Whipped (Hitched #2)(8)

I don't know. Let me check with my cock… Nope. Not happening.

She feels my limp dick through the denim and pouts. "Aww, baby. Want me to suck on it?"

I don't say no to blow jobs. It's a core belief of mine.

She kneels before me and pulls off my jeans, taking my none-too-eager cock into her mouth.

It doesn't feel bad… but I'm just… not into it. And it's not because of the booze. I once chugged a whole bottle of vodka and still f*cked two girls in an elevator. This is… hmm. Strange.

Jessie pauses her efforts. "Come on, baby. What's wrong?"

I don't know. It's not like Jessie isn't smoking hot. Her tits are worth a grand, literally. And her ass is the result of months at the gym. She isn't too bright, but that's usually a good thing. She'll do anything in bed.

Then why am I not into this?

"Come on, baby." She straddles me again, rubbing her wet cunt rubbing against me and nibbling on my neck, whispering in my ear. "I want you to f*ck me. Please f*ck me, Lachlan."

I try. I really do. But the dick won't stick.

Jessie frowns and pouts some more, but I don't care. She's not girlfriend material, at least not for me. I know she's fooled around with my buddy, Duke. She's probably f*cked Darrel, too. I don't judge.

She and I f*ck for the same reason. We like it. Simple as that.

"I have to get dressed for work," I say. It's bullshit, but it's not her fault I'm limp. I don't want her to blame herself.

"But baby, I want to feel you." This is what I like about Jessie. Well, what I liked. I could always count on her for a good f*ck. But now… suddenly now that doesn't seem enough.


"I have to go."

She bites her lip, considering. "You can f*ck me without a condom."

Fuck no. I use condoms. It's another core belief.

I slide her off my lap, zip up my jeans, and throw on a Michael Jackson t-shirt. "It's time for you to go."

"Fine." She pulls on her dress. It doesn't cover much. "I'll see if Duke has time."

"Go ahead." I don't care. I don't get jealous.

She walks out, slamming the door shut behind her, and I collapse on the bed. I'm going to need to make things up to Vi. I try to think of a peace offering, but f*ck it, my head hurts too much, so I just think of Vi. Her full lips, her thighs. The curve of her ass. And now my cock comes to life.

An unfamiliar feeling enters me. I can't quite name it. Whatever it is, I know one thing.

I really hope Vi is single.



Zoe is still giggling about Lachlan as we close up the store. "Think he'll still shop here?" she asks, her big anime eyes glistening from mirthful tears.

"I have no idea," I say, unable to suppress my own laughter, because the whole thing is just ludicrous. "Hopefully he does. I think he's single-handedly kept our little venture afloat the last few months."

While not specifically true, he's definitely contributed to the profit margin.

We reach our cars and hug. Her smile fades as she gets in and I know why. "Henry still?"

She nods and now those tears in her eyes aren't from laughter. "He wants to marry me so we're not living in sin, but I want to wait until we've resolved our issues."

"Marriage won't make things better."

She starts her engine and sighs. "I know. That’s what I told him."

"What did he say?"

"That I'm too much of a temptation and he has to put his faith first. I told him if he really feels that way then maybe we shouldn't live together. But he doesn't want to move out, either. And since we live in my house, that I own, I'm not leaving. We're at an impasse."

Asshole. "You could always kick him out."

She shrugs and gets into her car. "I'm not there yet."

I frown, and she flashes a small rueful smile as she pulls out of the spot next to mine. Waving, I climb into my cherry apple red '97 Camaro. My car purrs to life and I sigh happily as I press the gas.

Leaving behind my worry for Zoe, my mood shifts as I drive out of town to my best friend Kacie's house. There's much squealing, hugging, and pecking of cheeks as I lug a bag of gifts into her spacious and beautiful home.

"You look so good," I tell her as we hug one more time. "I feel like it's been forever since we've seen each other."

She tosses a lock of blond hair off her shoulder and smiles, her blue eyes so happy. "I know. Babies and work. That's my life in a nutshell." But she's grinning madly when she says it, and I know she loves every minute.

"I hope there's time for Dr. Sexy in there somewhere?"

As if on cue, the man walks into the living room. "Oh, I make sure of it," Sebastian says as he kisses his wife's head. She grins and wraps an arm around him.

"You two are to-die-for cute, you know that?"

They both nod as Sebastian kisses her one more time, this time full on the lips. "Work called. I've got to check on a patient, but I'll be back in a few hours. I trust you ladies will survive without me?"

Kacie laughs. "We'll manage somehow. But hurry home. I have plans for you later."

Karpov Kinrade's Books