Awk-Weird (Ice Knights, #2)(84)

Ian didn’t need to look at his phone to confirm that it was way too late for that. When he’d pulled off the highway and onto the mile-long dirt road to the cabin, the guy on the local radio had just announced it was ten o’clock and warned everyone to get home before the snow got any worse. Anyway, the cabin was miles away from anything even slightly resembling a town.

“Yeah, good luck with that. It’s already snowing sideways out; you don’t want to be driving in the dark in that,” he said because he had enough shit to deal with without worrying about her stuck in a snowbank because he kicked her out. “You can have this room. We’ll figure it out in the morning.”

Shelby screwed up her mouth like she’d just sucked on a lemon and glared at him as if he controlled the weather or the Ice Knights’ PR queen Lucy Kavanagh. Finally, she let out a very unhappy huff. “Fine.”

Okay, one battle won. He’d take it. God knew he needed it.

He started toward the door, giving her—and her stun gun—a wide birth. “Hope you don’t talk in your sleep. I’d hate for you to go spilling any more life-ruining secrets.”

He could have sworn he heard her mumble something along the lines of “fuck you, asshole; it was an accident” as she slammed the door shut in his face. He definitely heard the lock being turned. He couldn’t blame her. The whole situation was a mess. First thing tomorrow, he’d find another cabin to sit and drink scotch in and growl at anyone who dared to cross his path. He’d rather go find a frozen hedge maze to wander until he turned into an icicle than to stay here with her. Glancing at the window, he saw the snow piling up fast on the drive. As long as it stopped by dawn, he’d be out of here before breakfast.

It was a great plan, and when he woke up the next morning to bright sunshine spilling in through the huge window looking out onto the front drive, he let out a contented sigh. This was what he’d wanted, fucking serenity now. Then he made the mistake of getting up from bed, walking over to the window, and glancing out.

There wasn’t a driveway anymore. The road back down the mountain to the highway was gone. Everything was covered in enough snow to obliterate any hope of an escape.

The unmistakable, might-just-break-glass pitch of Shelby’s voice forced its way past his closed door. “Have you seen all the stupid snow? Neither of us is going anywhere.”

The sound jabbed him right in the eardrum and he winced.

His life was so fucked right now that he couldn’t even manage to be alone so he could contemplate the dark pit of his existence while nursing a scotch and his misery. Instead, he was trapped here—with the woman who’d turned his life into a hellscape.

Things couldn’t possibly get any worse.

Author’s Note

Trivia facts taken from,, Centers for Disease Control, The Dodo, The Catnip Times, Wikipedia, Science Daily, The Knot, Ava’s Flowers, Lifehacker, Supply Time, Love Your Drapery, Visit Denver, Huffpost,, Mental Floss, Smithsonian,,,, NASA,


I made this entire book happen all by myself. Only me. No one else. Ha! Yeah, that would be such a nightmare. Y’all don’t want to know how badly I abuse the poor comma or overindulge in the word “just.” A big thank-you hug to my partner in crime Liz for her editing genius. The entire team at Entangled works magic behind the scenes and does their absolute best not to let me go off the rails. They try, they really try. Thank you so much, Stacy, Curtis, Jessica, and the rest of the team! As always, I would never be able to function without the solid advice and stop-whining tough love from Robin Covington and Kimberly Kincaid. They really are the best friends I could have. They have to put up with so much and yet they still talk to me. AMAZING! And a huge thank-you for my family; I have no idea what I’d do without you. I love you 3,000.

About the Author

Avery Flynn has three slightly wild children, loves a hockey-addicted husband, and is desperately hoping someone invents the coffee IV drip. Find out more about Avery on her website, follow her on Twitter, like her on her Facebook page, or friend her on her Facebook profile. Join her street team, The Flynnbots, on Facebook. Also, if you figure out how to send Oreos through the internet, she’ll be your best friend for life.

Don’t miss the Ice Knights series…

Parental Guidance?

Avery Flynn's Books