Addicted for Now (Addicted #2)(129)

“You were supposed to tutor her,” Connor says to Sebastian, actual anger seething in his eyes. It’s kind of terrifying.

Ryke and Daisy go quiet by the staircase, realizing they walked in on a…situation.

Sebastian pockets his phone in his blazer. “You and I both know that one is a lost cause. I did her a favor.”

“She doesn’t need another handout.” He invades Sebastian’s space again. “You’re a lazy sanctimonious prick who profits off of apathetic trust fund babies. The students who need those exams are the ones who can’t afford them. You knowingly perpetuate a repugnant cycle.” He stares at him like he’s shit on the bottom of his shoe. “You keep the rich kids stupid and the poor kids poor.”

“What’s going on?” Rose’s voice ices the entire room.

No one moves. She stands near Daisy and Ryke, who must have left the front door open. No one heard her walk in.

Sebastian slips out of Connor’s blockade. “I caught your boyfriend smoking that.” He points to the snuffed cigarette on the coffee cup. “And then he accused me of helping Lily cheat.”

Connor looks like he could kick Sebastian’s ass. And that face—one of pure venom—does not come often. Or at least, I’ve rarely seen it since we’ve been friends.

Rose glances at Ryke and Daisy for verification.

“We just got here,” Daisy says.

Ryke is not about to vouch for Connor either. They’re not the best of friends since their personalities clash more than compliment.

Rose doesn’t even ask me whether or not Sebastian helped me cheat or if Connor smoked all those cigarettes. I guess she won’t trust my answer anyway, even if I give her the right one.

But I have to try. “I did cheat,” I tell her in a high voice.

She ignores me. So much for honesty.

My sister approaches both guys and rests her hands on her hips, looking between them. Connor stares at her with such intensity, basically speaking through his soul-bearing eyes.

Rose engages with him, not able to tear away.

Sebastian panics and places a hand on her shoulder. “Rose, he’s manipulating you. It’s what he does.”

Rose flinches.

“Don’t doubt yourself,” Connor tells her. “Not for this guy, not for anyone.”

Rose wavers.

“Think about it,” Connor says. “You told me he’s profited off of selling old tests before.”

“The cigarettes—”

“You have known me for almost ten years. I have held you in my arms. I have kissed you. Have you ever smelled smoke on me before?”

Sebastian cuts in, “Rose, he convinced Brad to forfeit his Lambda Kai presidency so someone else could take the position. He can make people do things they would never do.”

Connor stares down at her. “I would never manipulate you.” But he doesn’t deny that he’s done it before, that he uses whatever power he has to get what he wants. I always knew Connor did things for his benefit, not out of the kindness of his heart, but hearing it from someone else, well, it makes it real.

Sebastian says, “He dated Hayley Jacobs just so her father would write him a recommendation to Wharton. He’s with you because of your name. How many times do I have tell you that?”

Rose’s eyes narrow at Connor. “Did my father write you a recommendation?”

“He offered, yes.”

“And you accepted?”

He says nothing.

“Unbelievable.” Her face twists like he stomped on her heart. I rise, about to go to her side. But I hesitate as she points a finger at Connor. “You came with me to my parent’s Sunday luncheons because you were trying to worm your way into my father’s good graces.”

“No, I came with you because you’re my girlfriend,” he says, stepping closer to her.

She raises her chin, which starts to quiver despite her strength. “I trusted you. And all this time—”

“I have never lied to you,” he says. “You know more about my life than anyone else. I don’t share things willingly, you know this about me. Why would I let you in?”

Rose whispers, “You’re playing with my head.”

“No,” he says again, forcefully so that she understands. “He is.”

Sebastian’s fingers dig deeper in her shoulder. “You’ve known me since we were children. I only have your best interest, Rose.”

But her eyes stay glued to Connor.

“Rose,” Connor says with such empathy, gazing at her with passion that nearly stops my heart. “You know me.”

She takes a deep breath. “That’s just it Connor, I don’t think I do. I don’t think anyone really does.”

Sebastian begins to smile, and Connor looks about ready to scream.

Rose adds, “I want you to leave.”

I can’t tell who she directs this to until Sebastian’s smile fades completely. “Rose, didn’t you hear—”

“I heard you,” she says. “I hear you talk badly about Connor every time I’m with you, and while I agree he’s not the most forthcoming human being when it comes to his personal life, he’s still my boyfriend. I would never allow Lily to cheat. I hate that you smoke. And I’m not going to take your suggestion to quit Calloway Couture. I’m going to unpack my office. I’m going to fight for my company. I’m going to do whatever it takes, and I’m going to stop listening to you tell me that I can’t beat these odds.”

Krista Ritchie's Books