Wardrobe Malfunction(41)

“Anyone wanna come in for a drink at mine?” Julian asks.

“Nope,” I say.

“Gee, thanks, West. You sure know how to make a guy feel wanted.”

Gabe laughs. “I’ll come for a drink, but don’t be getting me drunk and feeling me up while I’m passed out. I know how bad you want me.”

I laugh, shaking my head at Gabe.

“Fuck you.” Julian laughs.

“I know you want to, but I’m a giver, not a taker.” Gabe grins.

“Why do we hang out with him?” Julian asks me.

“Beats me.” I shrug.

“Because I’m fucking awesome, and you know it.” Gabe spreads his arms out, spilling some of the whiskey in his glass.

We pull up at Julian’s house.

“You coming in then, fuckface?” Julian asks Gabe.

“Nah, I’ll head home.”

For fuck’s sake, I’ve got to drop Gabe off now. It’ll be the fucking morning before I get back to Charly.

“Cool. See you later then. Thanks for the ride, man.”

We do the guy handshake as he passes by before climbing out the limo.

“Later, Julian.”

He shuts the door.

“Aiden, to Gabe’s place now.”

The car pulls off again. It feels like he’s driving at a snail’s pace.

I’m tapping my foot, drumming my fingers on my thigh.

“You look tense, West,” Gabe says, pouring himself another whiskey.

“Not tense, just tired.”

“Sure.” He smirks. “You want one?” He lifts the whiskey bottle.

“Nah. I’m good with water.” I take another drink.

Then, I stare out the window, watching the houses pass by.

How long does it take to get to Gabe’s place from Julian’s? Five minutes normally.

Why does it feel like we’ve been driving for ten fucking minutes then?

Why aren’t we there already?

Then, we finally turn onto his street, and I nearly exhale with relief.

Aiden stops the limo outside Gabe’s apartment building.

I open the door. “Hit the pavement, pretty boy.”

“Hey, I haven’t finished my drink.”

“Take it with you.”

He smirks. “Anyone would think you were eager to get off.”

“I am. I’ve got an early shoot.”

He laughs. “Is that what we’re calling it nowadays?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Sure you don’t.” He chuckles. “Great night, West. Thanks for the ride.” He slings an arm around me, giving me a guy hug. “Love you, man,” he slurs, patting my back before letting go.

Gabe always gets affectionate when he’s drunk. It’s usually funny. Right now, I just want him out of my fucking car, so I can get back to Charly and screw her brains out.

“Sleep it off, man.” I laugh, shoving him in the direction of the open car door.

He stumbles out, glass still in hand. He rights himself on the pavement. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t, which isn’t much!” He laughs at his own joke, stumbling slightly.

I shake my head at him, laughing. Honestly, at this moment in time, I don’t give a shit if he does know I’m going back to Charly. I just want to go.

“Get to bed, and sleep it off,” I say to him. “Make sure he gets inside all right,” I tell his doorman, who is standing outside, holding the door open for Gabe.

“Will do, Mr. West. Come on, Mr. Evans, let’s get you to your apartment.”

I shut the limo door to the sound of Gabe singing Lukas Graham’s “7 Years” loudly. His neighbors must fucking love him.

“Back to Charly’s hotel,” I tell Aiden. “And drive fast.”

“Will do.” He chuckles.

He pulls off, the tires squealing as he slams on the gas.

It takes for-fucking-ever to get there.

I swear to God, we hit every red light. It’s like someone is out to torture me.

I’m climbing the limo walls by the time we finally pull up at her hotel.

“Pick me up at eight a.m.,” I tell Aiden.

He hands me my ball cap. Pulling it on, I’m out of the limo the second it stops.

Then, I’m jogging—I’m fucking jogging—through the hotel and up the steps and along the corridor to her hotel room.

I’ve never needed to be inside someone as much as I do her.

I don’t know what the fuck she’s done to me, but I like it. A lot.

Then, I’m knocking on her door. Fucking finally!

I wait a few seconds, and then the door pulls open.

And there she is.

Standing there, looking like a fucking goddess.

A leather-boot-wearing goddess.

My mouth waters as I take her in.

“I thought you were never going to get here,” she says.

I grip ahold of the doorframe, restraining myself from pouncing on her. “Me neither. I was ready to commit murder if it meant getting back here sooner.”

She laughs, and my cock stands up to attention. Not that he wasn’t already paying attention at the sight of her in those goddamn boots and sexy red lacy underwear.

Samantha Towle's Books