Warwolfe (de Wolfe Pack Book 0)(41)
“That is Camulos, named after the Gaul god of war,” he said, turning back to his trunk. “He will answer to Cam.”
“I do not like dogs.”
“That is unfortunate because he likes you.”
“Is he your dog of war?”
Gaetan sighed heavily. “Nay,” he said flatly. “Cam is like my child; loyal, affectionate, and demanding of my attention. He will lick you to death before he would try to kill you. It is unfortunate that a dog with that size is so docile, but I do not have the heart to leave him behind. He goes where I go.”
Ghislaine managed to pull her breeches up again, re-tying them with part of a leather strip that had been broken when Gaetan had yanked them down. She moved away from the dog only to have it cozy up to her again. She sighed with frustration as the dog looked at her with longing in its doggy eyes.
“My men packed my possessions and took them when they left the encampment,” she said, ignoring the dog who wanted her affection. “I have nothing but the clothes on my back, my bow, and my knife. I have nothing else.”
Gaetan pulled the tunic over his head, revealing a padded tunic beneath. “I will supply you with what you need.”
“I need something to eat,” she fired back softly, noting his disapproving expression when he glanced up at her. She softened her demand, not wanting to anger him because she wanted something from him. “I… I have not eaten since yesterday.”
Still casting her that expression that suggested he didn’t like a demanding woman, Gaetan made his way over to the tent flap even as he unfastened the ties on the padded tunic. He stuck his head out of the opening and ordered one of the squires to bring food. When the boy went off, running, Gaetan came back into the tent and pulled off the padded tunic.
“I will have food brought to you,” he said. “What else do you require?”
Ghislaine didn’t answer right away, mostly because she found herself looking at a naked man from the waist up. And what a naked man… Gaetan’s skin was tanned from having worked and practiced beneath the sun’s rays and he had a fine matting of dark hair over his chest. His neck was thick, his shoulders broad, and the muscular design of his arms and chest were a size that Ghislaine had never seen before. The man was positively enormous. Her heart started to do that odd leaping thing again and, this time, she realized that her breathing was coming in strange gasps as well.
Of course, she’d seen men with their tunics off and in an intimate situation. She well remembered Hakon’s sinewy torso and long limbs. He was the only man who had ever touched her naked flesh until Gaetan had so rudely spanked her naked buttocks. But in looking at the attractiveness of the Norman as he tossed the padded tunic into the chest… she almost didn’t care that he’d spanked her.
Maybe if she was lucky, he’d do it again.
Foolish wench, what are you thinking? She scolded herself, tearing her eyes away from Gaetan as he practically stripped naked in front of her. Good God, is that where this was heading? Was he simply going to take off of his clothing right in front of her? The thought titillated her and terrified her at the same time. She tried to distract herself by focusing on the question he’d asked her.
“I… I require a bedroll, something to sleep on when we travel,” she said. “Mayhap a cloak because mine was with my men when they took my possessions away. I will also need a horse and some arrows for my quill. I used most of mine in the battle yesterday.”
Gaetan was rummaging around in the big chest. He didn’t answer her because he seemed to be quite intent on finding something. Ghislaine kept her gaze averted from him, mostly because she was afraid that if she looked at his naked chest again she would never be able to look away. But as she listened to the rustling behind her, the dog put his big paw on her lap. She picked it off.
“Here,” Gaetan said, tossing a few things at her, garments of some kind. “See if these will fit. If I am to travel with a woman, I prefer she look like a woman. See if any of that is serviceable to you.”
Offended, Ghislaine turned to tell him so but he tossed another garment and it hit her in the face. Sputtering, she pulled it off, eyeing him unhappily a moment before turning to inspect it.
Surprisingly, it was a very fine shift. Curious, she looked at the other things that were landing around her as he tossed them out of the chest. More shifts and even two heavy cotes, or long tunics that went all the way to the ground. These were made of wool but it was of a very fine type. More things came flying out at her, including scarves, and at least one belt that was woven with leather and had tassels on the end.
Truthfully, Ghislaine had never seen such fine things. Worse still, she’d never dressed as a fine lady in her life and had never had the need for this kind of clothing. Feeling the softness of these garments, however, she was greatly tempted. It was the first time in her life that such clothing had tempted her. She looked at Gaetan in astonishment.
“Where do you get these things?” she asked.
He stood up from his chest with a leather satchel in his hand that seemed to be full. “They belong to me,” he said. “My… let us say my companions wear them and sometimes they travel with me, so I have those possessions mixed with mine.”
Ghislaine didn’t understand his reference. “Companions?” she repeated. Then, it occurred to her. “You mean whores?”