Torrent of Tears (Scourge Survivor Series Book 3)(80)

Scrabbling, I pulled Zale’s blade from my side and staggered to my feet. The half of my body that I could feel, screamed in protest. Vertigo sent me listing to the side. “Hang on, Rowan. I’m coming.”

Ydorus and his men battled the Queen’s Strati in every direction.

My knees cracked against the stone floor. “I’m here, Doc. I’ve gottcha.”

Rowan’s bloody face blurred behind a wall of despair and I laid my head on his chest. The rise and fall was slight and then nothing moved at all.

Till death us do part.

My body erupted in blinding agony. Writhing, I screamed as early-morning light pierced the blue sky above the transparent dome. Pain burned though me. It blinded. White spots and tears obscured my vision. Let death come. I was done anyway. I’d failed.

They were dead because of me.

The inconsolable grief of my vision paled to what twisted in my soul. Now, I could make out their faces: Tham, Terran, Coal, Elani and my beloved Rowan.

I would never breathe again.


“Giving up so soon, child?”

Blinking past the blood in my eyes, I dragged my sights up the scarlet silk gown of my enemy. I bared my teeth. The fire in my spine was debilitating. My entire body trembled beyond my control. “Fuck you, bitch. You want me dead? Have at it.”

Rheagan laughed, the chorus of her voice cutting through the waning battle. “Dead? Never have I wanted you dead, my foolish Alexannia. I want you broken.”

The gleam in her eyes made my blood burn in my veins. I swiped blood, tears and snot from my face and pushed up to my hands and knees. “You are insane. I claim my Right of Vengeance as wife of Rowan and mother of Cole. I claim your life as mine to take.”

“You won’t kill me.” She cooed, pacing a slow circle around Rowan’s fallen body. I shifted, repositioned to place myself between him and her. She smiled. “Kill me and you kill your mother. She’s in here you know. Still fighting to regain control. A tenacious thorn in my side. Much like you.”

“You’re lying.” I choked and spat blood.

“Willing to take that chance? You love with a depth and loyalty few comprehend. It’s a weakness I enjoy exploiting.”

I spat blood and eyed Rowan’s dagger lying discarded by his shin. “Love and loyalty are strength. Not that a hollow . . . egocentric bitch would understand.”

She chuckled, her long hair shining blue-black in the dawning sun. “Then I shall exploit that strength until you take your place with my forces. Bruin, your Were-king brother would be a dangerous target, as would your father, Reign, but Julian, the gentle genius of your family or Jade, pregnant with twins . . . they could easily be the next pawns in our game. And after them, we have Galan, Aust, Lia, Nash—”

I lunged.

Rowan’s orichalcum dagger surged in my palm and slid through silk. I followed the thrust, ramming until the tip hit the marble pillar at her back. I twisted. And lifted.

Mustering all my remaining strength, I gutted the woman who should have been my mother. Blood streamed from the wound in my side. I couldn’t feel my limbs. On adrenalin alone, I held fast. This woman would die.

As long as air filled my lungs I would bring her down.

I locked my knees and listened to the portal sirens. “The gates to the Realm of the Fair are open. I summoned your brother too.”

Fury flashed in her dimming eyes. She’d underestimated me and finally realized it.

“Castian will come and if you’re still breathing, he’ll take care of you himself.” Laughter bubbled up from my gut at the shock in her expression. I winced as the pain in my back redoubled. “It’s over for you, bitch.”

The two of us sank to the stage floor. Purple blood pooled onto the stage floor and I had never seen anything more beautiful.

“You may have won the battle, child, but the war is yet to come. Revel in your victory. It will be short lived.”

Like a living horror movie, the wound in her gut exploded in a blinding glow. Golden mist spewed straight into the air. A moment later, it was gone and I was left with the empty shell that was once my mother.

I wanted to scream, to somehow change what the evil of the realm had put into motion, but the world went dark.


Death was a cruel bitch and largely predictable. Except for when she exercised her malicious sense of humor. I opened my eyes a crack, not sure what to expect. No glorious white light surrounded me in warmth, no clouds, harps or angels, nor was Alyssa there to escort me into the legendary gardens of the ‘After’.

Nope. Navy sheets twisted around me, as I lay crowded and hot in Rowan’s bed.

Coal, curled like a kitten, balled up tight against my chest and belly. He had both his hands wrapped around one of the wooden training dirks we used with the younger students at the Academy. A smile twitched at the corner of his mouth making him look younger than he did when he was awake.

I blinked and swiped them clear and blinked again. Was I dreaming? Were we both dead? I didn’t care as long as he was with me.

Warm, soft fingers brushed my cheek and I tore my gaze away from my boy. Jade spooned around him, facing me, her emerald green eyes glittering like two backlit gems. “He hasn’t left your side. He’s been so worried about you.”

J.L. Madore's Books