You Only Love Twice (Masters and Mercenaries #8)(6)

“It was the way she moved,” Simon said. “I never paid much attention to her. I think she was too relaxed that night when we had to flee from The Collective.”

It had been months before. Simon had called and given him the code words that basically told Jesse to get his ass in gear because shit was going down. He’d been on a date with Phoebe. Well, he called them dates. Once, he’d heard her tell Charlotte Taggart that they weren’t dating. It felt like dating to him. He’d bundled her up and picked up Simon and Chelsea in time to avoid what would have been Simon’s arrest on trumped up murder charges. He’d dropped Phoebe off at her place and then they’d been on the run.

“What are you talking about? How does she move? Half the time I’m trying to make sure she doesn’t break her leg or something.” She was charmingly klutzy. He hated to admit it, but he kind of liked it when she stumbled because he always managed to catch her. She was smarter than him, but he could protect her. It was probably the only thing in the world he had to give her.

He’d been a grunt during his service days, and even here at McKay-Taggart he knew his real value was the fact that he was willing to step in front of a bullet for his brothers or their wives. He didn’t mind being the one to protect Phoebe.

“It’s all an act. Jake took some video of her when she didn’t think anyone was watching. She’s well trained. I would suspect she’s taken more than one form of martial arts. Did you know she takes a Krav Maga class on Saturdays?” Simon asked.

“So she wants to be able to defend herself.” He thought that was a good idea.

“Jake couldn’t roll tape there, but he caught a glimpse and said she could practically teach the class herself,” Simon replied.

“In long-term cover these are the things that ruin an operative,” Ian mused. “She’s trying to hold on to one thing that makes her who she was before she took the assignment. She’s trying desperately to stay strong while she looks weak. She should never have taken that class. She only signed up for it three months ago. I would be very interested to know what pushed her to do it. It’s reckless for a woman who’s made all the right moves so far.”

“Or she’s a woman who wants to defend herself. That’s not a crime. It’s smart.” They were being paranoid.

“Chelsea hasn’t been able to break her cover yet. Adam gave it a shot, too. Do you know what kind of backing it takes to imbed a false identity so well those two can’t break it?” Simon asked.

“So we have to assume she’s an operative either for a foreign entity or something more nefarious,” McKay added. “Did you run her past Damon?”

Tag nodded. “None of his MI6 contacts were willing to say they know her, but that doesn’t mean shit. None of Damon’s new guys could ID her. I think we have to look at worst-case scenarios here.”

“Since when do you not go there?” McKay asked with a shake of his head. “You always go to the worst-case scenario first. So she’s either a foreign operative or a Collective plant.”

They were leaving out a scenario. “Or you’re wrong about her.”

McKay looked at him with sympathy. Fuck, but he hated being pitied. “We’re not wrong.”

He was starting to get a little mad. It was obvious to him that they’d been investigating his girl behind his back. She might not have slept with him, but he still cared about her, protected her. She would never wear his collar, but he had some claim on her. They should have told him the minute they had suspicions, but no, he was poor Jesse who got himself f*cked up in the war. They were never going to take him seriously.

Well, buddy, why would they? You’re the one who goes crazy from time to time and kills a bad guy with your bare teeth. Chelsea is likely still having nightmares about that. Do you really think they trust you?

Phoebe was the only one who took him seriously. She was always asking about his job and what his thought processes were. Hell, he would bet she was the only one in the world who actually imagined he had a thought process.

“Jesse, I get it, man. You care about her.” Tag was staring at him. “She’s got you by the balls, but I need you to think clearly and I need you to hear Simon out. He didn’t do this because he wanted to hurt you. He did this because you’re his partner. We’re doing this because we’re your brothers, and you know how I feel about that.”

“Fine.” They were putting him in a corner. He wasn’t ready to walk away. He needed this job. Shit. He needed them. McKay-Taggart was the first family he’d ever really had. His father had died before he’d been born and his mother had dumped him on his granddad’s porch not long after. His grandfather had been a mean son of a bitch who cared way more for his cattle than his only grandson. He’d fit into his Army unit, but they were all gone now. He wasn’t ready to lose this. “What makes you think she isn’t exactly who she says she is?”

“How did they know, Jesse? How did The Collective and Ten know where we were that night?” Simon asked.

He could come up with a couple of scenarios. “They could track us on traffic cams.”

“Possibly, but we were careful to get into a neighborhood that was unlikely to have cameras,” Simon reminded him. “Now it is possible that one of the groups after us that particular night searched until they found us the next morning, but then I need an explanation on why your vehicle was tagged.”

Lexi Blake's Books