A Great Reckoning (Chief Inspector Armand Gamache #12)(52)

“Paul Gélinas,” said the Deputy Commissioner.

“Armand Gamache,” said Gamache. “A pleasure.”

The RCMP officer’s handshake was firm, but not crushing. There was no attempt, or need, to show force. It was assumed.

“The Deputy Commissioner was visiting the RCMP headquarters in Montréal from Ottawa when Chief Superintendent Brunel called with a request for oversight,” said Lacoste.

“Well, that was fortunate,” said Gamache.

“Oui,” said Gélinas. “I asked that the three of us meet as soon as possible. Though I didn’t expect it to be here.” He looked around. “Pretty.”

It was polite, but it was also clear Monsieur Gélinas would not be moving down to Three Pines anytime soon.

“Désolé,” said Gamache. “I had to come back here briefly, but I’ll be returning to the academy as soon as possible. Sorry you had to come all this way.”

“Well, to be honest, it’s even better for me,” said Gélinas, walking beside Gamache as they made their way up the path to his home. “Nice to get away from the city, and the truth is, these situations are always awkward. Inserting myself into someone else’s investigation. I did it once before. Not my favorite thing, but needs to be done. I always find it’s easier to have the initial talk away from the scene of the crime. More private. Fewer distractions and interruptions. Chief Inspector Lacoste and I had a chance to talk on the drive down.”

“And now you’d like to talk to me?”

“Yes. Privately, if possible.”

Gamache gestured for the RCMP officer to go ahead of him up the porch steps. “Have you been to the crime scene?”

“I have, and I scanned the preliminary report on the way down.”

“Then you probably know more than I do.”

“Oh, I doubt that, Commander.”

It was said with warmth, and yet Gamache thought he detected a subtext. Perhaps even a warning.

Don’t believe everything you think, he reminded himself. But still …

A face suddenly appeared at the door. With bright eyes and ears that started in the frame of the mullion and looked like they ended close to the ceiling.

Gamache laughed. Seeing Henri standing on his hind legs, eager face at the window, tongue lolling, body swaying as the tail wagged the dog, always made him happy. Then he heard the familiar voice and the familiar words, always the same.

“Oh, Henri. Back up. Off the door. You know he can’t get in with you leaning on it. Good boy. Sit.”

Armand mouthed along to the words, Good boy. Sit. Unperturbed by witnesses.

But then other, unfamiliar, words followed.

“Now, Gracie. Here, it’s okay. It’s okay. Please don’t. Oh.”

Gracie? thought Gamache.

He opened the door to find Henri sitting, tail wagging furiously, his mouth open in a smile, his satellite ears pricked forward. About to explode with happiness. And behind him, Reine-Marie, smiling.


“You might want to…” she waved toward the puddle on the wide plank floor.

“Oh,” said Armand, looking down at it. But that was not the most disconcerting thing in the room.

Something was squirming in Reine-Marie’s arms.

“Come in.” He turned to their guests. “But you might want to…” He too gestured and saw both Lacoste and Gélinas first grimace, then smile politely, as though the puddle was a welcome mat.

They stepped carefully across it, into the room.

“Here.” Reine-Marie thrust whatever was in her arms at her husband, then left to get something to clean up the moisture.

“Ohhhh,” said Lacoste, approaching Gamache. “Now who’s this?”

“I have no idea,” he said. He could feel it trembling violently. “But its name seems to be Gracie.”

“It’s so small,” said Gélinas, also approaching. “May I?”

He reached out and, when Gamache nodded, stroked its head. “And soft.”

Reine-Marie had returned with a sponge and soapy water. And a disinfectant spray.

“May I help, madame?” asked Gélinas.

“Non, mais merci. Sadly this isn’t the first time in my life I’ve done this. Not even, to be honest, the first time today.”

“Is there something we should talk about?” Armand asked.

Gracie had stopped struggling in his arms, and slowly he could feel her relax. Her trembling eased as he stroked her. From nose to tail. She was about the size of his hand, so they were not long strokes.

“I’ll explain mine, if you explain yours.” Reine-Marie gestured with the sponge toward their guests.

Both Gélinas and Lacoste laughed.

“Isabelle I know, of course,” said Reine-Marie, peeling off the kitchen gloves and leaning in to kiss her. “Welcome, ma belle.”

“This is Paul Gélinas,” said Armand, as the two shook hands.

“Un plaisir,” said Gélinas. “I’m sorry to barge in like this.”

“RCMP,” said Reine-Marie. “The Mounties are always welcome.” She turned to Armand. “What have you done now?”

“Deputy Commissioner Gélinas is here to help us investigate the murder of Professor Leduc,” said Isabelle.

Louise Penny's Books