Warwolfe (de Wolfe Pack Book 0)(129)

It was chaos. But it was chaos that saved them all.

The last thing he remembered seeing before unleashing his own crossbow was an arrow flying right at Alary’s head, piercing his forehead and going all the way through to the other side. As Alary fell to the road, dead, Kristoph yanked the sword from the sheath at Alary’s side and joined whatever fight this happened to be. Now, the captive had turned on the captors.

And they were going to pay.

Somewhere in the middle of it of the mass of swarming, fighting men, Gaetan caught sight of the iron staff from the monument of the Tertium held high above the fighting, flying once again in the face of battle as it did for its legion those centuries ago. Now, Gaetan finally realize who these men were.

The Romans, in all their glory, had arrived.



When you love someone


Gaetan heard his name screamed above the rumble of battle and he turned to see Ghislaine astride a hairy pony as she pushed through the fighting, using the bow in her hand to club men over the head with it.

In a panic, Gaetan pushed his way towards her, shoving and slashing at men, finally reaching her and pulling her off the pony. As the pony scattered, he carried Ghislaine out of the fighting, running with her into the trees, his only thought to take her to safety. He didn’t even know how long he’d run, only that it seemed like forever. He was blinded with his panic to get her to safety. But Ghislaine put a hand on his face, easing him, soothing him, and bringing him back to reality.

“You can stop, Gaetan,” she told him. “We are clear of the battle; all is well, I swear it. You can stop!”

He heard her words but he was still filled with terror for her safety. Slowly, he was able to come to a stop but he ended up stumbling to his knees, nearly dumping Ghislaine to the ground.

But she held on tight, arms around his neck. When they were on the moldering leaves of the forest, she finally let go, her hands going to his face.

“Are you well?” she asked urgently, eyes full of unshed tears. “Tell me you are uninjured.”

Gaetan had his arms around her now, kissing her furiously as he tried to speak. “I am well,” he said. “But what are you doing here? What has happened?”

Ghislaine was trying to speak but his mouth on hers made it difficult. “I had to come,” she gasped. “Jathan told me that you had left and I had to come. Gaetan, I could not let you face this alone.”

She finally put her hand over his mouth because he was kissing her hard enough to make her swoon. “But those men,” he said, kissing her hand instead. He couldn’t seem to stop kissing her. “You asked Antillius for assistance? Are those his men?”

It was so much more complex than that and Ghislaine was sick with grief at the question. How could she tell Gaetan that the price of his help was the end of their dreams? Of course, the man had to know. If she didn’t tell him, then Antillius would. But she didn’t want to tell him so soon. She, at least, wanted some time with him before the sorrow began.

Throwing her arms around his neck, she simply wanted to hold him against her, to remember this moment for the years to come when she was wrought with loneliness and sorrow. Squeezing her eyes shut, she fought off the tears that were threatening to rip her apart.

“We left the village a few hours after you did,” she said, her throat tight with emotion. “Antillius brought all the men he could to help you. I knew this area and I suspected that you would meet Alary on this stretch of road, somewhere between Tenebris and Kidderminster, so we came up through the forest and we saw your men in the trees, watching the road. Téo and Aramis saw us and they waited with us and told us when to attack.”

Now, it was all becoming clear. It was such a glorious bit of good news that Gaetan was having trouble grasping it all. He held her close.

“Your timing was perfect,” Gaetan said, relief in his voice. “It could not have come at a more perfect moment. But you? You came and I did not want you to. I left orders that you should not.”

“I know.”

“I told Jathan to tie you to the bed if he had to.”

Ghislaine was still holding him, unable to look him in the eye. “He tried,” she said, somewhat remorseful. “I had to disable him.”

Gaetan frowned before pulling out of her embrace, looking at her as if he wasn’t sure he wanted to hear her explanation. “What do you mean ‘disable’ him?” he asked. “What did you do, little mouse?”

“I kicked him.”


“It is a good thing he is a priest and will never want children.”

Gaetan’s eyebrows flew up in shock. “There?”


“Where did you leave the body?”

Ghislaine tried not to look too contrite. “He could not ride, so he is back at the Tertium village. He says you can come back for him and Camulos when the battle is over.”

Gaetan knew he should scold her. But then, he started to laugh in spite of himself, his big white teeth gleaming in the weak light. “I should spank you at the very least,” he said. “But I cannot muster the will. You are very determined and I adore you all the more for it.”

She was glad he wasn’t angry with her. But in looking at the man, into that handsome face that she’d come to know so well, the tears began to return.

Kathryn le Veque's Books