Torrent of Tears (Scourge Survivor Series Book 3)(60)

“But, it doesn’t have to be that way. You have true character, Alexannia. Potential beyond your own imaginings. Despite Balor’s betrayal—or perhaps because of it—you are the only progeny of mine to possess the strength and conviction to lead my army beyond the walls of the city. You are the only one of my offspring to ever be truly Eligible.”

Ahhh, so there really was more to the title than farming us out to the Nobles.

“If you wish to gain your freedom in Attalos,” she continued, “to turn down your marriage, to keep your pets safe, to have my ear and my approval—instead of standing in my way you will stand at my side.”

Long, graceful fingers reached toward me and beckoned me closer. My mind made the connection between the words and the shock of hearing them with the speed of a lightning bolt. She wanted me to join her, to rule her evil army against who? Members of the other realms?

Drawing a deep breath, I looked at her outstretched hand and fought the little girl in me who’d always dreamed of having a mother. Maybe, if I joined her, I could pull her away from the ledge of maniacal insanity. My legs trembled, ached to go to her. The gods and I both knew I would do almost anything to have the love and approval of my mother . . .

But stand at her side?

I stepped back. “I see the dictatorial terrorizing you inflict on the people of Attalos and I can’t be part of it.”

“Even if denying me puts the people you care about in more danger?”

“I’ll have to help them another way. There must be something else you want from me.”

She tilted her head as if thinking that one through. “You marrying Zale tomorrow and smiling for our guests would be a good start.”

“You realize he’s a self-serving, egomaniacal dick, right?”

The Queen laughed. “He, like everyone, serves a purpose in the grander scheme of things. The only question is will you play your part so that your friends may live?”

Try as I might, I could think of no other option. “All right. For now, I’ll play submit to your game of quid pro ho.”

Her melodical laugh rang like church bells in a graveyard. She turned the dagger again and pressed the flesh of her finger into the point. Intentionally, she drew the blade across the flesh of her finger. “Wonderful. Compliance is at least a step forward. Tomorrow is a big day. Perhaps things will look different after a time and you’ll see how things are meant to be between us.”

Pat. Pat. Pat. I watched the violet drops fall from her finger and splat on the leather blotter. As the blood converged into one larger drop, my resolve solidified. I would never be absorbed into her rule. Dead or alive, I would fight her control and search for a way to help free Coal and the others.

Turning on my heel I headed for the door. What had I agreed to? Gods, if this was the work of the Fates fucking with me, I was going to skin the three of them.

With my hand on the grip of the door, I paused and stared at the ornately carved panel. “You may have forced me to accept Zale and the farce of this marriage, but don’t take my compliance as submission. You can kill me, you can kill people I love, but I’ll never be who you want me to be. I’ll never stand beside you.”

The rustle of fabric alerted me and I dodged to the side as the dagger sunk into the door. My heart thumped once as I ripped the weapon free and spun. With a flick of her finger, the dagger had changed course and bulls-eyed the pool of purple blood on the blotter. Thump.

Staring at the dagger’s hilt twanging right in front of her, she clapped. “Alexannia, you are such a breath of fresh air.”


In the days I’d been AWOL, my suite at the palace had changed. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I expected to find my belongings still rummaged through and a sickening blood stain in the foyer. Instead, the rooms shined as gold and opulent as they had on that first morning almost a week—or more like a year—ago.

Everything picture perfect. Like nothing ever happened.

Movement in the bathroom had me stalking further into the room, searching for . . . right, no weapons. But as a frail young girl with auburn hair walked through the vanity area and into the bedchamber I bolted to her side.

“Elani.” I flung my arms around her tiny frame and felt her stiffen. Right. Through Rowan, I felt as if I knew the girl, but she didn’t know me. Likely didn’t even know I was close with her brother. I took a step back. “Shit, sorry. I didn’t mean to freak you out.”

Her dainty fingers clasped together as she drew a deep breath. “No, Princess, of course not. Are you all right? No one has . . . hurt you, have they?”

I knew by the tightening in her voice what she worried about on my behalf. And though my mother had chosen physical brutality to keep her and her brother in line, she must have known that tack would never work with me. “I’m fine. Are you all right? Rowan was so afraid that the dirt I stirred up would settle on you. Have the Strati come after you? If they came after you because of me, I’m so sor—”

“He told you?” She whirled away, her arms wrapped tight around herself. “He swore no one would ever know. I can’t believe he broke his word. What you must think . . .”

Stepping behind her, I squeezed her shoulder. “It’s not what I think, but what I know. What happened isn’t your fault, Elani. None of it. I’ve dealt with this kind of evil before and it’s sick and twisted and—”

J.L. Madore's Books