Always(Time for Love Book 4)(56)

“Or Greg,” Brenna quipped.

Gemma pouted. “If only.”

The other women gasped.

“Oh my God, Gem. You like Greg?” Rebecca asked.

“Hey, come on, Mrs. Carmichael,” Gemma said. “You know it’s not hard to develop a crush on a Carmichael brother. Greg is just as hunky and hot as your husband. And your fiancé,” she said to Sarah.

“We know that,” Sarah said. “It would be great if you and Greg end up together!”

“Yeah, right. Dream on, girls,” Gemma said. “Not only is the man a confirmed bachelor, but he hasn’t shown any romantic interest in me whatsoever. And since he’s the last single Carmichael, don’t you notice how every woman out there wants to snare him? If I were a man in his shoes, why would I want to tie myself down to one woman when there’s a plethora clamouring for my attention? No. Greg seems more trouble than he’s worth.”

“I guess you have a point,” Amanda said.

“Gosh, he’s hot, though. I wonder what sex with him is like?” Gemma mused.

Brenna laughed. “Listen to you!”

Gemma rolled her eyes. “Ugh, I know. It must be this place. Or thinking about what it’s like in those private cottages. How romantic.”

“Hey, girls,” Sarah said. “Are we going to let Gemma give up on her New Year’s resolution, even though there’s still time?”

“No,” Brenna, Amanda and Rebecca said in unison.

“What do you mean?” Gemma whined.

“You still have a few days left,” Sarah said. “At least try to fulfil the part where you have someone to kiss at the stroke of midnight. Forget about the happily-ever-after for now.”

Gemma sighed. “I don’t want to be the pathetic one who stands there all by my lonesome while you all kiss your men. But what choice do I have?”

“You know, Gem, you didn’t even ask one guy out, and you had all year,” Amanda said.

“I haven’t met one who was commitment material,” Gemma justified.

“Is that really it? Or are you all talk and no action?” Amanda demanded.

“There wasn’t anyone interesting enough,” she said weakly.

Brenna looked at the other women. “Girls,” she said quietly. “How about we promise not to kiss our men on New Year’s Eve unless Gem has someone to kiss herself.”

The other three nodded their heads eagerly.

“I can’t ask you to do that!” Gemma cried. “It's not fair to you. You all fulfilled the resolution. You should go ahead and pash to your heart’s content. Besides, where am I gonna find one?”

“Jeff invited a handful of single friends, and so has Connor,” Sarah said. “I’d say there’d be at least eight of them unattached, including Greg. You can practice on them. Flirt outrageously. Kiss one or two on New Year’s Eve. Just have fun! Those guys won’t bat an eyelash. They’re used to being approached by women. Then, when we’re back in Sydney, you’ll have more confidence doing it with a man you like.”

Gemma made a mewling noise.

“See? It’s all because you’re scared,” Rebecca said with a shake of the head. “And to think our group New Year’s resolution was your idea.”

“Fine,” Gemma said with a sigh. “I’ll think about it. Now let me go back and practice for tomorrow night. Bren, as I’ve said, keep Ash away.”

“No problem.” All the earlier talk about sex already had Brenna looking forward to seeing Ash again.


Brenna patted her palms with a serviette. Geez, they were getting sweaty. She shouldn’t be the one to get so anxious. Gemma had more right than her to feel the nerves. Her friend was the one who’d be playing the piano while singing a song she’d written for Ash.

It had taken Brenna five days to write the words to the song. Gemma had been working with a musician friend of hers to create a melody for it. She’d heard the final version just before they left Sydney, and it was beautiful. She couldn’t wait for Ash to hear it.

Most people had already finished their desserts. Jeff, Sarah, Connor and Amanda had already made short speeches, thanking the guests for attending their engagement party. Any second now, the MC would request Gemma to make her way to the front, where a band had been playing for them during dinner.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” the MC said.

Ah, here was the announcement. Brenna glanced at Gemma, who smiled nervously. She gave her an encouraging wink.

There was a delighted murmur, then clapping, from the crowd when the MC announced that a professional pianist from Sydney was now going to play a few pieces.

Brenna watched while Gemma gracefully made her way to the stage, fierce pride hitting her. Gemma was a talented pianist who made her living teaching kids how to play the piano. But she’d never performed in front of a crowd that included some very wealthy and famous people. What was more, she’d be singing too! A song no one had ever heard of and that Brenna had written.

Oh, God. Now Brenna felt sick too—for herself and for Gemma.

Her heart was in her throat for her friend, but she calmed herself down. Gemma was a phenomenal talent. She’d blow everyone’s socks off.

Ash reached for her hand from under the table.

Miranda P. Charles's Books