Assail (Malazan Empire, #6)(21)
Malle now inclined her head to him in farewell and urged her donkey onward. Her guard of some ten men and women moved on with her. There came abreast of him a man in old patched clothes much travel-stained, limping and walking with the aid of a staff. His face was a patchwork of scars, the nose a mere knob of tissue and his lips twisted. Fisher realized he knew him: Holden of Cawn, mage of Serc, and a man he knew to also be an imperial Claw – a spy and operative for the throne.
Holden grinned his mutual recognition. ‘Fisher. Come for the show, hey? Count on you to be where the action is.’
Fisher shot his glance forward to Malle’s back. ‘Count on the Empire to keep an eye on its prominent citizens.’
‘Bah.’ The man spat, then grimaced as he struggled to keep up with the column. ‘Retired now. Forcefully. “Served honourably”, they said. “More than earned your time of ease.”’ He thrust a finger to his ruined face. ‘Too shop-worn and mangled to be of any more use, I say.’
Fisher smiled indulgently. ‘Yet here you are.’
‘Job’s a job. An’ this one might provide damnably well, hey?’ Fisher said nothing more. The man wasn’t about to admit to anything – if there was anything to admit. Holden gestured to the travois. ‘What’s this one’s story?’
‘Don’t know yet.’ Just on the off chance, he motioned the mage over. ‘Recognize him?’
Holden limped closer to bend down. ‘No. Got some silver in his hair. Not too many of ’em have that, I believe. Though – what do we really know ’bout the Andii anyways, hey?’
True enough. Their society and ways were alien to humans. And he, Fisher, knew all about alienness. He steadied the travois as it jerked and clattered over the stones. ‘We’d better stop soon – unless our self-appointed leader plans to march us into the ground?’
‘Naw. Just a half-hike to put some room ’tween us and Holly. We’ll set up camp soon enough, I imagine.’ He rubbed his leg, wincing. ‘Better be, anyways. M’pin’s killing me an’ us hardly started.’
The travois almost tipped as one branch climbed a large rock. Fisher saw that he’d have to spend much more attention on it. He nodded his farewell to Holden. ‘I hope to sit down for a long talk.’
The mage nodded. ‘Till then.’
Walking alongside the travois, Fisher studied his unconscious charge while the Andii rocked and jerked in the bindings that held him wrapped in place. And what of you, friend? What if you never regain consciousness? He’d heard of such cases – men and women half drowned who never awoke. Theirs was a slow death of starvation. How many days should he wait before granting the mercy of a hand pressed over the nose and mouth?
Do not make me wait so long that I grow tired of all my poetic speculation, friend.
* * *
In the end it was all so very much easier than Shimmer had imagined. She simply gave commands and they were carried out. At first she was loath to give any orders at all; her tone and wording was far from commanding. She almost winced as she spoke, as if expecting at any moment to be challenged, or defied.
Yet none of these imaginings arose. Guardsmen and women saluted and things got done. No one asked where K’azz was, or why he was not here to voice the commands himself. Still, whenever a Guard answered, ‘Yes, Commander,’ she could not help but almost glance behind, as if expecting to find him there.
Blues crossed the Sea of Chimes to the other main Guard fortress, Recluse, to ready his command for transport. Shimmer organized things here in Haven. Of the Guard, she had her usual command, the Second Company. However, she remained sensitive to the First Company, Skinner’s old unit, once disavowed by K’azz but now returned to the Guard. To show she bore no grudges she selected Black the Lesser to accompany her. And so was he reunited with his brother, Black the Elder. And Bars, of course, of Cal-Brinn’s command, would guide them. Jacinth, once Skinner’s lieutenant, was now in command of the First and would remain behind to work with Tarkhan.
Of the remaining Guard mages, she would take Petal and Gwynn. Blues himself was of course a skilled mage of D’riss, the Warren of stone and earth. And there was always Cowl, once High Mage of the Guard, though she knew she could not count upon the man. Mara, Lor-sinn, Red, Shell and Sour would remain, leaving her confident that Stratem would be well defended. She also understood that Blues planned to leave Recluse under Fingers’ command. The decision left her uneasy; she’d always considered Fingers a touch unreliable. And his sojourn in Korel seemed to have only worsened his … eccentricities. But it was Blues’ call and so she did not object.
She sent messenger after messenger into the vast interior of Stratem, searching for K’azz to inform him of the impending journey, and still no answer came. She sent another message via the fallen brothers and sisters of the Guard, the Brethren. Her unease mounted with each day that passed without word. How could they journey without him? Moreover, the best vessel to be had was hardly adequate: a fat merchantman more suited to hauling cargoes of lumber or pots of wine. Yet it was all that was available – she ordered it loaded and victualled.
The day before they were to depart K’azz had still not appeared. All the messengers had returned; none had found him. That night Shimmer laid out her replacement coat of mail on a table and oiled it thoroughly, as she did her whipsword, in preparation for the ocean crossing. Once they landed it would be back to simple rubbing with sand and such to remove any rust.