Torrent of Tears (Scourge Survivor Series Book 3)(21)

“Continuation? Like kids?”

“Savages from the outer rings have been targeting the inner city. It is incumbent on the nine houses to ensure the well-being of all Attalos’ citizens. It’s about more than children. We promote the image of well-being to the common. We host fine parties, sponsor sporting tournaments, make ourselves visible in the city center. We safeguard the image of normalcy.”

“Sorry to disappoint you, domesticity is no strength of mine.”

“No matter. There will be plenty of time after our union to settle into your role. Besides, you will have staff and your sister wives to help you acclimate.”

Staff? Well, okay, that sounds— “What? What the hell is a sister wife?”

Zale lifted my hand to his lips. Awkward. He had soft, well-manicured hands. Exactly the kind of hands you’d expect from a nobleman. “You are an intelligent woman, Grace, attractive too—despite the cut of your hair and your girlish form. I’m certain you will rise to be head-wife before long. You already intrigue me beyond the others.”

I tried to slide my hand out of his, but he squeezed tighter. My first instinct was to drop him right there on the manicured lawn, but I thought better of it. The past twenty-four hours had been a shitstorm of emotions. I didn’t understand the rules of this game yet, but I wasn’t ready to quit and go home.

My chest tightened as I remembered Bruin saying those exact words to me back in August. He and Mika had just been branded as mates and she was resisting him. I couldn’t stand the hurt in his big turquoise eyes and was damned if I’d give her a polite pass on it like everyone else.

Bruin told me Mika was new to the game and I couldn’t kick her out before she had a chance to learn the rules.

I didn’t get it then. Yeah, well, I guess the Fates were having a good laugh now. Yuck it up, bitches.

Zale leaned closer. “This is the way we have rebuilt the houses of the nobles for almost three decades. The laws of Attalos are absolute. Besides, it could be worse. Couldn’t it? I’m not a tyrant or an ogre. I have all my teeth and the men in my family keep their hair.”

Yes. It certainly could be worse. I forced what I hoped was a convincing smile and relaxed my hand in his. “And just how many wives do you have?”

He nodded to the guards opening the gate for us and we exited the palace grounds. The afternoon sun warmed the chill that had set over me as we strolled toward the city center.

“Currently two,” he said as if the women were luxury cars parked in his garage. “Temperance was my first. She and I were wed eight years ago when I was twenty-one. Then Chastity joined us on the last cycle. You’ll like her. She has a bit of the same defiant quality I see in you. Likes to hide my keys to get a rise out of me.”

My minded buzzed as Zale painted the bizarre picture of his marital ménage. “So, now I’ll be added in as the third wheel?” Hells no. Not how I pictured my happily-ever-after. And no offence to Chastity and her kinder-klepto routine, but he’d never seen defiant like I was about to show him.

“Yes. You’ll be the third and your twin sister Love will be the fourth. Your unexpected return to the fold caused quite a stir in the allocation of brides. Idikos, son of the second house is not even four cycles and wasn’t intended to be a husband until one more cycle had passed. They weren’t sure where to place you, but I assured them that I would welcome both you and your sister as one.”

I’m a twofer. Fucking Fates.

My mind-buzz caused the tides in my gut to churn. By the time we arrived at the next gate, I was seriously considering ducking into the metal shrubs to vomit. Stepping over the bridge, we walked along the orichalcum wall as Terran and I had early this morning. I raised my free hand and skimmed the surface. Like before, energy surged into my arm, tingled through my bloodstream and unexpectedly calmed the eels flipping in my stomach.

Zale scanned the bronze spires and glass walls of the cityscape as if deciding where to head next. “Since you had no mentor, you must be overwhelmed with questions. How about we spend the afternoon together and you can learn a bit about where you come from.”

As much as I wanted to punch Zale in his precious pie-hole and scream, instead, I nodded, craving information about my heritage more. “I’m not sure one afternoon will cover it.”

“I’m all yours. First question.”

“Can I step down as an Eligible? Refuse this?”

Zale actually had the gall to look hurt. “Refuse? We’re trying to rebuild our noble houses. Being an Eligible is a position of the highest honor in Attalos.”

“Yeah . . . so, can I? Refuse?”

Zale’s lips pursed tight. “You cannot. If you aren’t wed by your sixth anniversary in five days’ time, you will be executed as a betrayer of the Queen’s will.”

My hand skimmed down the purple silk of my gown and found the bump of my knife hilt sheathed just beneath the fabric. “Then maybe I should consider this whole thing a wash and go home. I’m sure my father is frantic and is tearing apart the realm searching for me. Maybe I should just go.”

Zale searched my expression with a focus I didn’t understand. “I hadn’t envisioned you would give up without learning the answers to questions which have surely plagued your entire life.”

As we walked on in silence, I glanced over my shoulder to make sure Terran and Zale’s servant boy were still cool. When our gazes met, Terran’s gaze lacked any sign of his natural spark. His expression remained guarded and cool.

J.L. Madore's Books