The Last Mile (Amos Decker, #2)(128)

“You screwed me. You brought the FBI.”

Decker looked behind him and then turned to face Roy. “No, we didn’t. Which means it’s the other side out there.”



ROY IMMEDIATELY TURNED off the lantern, plunging them into darkness.

“Give me my gun,” said Decker.

“How do I know it’s not the FBI out there and you’re just trying to trick me?” countered Roy.

The bullet shattering the window made them all drop flat to the floor.

“Because the FBI usually identifies themselves and doesn’t typically open fire into a building with people in it.”

The next moment an electronically enhanced voice called out, “We know you’re in there, Callahan! Just walk out and bring the stuff with you!”

“Shit,” muttered Roy. He slid out Decker’s gun and passed it across to him.

“Is there another way out of here?” asked Decker.

“The back door, but I gotta believe they got that covered too.”

As if in confirmation of this, a shot blasted in from the rear of the house.

“Okay, that’s a no-go,” said Decker.

“They’ve got us pinned down. All they have to do is wait us out.”

Decker pulled out his phone.

Roy saw this and shook his head. “That’s no good. This is one of the areas on the cellular map that’s got no signal. Nobody lives out here. It’s why I picked it to meet.”

“So we’re screwed,” said Mars.

“You were screwed the moment that ESPN show aired, Mellow.”

“So this is my fault?”

“It’s a little late to be apportioning blame,” interjected Decker.

He crept to a window and looked out.

“Can’t see anything. But those rounds sure sounded like high-powered rifle shots. Like the kind that killed McClellan.” He scurried back to the others. “Do they really think you’ve got the stuff with you?”

“No, but they want me to take them to it.”

“Where is it?”

“Not going there. I need leverage right now.”

“They’re going to kill us, Roy,” said Decker.

“They must have followed you here. How else?”

“Nobody followed us.”

“Eastland runs an intelligence firm, you dumbass. You don’t think he’s got ways to watch people?”

Decker turned to Mars. “He might be right.”

“I am right. I never should’ve agreed to meet with you two idiots.”

“It’s not like we wanted to meet with you either,” retorted Mars. “You’re the one who started all this.”

“I asked you this before but never got an answer,” said Decker. “You ran and took incriminating evidence with you, Roy, why?”

“You think now’s the time to discuss this?”

“I don’t think we’re going to get another chance.”

Roy glanced toward the window as the same voice called out, “You got one minute and then we open fire. And we’re packing incendiary rounds.”

“Shit,” muttered Roy. He looked at Decker. “Okay, you’re right. Killing kids wasn’t in the plan, not that the Three Musketeers gave a damn. After that I wanted out. But they weren’t going to let me. They made that clear.”

“What’d you do?”

“I stole the evidence from Huey Sr.’s safe. The old man was proud of what they’d done, but he wasn’t stupid enough to let that stuff get out. But I’m a curious guy. I was the one filming their little confessionals, and I’d seen Huey Sr. open his safe a few times, got the combination that way. Figured that’s where he’d keep the stuff. When I took it, I left ’em a note telling them what I had and got the hell outta Dodge and left the country.”

Mars said dully, “And fell in love with a black woman. Quite ironic.”

Roy suddenly looked contrite. “That’s the thing about love, you just…I mean, you can’t control it. I loved your mom and she loved me. From the minute we laid eyes on each other.”

“But not me,” said Mars. “You never loved me.”

“I was proud of you, Mellow, for what you did on the football field. But you being black wasn’t the reason I could never love you.”

“What, then?”

“Every time I looked at you I saw the sonofabitch who hurt the only person I’ve ever really loved. Not your fault. And I know it sounds effed up and it is, but it was just how I felt.” He paused. “Hell, I might as well lay it out for you. All of it. Your father? I lied to you. I never killed him for what he did to your mother.”

“What?” exclaimed Mars.

“It wasn’t for lack of trying. But he was too rich and too well protected. His goons almost ended up killing me.” He pointed to the scar. “They gave me this, along with some other permanent injuries. The prick’s still alive down in Colombia living the good life. Makes my blood boil every time I think about it.”

Mars said, “Why are you telling me this?”

Now for the first time Roy looked nervous. “Because that’s the real reason I framed you for murder, Mellow. Not to protect you. And your mom didn’t know I was going to do that. She just thought I was going to disappear. If she’d known my plan to frame you she never would have let me do it. Hell, she would have killed me.”

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