Warwolfe (de Wolfe Pack Book 0)(105)

Antillius grinned, looking at his men and seeing expressions of approval. As he turned to some of the men around him to discuss the Norman honor, Gaetan turned to Téo.

“God’s Bones, did I just say that?” he muttered. “Did I just completely change that man’s entire world and tell him that his name was not good enough in this new Norman realm?”

Téo was indulging in a compote of berries with honey and cream; it was most delicious. “You took an ancient Roman line and made it Norman,” he said. “That is what our kind does, Gate. That is the Norman way of thinking. We take the world and change it for the better.”

Gaetan pondered that, toying with his drink cup in one hand and stroking his chin with the other. But in the course of that deliberation, he noticed that de Russe was once again looking at him from across the table. His good mood fled.

“Téo,” he mumbled, his eyes never leaving de Russe. “I must tell you something.”


“I have claimed Lady Ghislaine.”

Téo’s head came up and he looked at him curiously. “Claimed her? What do you mean?”


That became clear in an instant and Téo’s eyebrows lifted with some shock, but also with realization. Frankly, he wasn’t surprised. He knew Gaetan’s appetites when it came to women so it wasn’t a surprise in the least. But in the same thought, he knew it was about to become quite complicated given Aramis’ feelings for the woman.

Deadly, even.

“I see,” he said. He set his knife down; he suddenly didn’t feel like eating anymore. “Forgive me, but mayhap it was not wise to do that.”

“Why not?”

“Because surely you have known that Aramis is….”

Gaetan cut him off. “Of course I know,” he said. “He is sitting across the table from me, shooting daggers from his eyes as he stares me down. He and I discussed this delicate situation back in Worcester and he was most amiable then, but that has changed. He told me that he would step back and allow me to pursue the lady but his actions have said otherwise.”

Téo sighed heavily. “Gate, you have been my friend for many years so forgive me for what I am about to say, but you did not need another conquest, and certainly not a conquest in the sister of Edwin of Mercia,” he said quietly. “If there was one woman you should have kept your hands from, it should have been Ghislaine of Mercia.”

“I plan to marry the woman.”

Now, surprise was registering across Téo’s face. “Marriage?” he hissed. “What madness is this?”

Gaetan tore his eyes away from Aramis and looked at Téo. “No madness, I assure you,” he said. “I do not know how it happened, but somehow I have fallen in love with the woman. I have asked her to be my wife and she has agreed. Instead of judging me for it, I should think you would be happy for me.”

Téo had to make a conscious effort to close his mouth. He simply couldn’t believe what he was hearing and his first reaction was that it was all a whim on Gaetan’s part; Gaetan was not the marrying kind. Moreover, the man had bedslaves and everybody knew it. What would Ghislaine think about whores in her husband’s house? But Téo wouldn’t think to disagree with his friend in that fashion, so he kept his thoughts to himself. He knew that the right woman could change a man; perhaps that was the case.

But it was a damned surprise to him.

“I am happy for you,” he finally said. “’Tis a shock, that’s all. I never thought I would hear those words from your mouth.”

Gaetan nodded as if in complete understanding. “Nor did I.”

Téo shook his head, chuckling as if he still couldn’t believe it, and raised his cup to Gaetan. “May you know great happiness, Gate. And your mother will be thrilled.”

Gaetan smiled faintly. “Aye, Lady Dacia will be consumed with joy.”

“Now to tell Aramis.”

Gaetan’s smile fled and he looked across the table to see that Aramis was still staring at him. He set his cup down.

“There is no time like the present,” he said. “I cannot have the man competing with me for a woman who will be my wife. I would have to kill him.”

Téo’s blood ran cold, mostly because he knew Gaetan was not speaking figuratively. He was speaking literally. He simply nodded as Gaetan stood up and went around the end of the table, heading straight for Aramis and motioning the man to follow him outside. Aramis didn’t hesitate. He was on his feet and close behind Gaetan as the two of them quit the convening hall.

But Téo wasn’t happy about that. He wasn’t entirely sure the private discussion wouldn’t come to blows and, if that happened, the men would have to be pulled a part. He knew both men well enough to know that neither one would stop until the other one was dead, so that meant it would literally be a battle to the death. With Kristoph’s life on the line, they couldn’t be distracted with a situation like this. They had a mission to accomplish and time was growing short. He turned to de Winter, seated on his right.

“Get Wellesbourne and St. Hèver,” he muttered. “I will get the others. Gaetan has gone outside to address Aramis on a very touchy subject and if punches are thrown, then we must be there to stop anything from escalating.”

Kathryn le Veque's Books