Wired (Buchanan-Renard #13)(55)

After the two men moved on, Allison and Liam strolled through the guests, stopping to speak to several other professors and a few students, many of whom mentioned some computer problem Allison had bailed them out of.

When they finally had a moment alone, Liam leaned down and whispered, “It’s remarkable that you don’t have a big ego.”

“How do you know I don’t?”

“Compliments bother you.”

Before she had a chance to argue with him, he changed the subject. “Let’s find the birthday boy.”

She laughed. “It isn’t a birthday party. Father Basher is retiring. And you don’t call a Jesuit a boy.”

Allison located the priest on the other side of the room and led Liam through the crowd to meet him. It was apparent Father Basher had great affection for Allison. He held her hand while he told her how much he was going to miss teaching, and her in particular. Bragging to Liam, he said, “I taught this young lady to love art history, which was no small feat, since she always had her nose in her laptop.” He turned back to Allison. “I was just speaking to your friend Brett Keaton.” He looked around the room as though searching for Brett in the crowd. “Isn’t his news wonderful?”

Allison was immediately skeptical. “What news?”

“Why, the number of software companies that are vying to bid on the security program he’s developed.”

A chill stiffened Allison’s spine. “He’s written a security program?”

“I think that’s what he called it,” the priest answered. “He said it will prevent any kind of hacking. I’m afraid I don’t know much about such things, but he seemed very excited.”

Allison tried to remain composed as the priest continued to chat, but inside she was stoking a slow burn. Finally, Father Basher let go of her hand and turned to greet other well-wishers.

Liam saw the change in Allison’s demeanor the minute the priest mentioned Brett, and he remembered what she had told him about her former roommate. When she turned around, there was fire in her eyes. She scanned the room and finally zeroed in on a small group standing by the door. In the center, holding court, was a young man in his mid-twenties with styled blond hair the color of sunburned wheat. One hand was holding a drink and the other was slipped casually into the pocket of his blazer. His smile said he was relishing the attention he was getting from his audience.

“Brett Keaton?” he asked.

Allison nodded.

Liam glanced over at him once again, and when he turned back, Allison was gone. She was already weaving through the crowd, heading for Brett. Anticipating a showdown, Liam rushed to catch up with her.

Brett had turned his back to the room and was just about to greet a friend who wanted to congratulate him when Allison tapped on his shoulder. Brett swung around, his palm still outstretched to shake a hand, but the second he saw Allison, his smile disappeared.

“I hear you’re trying to sell my work,” Allison said.

Liam stood a few feet behind her. He knew she must be seething inside, yet her voice was very calm. He was impressed.

“Hi, Allison,” Brett said, his phony smile back in place as he tried to hide the fact that he had been taken off guard. “How are you?”

“I’m perfectly fine,” she answered in as pleasant a tone as she could muster. “I’ve just heard about the program you’ve designed, and it sounds very much like mine.”

Brett immediately glanced around at his small group of admirers before striking a pose that made him look both bewildered and offended at the same time. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Allison. I’ve been working on this for months.”

“Funny,” Allison said, “I don’t remember ever seeing you work on a security program—or even hearing you mention one, for that matter—when I was helping you with your classwork. I, on the other hand, have spent countless hours perfecting my program. Don’t you think that’s odd?”

Liam watched as Brett’s body language changed. His hands were now fisted at his sides and his legs were braced apart for a fight. What did he suppose Allison was going to do? Karate-chop him? Liam’s instincts told him to step forward and protect her, but Allison was so calm and seemingly unfazed by the threat that he held back.

“You can’t prove anything,” Brett snarled. “You may think you’re the only one who knows anything about computers or software, but you’re wrong. I’ve put my blood, sweat, and tears into this program, and it’s finally going to pay off. You’ll be wanting to congratulate me pretty soon, unless your pride gets in your way. I’ll be in negotiations soon to sell my program,” he said, stressing the word my, “to several different companies bidding for it. They’re coming here for my presentation.”

She patted his arm and sounded very sincere when she said, “Well, then, I wish you good luck and hope you get exactly what you deserve.”

As she walked away she heard his final smug remark. “I will.”

“You think he stole your program and is passing it off as his own?” Liam asked her when they were alone again.

“Absolutely,” she responded. “I know what Brett can do, and it would have been impossible for him to have written a program in the time he’s been gone. He saw me working on mine.”

Julie Garwood's Books