All the Feels (Spoiler Alert #2)(90)
She was still curled on her side, facing away from him, her breathing steady and slow. Carefully, he smoothed some of her soft, fine hair away from her face, and nope. Not a flicker of consciousness. Her eyes were closed, her face relaxed, her body still.
He’d worn her out. Wren, who normally woke at the first alarm and tolerated his snooze-function habit with exasperated bafflement.
He felt like a goddamn king. No, a god.
This occasion called for a T-shirt.
He’d arrange that ASAP, as soon as they were back home. In the meantime, he could and would gloat verbally. But not right now, because she needed her sleep, and he had an appointment to keep. Unfortunately.
He got dressed in silence and scrawled a quick note, leaving it on the nightstand. Unable to resist, he pressed a light kiss to her forehead before closing the door so carefully, it barely made a click.
Zach’s text last night—fresh from being unblocked—had specified a secluded spot outdoors, one on the other side of the expansive hotel grounds from the wedding ceremony later that day. Nestled between a garden and the surrounding redwoods, the seating area should be far enough away from everyone and everything else to discourage eavesdroppers.
When Alex arrived, Zach was already there, sunglasses on and blond hair slicked back, tapping away at his phone.
At his client’s approach, he held up a finger. “One minute.”
No breakfast meant no medication, so Alex paced the little clearing while he waited. Probably he should have woken up even earlier to eat, but it wouldn’t take his agent long to say no one wants to work with you, have a nice life, or don’t for that matter, byeeeeee.
With one last swipe of his finger, Zach finished his task, then set his phone on the little wooden table between the two Adirondack chairs and gestured for Alex to sit.
Alex shook his head. “No meds yet. I need to move.”
Zach rolled his eyes, and—that. That was why Alex would have severed ties long ago, if he hadn’t felt guilty and responsible for his onetime friend and longtime business partner.
If Zach had rolled his eyes at Lauren, he’d have been out on his ass in a heartbeat. So why had Alex let his agent disrespect him for so long? Why so much guilt, when Zach had made plenty of money through their partnership and built a very healthy, very successful client roster?
“I’m delighted that you’re willing to take my calls now.” The sourness in Zach’s voice puckered his mouth. “But since the only unexpected news came in overnight, so be it. Before then, it was only more people withdrawing your name for consideration in various roles.”
Unexpected news?
Alex halted in front of Zach, idly rocking back and forth on his heels. “What’s up?”
Zach took off his sunglasses and laid them on the table too. “To keep up with its streaming-service competitors, StreamUs is rapidly expanding its original programming, both scripted and reality based. They’re willing to spend big to acquire unique talent and build buzz. Right now, between your Con of the Gates debacle and recent videos, very few people in Hollywood have as much buzz as you. For good or ill.”
“They want—” Alex frowned, utterly taken aback. “They want to cast me in something?”
Well, he was certainly available. His willingness, however, depended on the project.
“In case you haven’t noticed, your travel videos have gone viral, Alex. As of this moment”—Zach checked his phone—“they have over twenty million views each, and StreamUs paid attention. They want to build a reality travel show around you. Film your adventures on the road.”
Twenty million? Holy shit.
Zach’s lips curved into a small, pleased smile, the first Alex had seen from him in months. “The hook is that it’s uncensored and unpredictable. Your raw reactions. No bleeping, no telling you to tone yourself down. It’ll be targeted toward adults. Your inability to stop running your mouth or control what comes out of it will actually be an asset for once.”
Fuck, that actually sounded—fun?
“I hope you’re interested, because I don’t think other offers are coming.” Zach leaned forward, all the anger that had accompanied their recent interactions abruptly gone. “If you want a career in Hollywood, this is your way back in. The only way.”
Work. Work he’d actually enjoy. Work that would allow him to continue supporting his mother, his charity, and Dina, and maybe even offer a comfortable life to—
His belly dropped, and he sat with a thump on the remaining Adirondack chair.
If he was out on the road all the time, where would Wren be?
His agent was still laying out the details. “They want you to have a partner, like in your videos. They’re looking for banter. A bit of flirty tension. That sort of thing.”
Oh, thank Christ.
“Then we’re set. Lauren can be my partner.” Alex grinned at his agent, renewed excitement kindling in his veins. “They can have the exact chemistry they loved from the videos, and I can have her with me. Win-win.”
She wouldn’t even need to pick between her two shitty job options. No ER, no therapy bros. Win-win-win.
Zach’s mouth opened, then closed.