Any Way You Want It (Brand Clan #2)(47)

“Really? That’s wonderful, Remy.”

He made a face. “You know I’m not big on public speaking, but I figure my attendance will be good for business.” He paused. “I was going to ask you to go with me.”

“To London?”

“No. The moon.” He chuckled. “Of course London. Go with me.”

Her expression turned wary. “I don’t know.”

“Come on. You haven’t been back to London in years, and I know how much you loved living there when you were at Oxford.”

A soft, reminiscent smile touched her mouth. “I did. And I always enjoy visiting whenever I can.”

“So come with me,” Remy cajoled. “We’ll have fun, and you can show me some of your old hangouts.”

He could tell the idea appealed to her. But she wavered, tugging her lush lower lip between her teeth.

“Let me think about it and get back to you.”

Remy swallowed his disappointment. “Fair enough. In the meantime—”

She let out a squeak of surprise as he suddenly scooped her out of the chair and into his arms, then sat down and pulled her onto his lap. The lush curve of her ass sent an instant rush of heat to his groin.

“What do you think you’re doing?” she demanded teasingly.

He nipped her ear. “Reclaiming my chair, woman.”

She giggled, reaching across the desk and picking up the remote control to the hologram schematics. “What’s this?” she asked curiously.

“Nothing for you to worry about,” Remy murmured, smoothly plucking the device out of her hand.

“Ooh. Sounds top secret.”

“It is. If you saw it, I’d have to kill you.”

She looked over her shoulder at his face. “That’s not funny.”

“Sorry. It was a joke...sort of.” Nuzzling the nape of her neck, he savored the scent of her skin, an elusive fragrance he’d never smelled on any other woman. He wished he could bottle it.

“So,” she began casually, “I spoke to Noelani this morning.”

He instinctively tensed. “Yeah?”


“What’d she say?” Remy asked, matching her casual tone.

Zandra hesitated. “She said she had a wonderful time with you.”


“Yeah.” Another pregnant pause. “She thought you were very handsome and charming, and she said she wouldn’t mind going out with you again if you’re ever interested.”

Remy smiled. “Good to know,” he murmured, loosening Zandra’s ponytail and sifting his fingers through her soft, thick hair.

She purred in her throat, arching against him like a contented feline. Lust heated his blood.

“So are you?” she whispered.

Remy buried his face in her fragrant hair, closing his eyes. “Am I what?”

“Are you interested in seeing her again?”


“Remy,” Zandra warned.

He chuckled softly. “I had a great time with Noelani. She’s a beautiful woman, like you promised.”

“So is that a yes?”

Some perverse impulse made him respond, “I wouldn’t mind going out with her again.”

“I see.” There was an edge to Zandra’s voice. “Are you going to set up another date with her then?”

He swept her hair over one shoulder. “Maybe.”

“That’s not an answer.”

He pressed an openmouthed kiss to her nape, making her shiver. “Why are you so concerned?” he murmured, sliding her shirt aside as he nibbled his way across her bare shoulder. “Aren’t you dating what’s-his-name?”

“Don’t change the subject.”

“Answer my question.”

She let out a deep, shuddering breath. “I’m not dating Colin. I told him we should just be friends.”

If she’d been facing Remy, she would have seen the slow, satisfied smile that curved his mouth.

“Just friends, huh?”

“Yes. Are you satisfied?”

“Very. Speaking of satisfaction...”

Zandra gave him a sultry look over her shoulder, her hips provocatively undulating against his crotch. His dick hardened even more, straining against the seam of his pants.

“Oh, my...” Zandra purred wickedly.

He leaned forward and kissed her, running his tongue over the plump bottom lip that had been tormenting him. She let out a soft moan, sending another jolt of lust to his groin.

He opened her mouth with his tongue and slid inside. She tasted so damn good. Sweeter than the sweetest honey.

“Should we be doing this right now?” she murmured.

“Doesn’t matter. We’re going to.”

She didn’t protest as he hiked her denim skirt up around her waist and reached between her thighs. She gasped at the brush of his fingertips as he pushed aside the damp strip of her thong. He eased his middle finger inside her creamy wetness, and almost lost his mind.

She was soaked. So soaked he had to have her. Not later. Now.

He fumbled down his zipper, gripped his throbbing cock and slid inside her, groaning as her soft flesh expanded around him.

She moaned, her head falling back as she slowly spread her thighs, taking him deeper.

Maureen Smith's Books