk.

No shirt.

Jase possibly—-and I was willing to bet money I didn’t have on it—-had the most perfectly formed body. Even sitting down, his abs were defined and appeared rock hard to touch. My gaze traveled over the ropy muscle of his forearm, visually tracing the intricate knotting of his tattoo.

“Got it?” he asked, giving me a lopsided grin.

Having no idea what he was talking about, I simply stared at him. He laughed softly as he reached over and took the seat belt from my hand. As he drew the strap across me, the back of his fingers brushed my chest.

I sucked in a soft gasp as raw sensation skittered through my veins.

The seat belt clicked into place as he lifted his chin. His eyes flashed silver. “Good?”

I nodded.

Still grinning, he returned to his seat and picked up the pink box I only noticed then. God, I wasn’t observant at all.

He handed it over to me. “I already ate half. Couldn’t wait.”

Smiling, I popped open the box and took a bite. I looked forward to the whole cupcake thing. There was something simply exciting about not knowing what I was about to taste.

One bite and I moaned. “Oh my God, is that Reese’s Pieces in this thing?”

He nodded. “Yep. That’s good shit right there, huh?”

“I want to marry it.”

Jase laughed deeply as he eased the Jeep away from the curb. I didn’t trust myself to speak until I finished off the cupcake and the thrill of his brief, and most likely accidental, touch had stopped racing from my veins, and by that time, we were on the main road, heading toward Martinsburg.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“It’s a surprise.” He slid me a sideways glance. “Though you might end up regretting the jeans. Weatherman was saying it was going to get up to the mideighties this afternoon.”

Which was unseasonably warm for early October, but whatever. “I’m fine.”

That one--sided grin tipped up. “That you are.”

Staring at him, a laugh burst free. “Did you . . . ? That was really . . .”


I shook my head, grinning like a complete fool. “That was pretty bad.”

He chuckled as he reached over, flipping the station to a blues channel. “I thought it was smooth.”

My mouth opened to ask why he was trying to be smooth, but luckily I stopped myself. That question would probably end up making me look like an idiot by the time it was answered.

Forcing my gaze to the window, I clasped my hands in my lap. “So . . . how are your classes going?”

I cringed at how lame the question sounded, but Jase didn’t appear to notice. “They’re going good. As long as I can get into the rest of my classes next semester, I’ll be graduating in the spring.”

“That’s great.” I smiled broadly, maybe a little too widely. I had no idea what Jase planned to do once he graduated, but I doubted he was going to stay around here. It shouldn’t even be a concern of mine. “Where are you going once you graduate?”

Jase shifted in the driver’s seat, keeping one hand on the steering wheel and the other resting on his leg. “Well, with a degree in environmental studies, I really could go anywhere, but I’ll stay here or commute into D.C. if I can get on with the Department of Interior or WVU. You know they’ve got an agricultural research center outside of Kearneysville.”

“You’re not leaving?” My question came fast.

“I can’t,” he said, and added quickly, “I mean, I like it here.”

I didn’t miss the sudden tensing of his shoulders. Nibbling my lower lip, I peeked at him again. “You can’t?”

He didn’t say anything as he reached forward, turning the station back to country music. Someone started singing about a tear in their beer, but I was hardly paying attention. What could he have meant by him not being able to leave? Nothing was holding him here. He seriously could go anywhere, especially if he did get in with the Department of Interior.

Running a hand through his messy mop of hair, he glanced over at me. “What about you?”

“Me?” He was so trying to change the subject.

“Yeah. You. Are you going to stay around here?” The derision in his voice caused me to stiffen. “Teaching?”

Indignation rose at his tone. “What is that supposed to mean?”

He laughed, but for some reason, it sounded dry and harsh. “Come on, Tess, teaching a bunch of elementary--school kids? Seriously?”

Twisting toward him, I crossed my arms. “Okay. I don’t get it. You acted like teaching was a good idea and I—-”

“It is a good idea, but it’s not . . .”

“What?” I demanded, getting all kinds of defensive. “It’s not what?”

J. Lynn, Jennifer L.'s Books