Whipped (Hitched #2)(46)



The fundraiser is being held at a local high school gym. The kids did an amazing job of transforming the space into a very fancy ballroom, and this is a black tie affair. I look around and see Kacie and Tate scrambling to get last-minute decorations in place. They offered Hitched to help Lachlan cater and run the event, and he accepted with a grateful heart. Kacie said they could always write it off as a charity event when I asked if she was sure.

And Sebastian has invited everyone he knows with ties and money.

Tonight, the kids will perform something they'd been working on for a while, and then we'll all hope that the raw talent and enthusiasm will attract donors to make their dreams happen.

Lachlan looks amazing tonight in his tux. He kisses me and squeezes my hand. "I have to go get the kids ready. Thank you, babe, for this. For everything."

I pull him close. "Thank you for staying and still finding a way to make this happen," I whisper. Because I couldn't stand him leaving. I would have supported him in it, if that's what he needed to do. But it would have broken my heart.

Instead, my heart is swelling in my chest, filling me with a glorious happiness I didn’t know existed and never knew could be so strong.

The auditorium is filling with bigwigs from all sectors of life in Vegas. There are doctors, lawyers, investors, performers… I even see the famous magician Kacie's friends with. He helped Kacie win Sebastian back when she almost blew it with Dr. Sexy.

But tonight isn't about us. It's about Lachlan and the kids he's trying to help. Tonight has to be a success. I close my eyes, cross my fingers, and send the kids all the luck I can muster.

As lights flash, Lachlan takes the makeshift stage. His deep accent fills the room. "Good evening, and thank you so much for joining us tonight. These kids have worked hard to put together a show we believe you will really enjoy. It's our hope that when you see what they can do, you'll also see why an after-school program is so important in this community, and how deserving these amazing kids are." He pauses and smiles, his pride in the kids beaming across the room. "So without further ado, I'll hand the floor over to them."

Lights go out and someone taps my shoulder. My parents! I hug them both and whisper, "What are you doing here?"

"We just drove in. We couldn't miss your man's big night. We're here to support," my mom says. "We even got a few donations from some friends in California to help out."

My eyes fill with tears, and I know Lachlan will be deeply touched by their presence. He doesn't talk much about it, but I can tell he misses having a parental unit in his life.

The kids take the stage, and I'm nervous for them. I've never seen them dance and have no idea what to expect. What if they blow it and the crowd leaves disappointed with their wallets intact? All of them would be devastated. Lachlan most of all. I narrow my eyes and personally vow to tackle anyone who tries to leave without contributing.

But my fears are in vain, I realize, as soon as the music starts. Because these kids are seriously amazing. Like, unbelievable. They must have dance in their DNA to pull off some of the moves they do.

After the first song, it's clear the crowd is won over. I spy some people already pulling out checkbooks. A very good sign indeed.

By the end, we are all breathless with the talent that exists in these youths. I can see why Lachlan loves working with them so much.

I want to run to him and kiss and hug him and congratulate him, but he takes the stage once more and surprises us all with a last piece. "This one is for a special woman who has changed my life. Vi, I love you."

My heart explodes in my chest as a spotlight lands on me while Lachlan removes his jacket and takes the stage with the boys. And then he dances and the crowd goes wild and my heart is knocking against my ribs like a wild animal and I can't even contain the amazement I feel.

At the end, they all grab signs from the back and, in one fluid movement, turn to reveal what they are holding. After a beat, all eyes are on me.

The signs read, "Vi, will you marry me?"

Lachlan walks over to me and holds out a small black box with a sparkling diamond ring in it. "I don't want to spend another day of my life without you," he says.

Tears stream down my face, tears I didn’t even know were flowing, and I run into his arms and the crowd cheers and whistles. "Yes! Yes, I will marry you. Forever, yes!"



Everything is changing.

And I couldn't be happier.

Tonight is my last night as the lead dancer in the Aussie Posse. I've been with these guys for so many years I've lost count. It's crazy to think it's ending after this show.

Vi is in the audience with Kacie, Sebastian, Zoe—even Tate. He and I have hung out a few times and become friends. Slow and steady. We can't turn on the BFF spout quite like the women in our lives.

Still, I was surprised when Vi said he would be here. I thought the first time had traumatized him enough.

I put on the show of my life. I think of Vi the whole time and dance as if she is the only one in the room. Of course she's the woman I pick for my on-stage lap dance. I'm not an idiot, and I'm sure as f*ck not going to thrust my groin into another woman's face with my fiancé in the audience.

Karpov Kinrade's Books