Warwolfe (de Wolfe Pack Book 0)(66)

Kristoph debated whether or not to obey but he knew if he didn’t, things would go badly for him. He didn’t want to agitate a very agitable man. Slowly, he pulled himself out from beneath the wagon bed. Alary made his way over to him as he came out from beneath, the mist drifting down onto his face and head.

“Look at you,” Alary said drunkenly. “You look terrible.”

Kristoph couldn’t very well disagree. “I do not smell very good, either.”

Alary laughed. “That is to be expected,” he said. He gazed at Kristoph a moment, sobering. “We must speak, you and I. There is much to tell.”

The last time Alary had been friendly like this, Kristoph had lost part of a finger. Therefore, he was extremely wary as Alary plopped down beside him, sitting in the old straw as he gazed up into the misty sky, blinking his eyes because he was getting water in them. But he kept staring up into that dark sky, reflecting the darkness of his troubled mind.

“You will be happy to know that my spies tell me that your Norman friends are no longer following us,” he said. He cast Kristoph a sidelong glance. “Does that surprise you?”

Kristoph wasn’t surprised because of one primary factor – he didn’t believe Alary in the least. He suspected the man was trying to play some kind of demoralizing mind game with him but he wasn’t about to let Alary get the better of him. If the man was trying to cause him grief, then he was in for a disappointment.

“You sent them the tip of my finger,” he said after a moment. “If it were me, I would take your threat seriously. They did what they had to do so that you will not cut off something more vital.”

Alary nodded thoughtfully, as if they were having a perfectly normal conversation. “But to back off completely?” he asked. “They must not be very loyal friends if they have abandoned you.”

“You are probably correct.”

“Is that what Norman loyalty is worth?”

Kristoph wasn’t sure if he was trying to antagonize him or ask a genuine question. Kristoph knew it was safer, for him, to simply agree with him.

“You told them to stay away, and they have,” he said. “I should think you would be pleased.”

Alary nodded, looking up at the sky again as the soft mist fell on his face. He closed his eyes, feeling the cool cleanse of the mist upon his face but he also began to tip backwards because of the drink in his system. He ended up bumping back against the wagon.

“Norman,” he said after a moment. “Why have you come here? What will your people do now that they have killed my king?”

Kristoph had heard variations of this question since his abduction and, for once, he sought to take charge of the conversation. Much as he did with the lady warrior that first day he’d been abducted, Kristoph viewed this moment as an opportunity to make himself less of an object of hate and more of a man who had simply been obeying orders. It had worked with the woman, but Alary… he was different. There was something not quite right about the man, which made Kristoph proceed very carefully.

But it had to be done. If had any chance of survival, he would have to take it, in any form.

“I was only following the commands of my liege,” he said, leaning forward to look Alary in the face. “But what of you? Are you frightened now that the Normans have come to the shores of England? Truthfully, England has had many enemies come to her shores, men who have taken chunks of the country for themselves. The Danes, for instance. They continue to raid and loot, not only in England, but as far south as Breton. We have had our troubles with them. Why do you fear the Normans so?”

Alary blinked as water pooled in his eyes. “Would you not also fear men who came to your shores and killed your king?”

It was as vulnerable and truthful as Kristoph had ever seen Alary. He knew it was the drink talking, but it didn’t matter. It was a surprisingly weak question as the wine removed all of Alary’s inhibitions and controls. Perhaps there was something human inside the man, after all, and it was to that human part of him that Kristoph intended to appeal to.

“You want to know what the Normans will do?” he asked. “I will tell you quite simply – they will come. They will continue to come and abducting me will not make them stop coming. If you want to survive this conquest, then you must ally yourself with the Normans and holding me hostage will only make you the enemy in their eyes. You can cut off my hands, my feet, my ears, and send it all back to them with threats, but I am one knight who is meaningless in the grand scheme of things. They will not care if you cut me to pieces and send me back. It will only make you more of an enemy in their eyes and they will come for you. They will not stop until they have you. Do you want to survive? Then you will listen to me. I will tell you how to survive.”

By this time, Alary was looking at him, his drunken expression rippling with concern. “How many men have come with Normandy?”

“Tens of thousands. You were on the field of battle; you saw how many there were.”

Alary had. Suddenly, his drunken state wasn’t quite so pleasant. It was magnifying his emotions, fear or jubilation or sorrow. He looked at Kristoph, his brow furrowing.

“If they keep coming, I will send you back to them in a puzzle that no man could put back together,” he said, growing agitated. “That will keep them away!”

“I told you it would not. They do not care about a solitary knight when it comes to conquest.”

Kathryn le Veque's Books