
The floor vibrates as the garage opens and I hear Jake pull inside. Heart racing, I jump off the couch and open the door. He’s dressed in a pair of jeans, tennis shoes, and his snug, dark-gray hooded sweatshirt. I hardly ever see him dressed casually, but he pulls it off just as well as the suits he wears.

He walks in and kisses me. “Good morning. I was hoping to find you naked on the bed,” he teases.

I roll my eyes. “I thought about it, but I can’t stop thinking about your surprise. What is it?”

“Just a sec, cupcake. Let me get in and get settled.” He laughs, bypassing me to the kitchen. He sets his keys and carry on down and grabs a banana from the fruit basket. The smirk on his face is driving me insane.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I watch him peel the banana and take a few bites. I tap my foot impatiently, and loud enough so he can hear it. “You seem to be taking the news about everything pretty well.”

His eyes flash with anger, but he closes them and takes a deep breath. “Trust me, Ellie, I’m not. However, I do think that what I’m about to tell you is going to help with that.”

He finishes his banana and walks over to me, taking my hands in his. “When I was in Arizona, Gary offered me something. Apparently, him and Randy have been discussing some new building plans.” Gary is one of the project managers out there. I’ve heard Jake talk about him on numerous occasions.

“What is it?” I ask. Jake’s smile widens, and I hold my breath.

He squeezes my hand. “Gary wants me to be the lead project manager and architect for a new medical facility out in Phoenix. Randy doesn’t want me to take it, but I think it’s for the best. We need to get away.”

Letting his hands go, I step back. “What does that mean exactly?” It must not be the reaction he’s looking for because his smile fades. My mind is a jumbled mess. If they want him to play such a huge role for a project, that will mean . . .

Sighing, Jake closes the distance and cups my face. “It means that in two months, Gary wants us to move to Arizona.”

“Two months? Have you lost your mind? What am I going to do about the bakery?” I flourish my hands about the room. “And our house?” I also don’t want to leave my family. Tears spring to my eyes and he wipes them away.

“It’s only temporary,” he murmurs, his voice low. “The bakery can stay as it is and we can still keep the house. We’ll be coming back, Ellie.”

“What am I supposed to do in Arizona while you’re doing your thing?”

Eyes twinkling, he lets me go so he can reach into his back pocket. He pulls out a folded white envelope and hands it to me. “Open it.”

It’s already been opened, so I lift the flap and slide the paper out from inside, only it’s not just paper. It’s a check. A mighty large one at that . . . $500,000.00 to be exact. Mouth gaping, I stare at it, completely dumbfounded.

Jake slips it from my grasp and sets it on the table. “That’s my bonus if we accept, Ellie. We can find us a house in Arizona, and the rest we can use to open up another bakery. Think about the possibilities of making Sweet Sensations a chain.”

That thought excites me more than anything. It’ll be a lot of work, but if the bakery does well, I could possibly open more places in the United States.

Jake releases a heavy sigh, drawing me away from my thoughts. “Furthermore, it’ll get us away from here for a while. Hence, your psycho fucktard of an ex can’t stalk you. I know you’ll be happy about that.” That’s a huge relief. “And once Owen finds him, we’ll get a restraining order. If not, I’ll kill him, and we’ll be done with it.”

I shake my head. “And then you’ll get arrested for murder. That doesn’t help me, especially if we start a family.”

A sad expression crosses his face and he lowers his head. “You’re right. But with us being in Arizona, it gets us away from it all.”

“You’re right, it does.”

His head snaps up, blue eyes looking more hopeful. “Are you saying we can do this?”

I kiss him hard and jump in his arms. “Yes,” I squeal. “You got me with the whole bakery part. I’m going to miss my family though. My mother’s going to be sad.” Our lips connect again, this time more gently.

“I know,” he replies from around my lips. Pulling back, he smiles. “But your parents are more than welcome to visit us any time. Two years will fly by fast. And who knows, you might want to stay out there longer.”

I doubt it, but I’m not about to tell him that. Pinecrest is my home. Arizona will be an adventure, but I want my children close to my roots. That is, if we ever get pregnant.

“Call your parents and I’ll call Owen. Let’s invite them over for dinner. That way, we can tell them all together.”

“I’ll make a chocolate cake. Maybe that’ll help smooth things over with my parents.” It’s wishful thinking. My parents aren’t going to like me leaving one bit.

* * *

We get through our grilled chicken and roasted potatoes dinner, and then I bring out the chocolate cake. My parents have a nervous excitement about them, probably thinking I’m pregnant. Owen stares at us curiously because he knows something’s up.

I cut everyone a piece of cake and sit back down. My mother is too giddy to eat it. “So . . . what’s going on?” she asks, bouncing in her seat.

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