To Seduce An Assassin (The Omaja Series Book 2)(7)

Yavi stepped inside the room and shut the door behind him. “I’ve been thinking what that prisoner Bindar said about Uman being tipped off about the caravan’s route by one of our palace servants.”

“Who’s Uman?” Jiandra asked.

“The bandit leader,” Yavi explained. “He’s apparently the one who planned the attack on our caravan. We killed him at the campsite.”

Yajna set his lips in a line. “So we have a traitor living here with us.”

Yavi looked at Jiandra. “Can you use the Omaja to find the informant for us, today if possible?”

She reached up to touch the blue stone. “Consider it done.”

“Bindar referred to the servant as ‘he,’ though we shouldn’t rule out anyone until we know for sure,” Yavi said.

“Agreed,” she replied. “I’ll find out who it is and report back to you immediately.”

Yavi nodded. “I’ll be in the courtyard sparring all morning.”

“Need to relieve some tension, brother?” Yajna teased, sliding his arms around his wife’s waist.

“Something like that. You should join me, work on your sloppy aim.”

Yajna gave him a meaningful grin. “My aim’s just fine.”

“Cocky bastard,” Yavi muttered, shaking his head.


Jiandra had already ruled out Liel the steward before heading upstairs to find Kitran. The washing girl was in Yavi’s quarters, stripping the sheets from his bed, when Jiandra came around the corner. Jiandra ducked out of sight behind the doorway, grasped the Omaja in her fist, and peeked around the corner. She focused Knowing on Kitran’s small frame.

Bodies were entangled, naked bodies, groaning and making love. Kitran pushed her gorgeous, muscular lover onto his back and climbed on top. Through Kitran’s eyes, Jiandra looked down at the man, and saw Yavi’s face looking up at her.

Yavi, take me! Kitran gasped, rubbing her pelvis against his.

Jiandra quickly shook her head to clear the scandalous scene. She wasn’t sure what to make of it, whether it had been a real event or just a fantasy on Kitran’s part. For the moment, she needed to get the girl’s mind off making love with Yavi if she was going to find out what she wanted to know. She stepped into the room, clearing her throat loudly.

Kitran whirled around, startled, and curtsied. “Your Highness!”

Jiandra smiled gently. She felt a little guilty for invading the girl’s privacy, and she certainly couldn’t blame her for what she was thinking about—after all, Jiandra was completely smitten with the other twin. “Good morning, Kitran. I have a question for you. Have you noticed any strangers around the palace in the past few days? Anyone looking for information, by chance?” She held onto the Omaja and focused Knowing again as she watched Kitran’s face.

Kitran blinked, looking puzzled. “No, Your Highness, I haven’t seen anyone like that.”

All Jiandra saw in the girl’s thoughts concerning her questions was a complete blank. And then Yavi’s handsome face reappeared, smirking. Blowing Kitran a kiss.

Jiandra shook off the vision. “All right. Thank you, Kitran. Back to work.”

Kitran curtsied again and turned to gather up an armful of sheets.

Jiandra headed down the large staircase, wondering if Yavi was trysting with the washing girl in real life. The possibility surprised Jiandra a little. He’d tearfully confessed to her and Yajna one night a few years ago after having a little too much wine that he had sworn off seducing women because of his guilt over Svana’s death at Gerynwid’s hands. No matter how much she and Yajna had tried to convince him that the Gerynwid’s own ravenous thirst for blood was the reason for Svana’s death, Yavi insisted otherwise, that Gerynwid perhaps wouldn’t have targeted the serving girl if the sorceress hadn’t been jealous of his attraction to Svana. Yavi felt he was being rightfully punished for the thoughtless way he had entered into romantic relationships up to then, and he’d sworn to Tejeshwar he would never seduce another innocent young woman. From everything Jiandra seen for the past six years, he’d kept that oath. He’d never shown any inclination toward the servant girls before, always seeming completely disinterested in any females in his vicinity as far as Jiandra could tell.

On the other hand, if Yavi was still as healthy and hot-blooded as Yajna, it was hard to imagine him staying celibate forever. And pretty, petite Kitran was definitely willing if he was, from the looks of it.

Jiandra stepped into the kitchen. Terijin was preparing a late lunch of lentil stew and boiled potatoes, and he looked up from his kettle when she entered.

“Good day, Your Highness.” He smiled, bowing. “Lunch will be ready in an hour.”

“Thank you, Terijin.” She quickly thought of an excuse for her visit. “Could I have a piece of the leftover bread from dinner last night to tide me over? I’m starved!”

“Of course, Your Highness.” He disappeared into the larder.

Jiandra seated herself at his worktable, quickly removed the Omaja from around her neck, and held it in her lap.

Terijin appeared with a stack of small, round, flat loaves wrapped in a cloth, then unwrapped them and picked up a knife to cut one of the loaves in half.

Jiandra focused Knowing, and the scenes came quickly. Terijin was speaking with someone outside the south gate, a shadowy figure wearing a hooded cloak. The cloaked person looked like a man, tall, with massive shoulders. He placed a hand on Terijin’s shoulder as they spoke.

Jayla Jasso's Books