All That She Can See(81)
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Out July 2018
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Oh, I do love this bit! Thanking all the incredible people that helped make this book in your hands a reality.
Firstly, where would I be without my brilliant agent Hannah Ferguson! Your continued support, advice and faith in me is astounding and I can’t thank you enough for all you do! My editor, Manpreet Grewal, I honestly don’t know how you do it. I send you mad idea after mad idea and you warmly embrace each and every one. I dread the day you tell me I’ve gone too far! Stephanie Melrose, book flapper extraordinaire, ‘come forth’ and accept your thanks! Book events and signings can be daunting experiences but I know if you’re at the helm, all will go swimmingly. To the designer, Bekki Guyatt, and illustrator, Helen Crawford-White, of this book’s cover: you’ve done it again! Beautiful, as always! To Thalia Proctor, Amy Donegan, Marie Hrynczak and the Sales team, especially Sara Talbot: your work on my work… works. Thank you SO MUCH for everything you do! Also, to the whole team at Little, Brown, you’re the dream team! Please never leave my side?!
Secondly, to my incredible, crazy (or incredibly crazy) family. Mum and Dad, I think all my characters have dysfunctional parental relationships because all I’ve ever known is a brilliant one and so evil mothers and fathers who aren’t there for their daughters have only ever been fiction. I love you both so much and you’re both responsible for this overactive imagination. I hope you’re happy! Tom, Gi, Buzz and Buddy AKA SUPERFAM! You’re like a human wall of wonder and a constant source of inspiration and love. Thank you! And, of course, my nan and grandad. I’ll be round for cake and tea more often, I promise. <3
Thirdly, to all at Curtis Brown who constantly support my endeavours and indulge my crazy moments where I want to take on everything all at once. You come to every opening night and you’re there for hugs, tears and drinks at closing and every single one of you is a gem. Alastair, Helen, Fran, Jess, Emma and Flo. You’re the dream team.
Fourthly, to everyone who helped inspire the character and the story within these pages. (This list may be a long one.) This book was written spanning three casts in three different shows, so to the cast of the UK tour of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, you’re all marvellous creatures who put up with me turning down nights out in order to sit in bed in my slippers with a cup of tea to finish the next chapter. The Chitty lot even threw me a book publication party on a hectic matinee day between two shows and just the thought of it still makes me emotional! Then there’s the Dubai cast of Les Misérables who kept me sane as I sat in the sun writing, writing, writing, writing, writing whilst you all splashed about in the pool but you also dragged me out of the hotel on days off and made sure I didn’t miss any of the incredible city we were in. Then there’s my newest family… The Addams Family! You accepted me and all my bookishness instantly without a moment’s hesitation. It was unconditional family love from the start and I hope you all know: it’s mutual!
There are a few people in particular that I can’t go without mentioning:
Sam Harris, the playwright. You sat with me in many a coffee shop drinking lattes and eating cake as I wrote this book and you adapted Howard’s End into a play. We kept each other motivated and focused and so much of this book was written under your care. You’re utterly brilliant.
Scott Paige, my tour husband. I don’t know how many times I’ve said to you ‘I’ll just come for one’ only to end up stumbling home from a casino at 5 a.m., but you always know just when I need a break and you’re always there and happy to provide it! At the same time, you always know when I need to knuckle down and get stuff done which is when you turn up with snacks and drinks from Tesco to keep me going. You’re a true friend and I love you with all my heart!
Oliver Ormson, I’ve not known you long but from the moment I met you in the audition for The Addams Family… I totally stole your face for this book! Thank you for being cool with Chase Masters stealing your looks and thank you for keeping me relaxed on tour when things are getting stressful. What I would do without you? Who’s to know?!
Mollie Melia Redgrave… yes, you heard me, REDGRAVE. You’re one of the most wonderful women I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet, let alone call a friend. We’re kindred spirits and we knew it right from the off and I hope Cherry does you and your fabulous name proud. Love you.
Pete Bucknall, you watched me write this book, sometimes painstakingly, and I thank you for keeping me going when I felt like I would never reach the end. My workaholism often drove you mad but you stuck by me and my books even so. Thank you.
Also: Paul Wilkins, Anton Zetterholm, Natasha Veselinovic, Alex Banks, Adam Hattan, Gary Caplehorne, Rob Houchen, Jack Howard, Emma Blackery, Louise Jones, Ryan Hutchings, Louise Pentland, Celinde Schoenmaker, Jonny Vickers, Helen Mills, Simon and Nick Loveridge and Jono Bond… you’re all incredible and I have all the love in the world for each and every one of you.
Finally, a HUGE thanks to you reading this book. An author is nothing without readers, so thank you for choosing my book to read and I sincerely hope you enjoyed it!