Any Way You Want It (Brand Clan #2)(53)

The Brands had always been there for Zandra, cheering her on at every important event, giving her the strength and courage to believe that she could transcend the horrors of her home life. If Racquel’s high school graduation hadn’t coincided with Zandra’s college commencement ceremony, the Brands would have found a way to make it to England to show their support.

Zandra’s mother and grandmother were gone, but they hadn’t left her without a family.

The Brands were her family. Always had been. Always would be.

When she appeared on the patio, they greeted her with such affectionate enthusiasm, she almost forgot that they’d recently vacationed together in the Caribbean. After she kissed Remy’s parents and grandparents, she sauntered over to the grill and laughed as Royce caught her, lifted her off the ground and swung her around before setting her back on her feet.

“Hey, baby girl.” He playfully tweaked her nose. “You’re just in time to be served the first burger, hot off the grill.”

“Oh, no,” Zandra protested, patting her stomach. “After the way I stuffed myself at the Taste, I couldn’t possibly eat another thing.”

Royce guffawed. “When has Za-Za ever turned down food?”

She grinned sheepishly as everyone laughed. Her huge appetite had been a running joke in the family for as long as she could remember. She loved to eat, and even now she couldn’t deny that her mouth was watering at the aroma of steaks, burgers and hot dogs sizzling on the grill.

Royce grabbed a paper plate. “Let me hook you up with a burger.”

She surrendered with a sigh. “Okay. If you insist.” She paused. “While you’re at it, add two of those beef kabobs.”

Royce laughed uproariously. “That’s my girl.”

Edging closer, River hummed appreciatively. “I don’t know where you’re putting all that food, Za,” he drawled, slowly looking her over, “but it sure ends up in all the right places.”

Remy scowled and slapped the back of his brother’s head, drawing another round of laughter from everyone.

Gathered on the large brick patio, they spent the rest of the afternoon feasting on Royce’s mouthwatering barbecue, grilled corn on the cob, and Robyn’s scrumptious pasta and potato salads. They teased one another, howled with laughter and chattered animatedly, several conversations often running at once. When Zeus roused himself from his nap and sidled up to the table, Mackenzie snuck scraps of food into his mouth, and was gently scolded by her mother.

“Aw, leave the child alone, Robyn,” Royce Senior interjected. “You and your siblings used to feed Zeus human food all the time, and it certainly never hurt him. Heck, that ol’ hound might outlive us all.”

Everyone laughed in agreement.

Throughout the boisterous meal, even when Zandra wasn’t looking at Remy, she knew that he watched her. She felt the naked heat of his gaze as palpably as she felt the sun on her skin, and it made her shiver every time.

She didn’t appreciate the way he’d manipulated her into accompanying him to London. But she hadn’t wanted to call his bluff by daring him to take Noelani instead. She knew he would have gone through with it, if for no other reason than to torment her. And she definitely would have been tormented as she imagined him wining and dining Noelani and making love to her with the same passion and intensity he’d unleashed upon Zandra.

But she knew jealousy hadn’t been the only motivating factor in her decision to go away with Remy. The truth was that she wanted to be with him. Wanted it more than she should have.

She didn’t know where their relationship was headed. She’d been telling herself that they were just two old friends enjoying a casual summer fling, one that allowed them to satisfy each other’s sexual needs without expecting or demanding more.

But as she held Remy’s gaze across the table, she knew that their summer fling was becoming so much more than that.

And it terrified her like nothing ever had before.

Because this was Remy, the man who knew her better than any other man she’d ever known. If anyone could hurt her, if anyone could deal a mortal blow to her fractured soul, it was Remy.

As day drifted into evening, Zandra found herself curled up on the cushioned wicker sofa between Bernadette and Grandma Eleanor.

After dinner, Racquel had left to meet a date for drinks, while Robyn had escorted her brood inside the house to watch a movie. Lena had followed, yawning hugely as she rubbed her full belly and joked about needing a nap. At the other end of the patio, Royce Senior and Papa Desmond were huddled intently over a chessboard, oblivious to the rowdy shouts and laughter coming from the yard where the rest of the men were playing football.

Zandra watched as Royce’s son, Parker, hiked the ball to Remy, who dropped back, scanned the yard for his receiver and lobbed a deep spiral that River caught for a touchdown. Remy laughed and pumped his fist as River swaggered over, and the two brothers celebrated with macho chest bumps and high fives. Then Remy walked over to their other nephew, Rocco, the defender who’d gotten burned. He consoled the sulking boy, affectionately rubbing the back of his head until Rocco relented with a surly grin.

The scene had Zandra’s lips curving with amused pleasure.

Bernadette sighed contentedly. “It’s wonderful to see Remy looking so happy and relaxed again.”

“Umm-hmm,” Grandma Eleanor agreed. “Does my heart good.”

Maureen Smith's Books