An Unforgettable Lady (An Unforgettable Lady #1)(58)

He turned away and walked into his room. She heard his door shut quietly and realized it was the first time he'd closed her out.

In the silence, reality came back and hit Grace so hard she felt like crying out. She looked down in mute shock at the ruined gown. With fumbling hands, she pulled the bodice back up so that her breasts were covered and went to her room.

She couldn't bring herself to look at his door as she passed by.

* * *

Grace's first thought the next morning was that maybe it had all been a crazy nightmare. Then she looked over and saw the torn dress hanging off a chair.

Oh, God. She really had tried to seduce him and he really had turned her down.

Groaning, she went into the bathroom and took two aspirin. After having a shower, she threw on her thick robe and went out into the hall.

His door was ajar.

"Smith?" she said softly. When there was no answer, she walked into the room

One bed had been slept in, or at least sat on. Two pillows were propped against the wall and a book was splayed out on top of the covers. The other bed was neatly made and had his leather jacket and the tuxedo draped at the foot of it.

She was about to leave when she saw his wallet on the antique bureau. Next to it were his gun, holster, and a set of keys.

“ Looking for something?”

Her eyes flew up to the mirror over the bureau. He was standing in the doorway with a cup of coffee in his hand. He looked rakishly handsome, wearing only a white T-shirt and that pair of low-hanging black pants. Her mouth went dry as she thought about kissing him and she wanted to curse. There seemed to be no end to her vivid imagination or her willingness to throw herself at him. After last night, she should have learned a thing or two.

"Shower's free," she said.

She left quickly, trying not to notice the wide berth he gave her when she walked by him. As she went to her room and began to dress, she decided that she'd gone from one extreme to another. From an ice queen to a harlot.

Not exactly an improvement, she thought ruefully.

* * *

When Grace and John came into the office on Monday morning, Kat looked up from her desk with a grin. "The place has been hopping today. Mr. Lamont has already stopped by twice. There are ten messages for you to return. Oh, and the caterers called. They said Fredrique had come by and discussed the Gala menu with them. They seemed a little confused, but they're sending you a first pass on the food anyway. I think they were under the impression he wasn't involved this year."

"He isn't." Grace swallowed her irritation.

"Oh, and one more thing. A Lieutenant Marks just called you from the NYPD. Said you'd know what it was about."

Smith's cell phone went off and he put it up to his ear.

Grace felt her stomach flip-flop.

As they stepped into her office and closed the doors, she heard him say, "Yes, I'm with her now."

Grace watched Smith anxiously as she sat down. He was on the phone for a few more minutes but she couldn't tell anything by his monosyllabic responses.

As soon as he hung up, she said in a frozen voice," Who?”

He came around the desk, getting closer to her than he had for days. His eyes were gentle and that terrified her.

"Who?" she repeated.

"They won't release the name because they're still trying to notify the family. It happened last night. A maid found the body."

Grace shut her eyes.

She felt his hand cover hers and thought it was the first time he had touched her since that awful scene on the night of her birthday.

"It's a good thing we're going to Newport this weekend, isn't it," she said with false bravado. "They all seem to die in New York."

She tried to smile gamely and couldn't pull it off. Grimly, she glanced over to the windows so he wouldn't see her fear.

"Look at me. Grace?" Reluctantly, she shifted her eyes to him. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

"I want to believe that."

When Kat buzzed in that her first meeting had arrived, John went over to the conference table.

Grace pressed the intercom button and said she needed a moment.

She was thinking of Mimi Lauer and picked up the phone. The idea that Isadora could be dead was horrifying and she needed to talk with someone who knew firsthand exactly how out of control and saddened she felt.

When voice mail kicked in, she left a message.

As she hung up the phone, she felt a fine sheen of sweat break out across her forehead. A wave of dizziness followed closely on the flash of heat in her body, turning her vision into a checkerboard. Trying to draw breath through lungs that had turned to stone, she told herself she wasn't going to die. Nobody died because of anxiety. You'd just rather be dead.

She winced, thinking of the killer and the woman who had just been murdered.

That was one expression she wasn't going to use anymore.



That night, Grace could not get to sleep. After an hour of trying in vain, she wandered out to the kitchen.

Earlier that evening, she'd taken a couple of potential donors to the Congress for dinner, in hopes of securing an auction piece. Trying to concentrate on business had been impossible and maybe that was why she'd been turned down when she'd asked the Staffords for their collection of Early American needlework. The samplers would have been a good auction item. Even though they weren’t as flashy as the Franklin/Jefferson letters, the pieces were still noteworthy for their rarity and excellent condition.

Jessica Bird's Books