Tracking the Bear (Blue Ridge Bears Book 1)(20)

“Are you alright?” he asked, brushing my tears away gently. He looked genuinely concerned, and that triggered yet more tears.

“Lucy, are you okay?” he demanded, looking suddenly frightened. “Talk to me. Did I hurt you?”

“That was so-” I hiccupped and tried again. “So, so good…”

His face broke into a wide, joyful smile. “Good. That’s just the beginning.”

Oh, dear God. If that was foreplay, what would the actual act be like with him? Part of me was frightened to figure out, put the loudest voice in my head was screaming for me to figure out exactly how good sex with Chance would be.

He took a step back, idly unbuckling his belt. I couldn’t look away. His body was sheened lightly in sweat, and his muscled chest looked like it belonged to a bodybuilder. I was a little intimidated by the bulge that jutted from his boxers when he slid his jeans off and stepped out of them.

I swallowed the fear, though. I’d asked for this. I wanted this. My body was primed, ready to go and the relentless, steady ache in my core hadn’t ceased. I wanted him inside of me.

He stepped out of his boxers and I let out a half-strangled sound. Was everything about him perfect? The skin was slightly darker than the rest of him and now flushed with color. The skin was firm and looked so smooth, I had the insistent urge to touch it. I wanted to roll the head of him inside my mouth, taste the contours of it.

He climbed over me and I refocused on his face. I brought my hands up cup his face, marveling that this man, this gorgeous man, wanted me. According to what he’d said before, he was meant for me. How? Nothing had ever gone right in my life before, how had I been fortunate enough to have a man like Chance fall in love with me?

“Do you want this?” he whispered, turning to press a kiss to the palm of my right hand.

“Yes,” I breathed.

He positioned himself and pushed inside of me slowly. My back arched off the bed once more and I let out a shuddering cry. There was so much of him. He paused when he was fully inside of me, waiting for me to adjust. When I was sure I was ready, I have a little roll of my hips.

He groaned and began to move, slowly at first and then with increasing speed. My body, already sensitized by the two potent orgasms was quick to respond. I didn’t want or need the gentleness he was trying to give me.

“Harder,” I panted, moving one of his hands from my side down to clutch my hip. He moved the other as well, getting a firmer grip on me, his fingers digging into my flesh. The feel of his nails biting into my skin added a delicious layer to the pleasure that was coiling slowly in my belly.

He stretched my good leg over one of his shoulders and leaned further over me. The new angle was even better than the first and I spasmed, crying out in unbridled ecstasy as the head of his cock slammed against that spot inside of me again relentlessly, until he brought me once more to a sobbing orgasm.

“Oh God,” I managed. “Oh God. Chance, I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you.”

And I was surprised to find that it wasn’t lying. It wasn’t something I’d regret saying in the heat of the moment. I meant it. I loved Chance Kassower. How? We’d just met. And yet here in his arms, with him inside of me, I felt more at home than I had in the last four years with Aunt Carol and Uncle Mack. I felt more kinship with this man than I did with my own brother. Chance was mine and somehow, deep down, I had always known that.

“And I love you, Lucy Elmsong,” he growled, and plunged himself deep inside of me once more. His release sounded more like a roar than anything else, and I couldn’t find it inside myself to be frightened of him. He was a man, my man if I decided to claim him, and he was also a bear. I couldn’t love one and fear the other.

I followed soon after and trailed red lines down his arms with my nails, to match the red marks no doubt forming on his back.

“I’m sorry,” I muttered, as blood actually began to seep from one of the deeper tracks on his bicep. “Didn’t mean to hurt you.”

He chuckled and let me sink down onto the mattress. The soft quilted bedspread felt like a cloud cushioning my body in the afterglow. He rolled off of me and to the side, so I could get a good look at his face. He didn’t look put out or offended.

“Don’t worry about it. It’s hard to break my skin, so I know I had to have done a good job for your stubby nails to have any impact.” He lifted my hand gently from the mattress and brought it to his lips, to soften the insult about my nails.

I smiled wearily at him and curled closer to him on the bed. Despite the bat shit insanity I’d stepped into by joining him on this journey, I didn’t regret taking his offer of a ride. Tomorrow around lunchtime, we’d arrive at our destination and he’d try to leave me at a cabin while he searched for my brother in the woods.

But I wasn’t going to let him get away that easily. He was mine and I wasn’t going to stay put and do nothing while he risked his life.

“I love you,” I said, and there was a note of challenge in my voice. He frowned, and pulled me into his bare chest, presumably trying to shelter me from whatever waited for us on the horizon.

I loved Chance Kassower, and I wasn’t letting him go without a fight. Even if I had to fight him to accomplish it.

Chapter Eight


She loved me. Even if she hadn’t embraced the emotion fully, even if she was angry with me, there had been no lie in her tone.

Jasmine B. Waters's Books