Touch (Denazen #1)(15)

Misha shook her head. “I have heard of him, but I do not know where he is. The rumor is he was once one of the most dangerous of Denazen’s weapons. He is the only one to have escaped their facility and survive.” She looked at Kale and smiled. “Until now.”

This Reaper guy had escaped Denazen—something I was starting to see was no small feat. If I could find him, he could help get my mom out. He might be my only chance of saving her.

“Who would know where to find him?”

“The Reaper is deep in hiding,” she said with a frown. “There are rumors of him being spotted all over the country, but no one knows where he really is.”

“No offense, but that doesn’t help us at all.” Rumors were useless. For all we knew, the Reaper was some urban legend made up to make little Sixes eat their veggies and feel safe.

She leaned over and opened the nightstand drawer. Pulling out a pad of paper and a pen, she scribbled something and tore the page off. “Go to this address and speak with Cole Oster. He may be able to give you more information.” She stood. “You are welcome to stay the night, but you must leave at first light. It is too dangerous to have you here, Deznee Cross.”

I nodded and thanked her, settling back on the bed.

She made it to the door, before turning and giving Kale a stern look. “Because of the dangerous nature of your gift, I’m afraid I’ll need to insist you stay in this room at all times. I do not wish to see any of my guests harmed.”

Kale nodded and watched her leave. By the time the door clicked closed, he was sitting beside me again. Warmth soaked through my jeans where he rested a hand on my leg.

“Okay,” he said.


“She’s gone.”

I glanced back at the door. “Yes, she is.” I knew what he was hinting at, and for some reason it made me nervous. Another first. I made guys nervous, not the other way around. I wasn’t sure I liked this new turn of events. Expect a guy to notice your new shoes or killer pair of jeans, or hell, even remember your name, and you’re asking too much. But if you’re about to kiss him? He’s a dog with a big juicy bone.

He touched my cheek, smiling. “That was nice.”

I sucked in a breath. God he was cute… “Was it?”

He nodded enthusiastically. “What’s another kind?”

His grin was infectious. I shifted on the bed till I was sitting sideways, facing him. He did the same.

Reaching out, he grabbed my hand and placed it on his chest, over his heart. “Why does my heart pump faster when we’re close? How is it you do that to me?”

Under my fingers, his heart hammered a rhythm that matched my own. I smiled. “Nerves, excitement, fear. Could be a lot of things.”


“Like when you’re worried about something. Nervous.”

“I know what nervous is.” He took his hand off mine and leaned toward me, pressing it over my heart. I tried not to focus on what his hand was curving around. “Yours is doing the same. Are you nervous?”

“Yeah, I guess I am, a little.”

His hand stayed there, but his eyes were on mine now, searching. “Nervous because of me?”

“Yes,” I said. “No. I mean, it’s complicated.”

He leaned back, expression sour. “I don’t like that word. Complicated.”

I laughed. “No one does, trust me.”

“Do I make you afraid?”

The laughter died on my lips. What to say? Yes. I was afraid of him. Terrified, actually. But not for the reasons he thought. Moving his hand, I grabbed his chin. Taking one last gulp of air in an attempt to chase away the butterflies going to town in my stomach, I closed the small distance between us.

Our lips met, warm and soft, and I felt him stiffen. Not quite the response I normally got. Reaching up, I slid my fingers along the sides of his face and into his hair. When he still didn’t move, I pulled away to look at him. His arms stayed at his sides, knuckles white as he clutched the edge of the bed. Breath coming in heavy pants, he looked down at himself for a moment before grabbing my hand and placing it over his heart again.

“It’s even faster now.”

So was mine. I leaned in again, kissing him until he relaxed. With a contented sigh, he reached for my waist and drew me closer. After what seemed like forever, I pulled away and smiled.

“We should really get some sleep,” I whispered.

Kale frowned. “I’m not tired.” He ran his finger along my bottom lip. “I’d like to do that again. Please?”

I chuckled and slipped from his arms. “You’re a lot more normal than you think.”

“That was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. Does it feel like that every time?” He leaned back and swung his feet up without taking the boots off.

“With the right person, probably.” I pulled off my sneakers and burrowed under the covers of the other bed. The cheap hotel duvet was rough against my skin. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine it was as soft as my down comforter at home with its homemade, jersey covering, and thick, fluffy filling. The pillow was hard—even with the second one stuffed beneath it. The duffle Brandt had given me was about the same size. I could make it a third pillow but it probably wouldn’t work and wasn’t worth the headache I’d still have in the morning.

Jus Accardo's Books