The Fortune Teller(78)

Liliya gently took the cards. “They’re so beautiful.” She handled them like priceless treasures as she mixed the deck.

Nettie laid them out in a crosslike pattern, like she had seen Kezia do so many times before. The faces of the cards were faint shadows in the moonlight, reaching out like a hand to guide her.

When Nettie finished telling Liliya what she saw, Liliya looked at her with tears in her eyes.

“Did you lie to me?” she asked in a timorous voice.

Nettie shook her head, at first not understanding. “I told you what I saw.”

“But does everything come true?”

“So far,” Nettie said without any pride.

Liliya bowed her head and covered her face as she wept. For Nettie had not only told her she would survive this place, she had told her the names of her children and grandchildren. She said the next chapter of Liliya’s life would be filled with love and beauty—two things Liliya had thought she would never know again. Her heart was filled with hope for the first time in years.

“Promise me you’ll stay with me,” Nettie insisted again.

Liliya could see the terror in her eyes and understood. Nettie had seen her own future. “What’s going to happen?” Liliya whispered. Nettie could only shake her head, unable to explain. Liliya took her hand. “I’ll stay with you, no matter what.”


Liliya kept her promise even in the darkest days. Evanoff was consumed with unraveling the mystery of their abilities and he had singled Nettie out. He used various aids—barbiturates, sensory deprivation, electric shock—to force her into hypnotic states. He threatened to hurt the other children if she didn’t cooperate.

Most of the tests occurred in “the chamber,” an electromagnetically sealed, soundproof space. He would lock Nettie inside for hours, sometimes days. Her only respite was when he would go on trips for stretches at a time—to where, she didn’t know.

Beyond the monastery’s walls, battles raged across the Eastern Front as war consumed the country. Nettie stayed locked inside Evanoff’s madness up until the end.

Out of any country in Europe, Czechoslovakia was the most advanced in researching the paranormal, like ESP and clairvoyance, and integrating it into their military operations. They had separated psychic phenomenon from the occult and designated “psi” experiences as part of accepted science.

Evanoff was driven by a maniacal desire to take command of the Czech research facilities. He traveled to the Ukrainian front to be there when Russia liberated Czechoslovakia from the Germans and brought his most promising psychics, including Nettie and Liliya, along with him.


Nettie had imagined the moment a thousand times, seen the events unfold like fractals coming into the sharpest focus. She had shared her vision with Liliya many nights during their imprisonment. Knowing this day would arrive was the only reason they had survived their time at Makaryev, the only reason they had survived what had been done to them.

The caravan of trucks was deep in the forest making its way westward toward Prague when the explosions occurred.

They were only a mile from the offensive front. The soldiers pulled their trucks over and climbed onto the hoods to look out over the valley. Nettie and Liliya sat in the bed of a covered truck, the last in the convoy. Lev, their guard, jumped out to join the others.

Liliya stared at Nettie, terrified. “When do we go?” she whispered.

“Wait,” Nettie said, her eyes closed, counting the seconds. Minutes passed. Finally she heard a cannon sound far off in the distance. “Now,” she whispered, and the two girls climbed out of the truck as quietly as possible.

They were almost to the trees when Lev turned around.

“Stop or I’ll shoot,” he ordered. But he had not yelled loud enough to alert the others.

Nettie turned to face him without flinching. Lev had witnessed Evanoff’s atrocities. Every day he had escorted her from the children’s room to those malevolent doors. Nettie had gotten to know all her captors at Makaryev, and Lev was the only one she was sure would seek absolution for his crimes.

Nettie and Liliya only had moments before another soldier would discover them. Nettie stared into his eyes and said, “When you die, the only memory from the war that will give your soul any kind of peace is the knowledge that you helped us on this day. You will never speak about Makaryev to your wife or children. You will die an old man with a clear mind. You will carry the screams, the fear, the darkness, as we will.”

Every word echoed like a hammer. Lev listened, his eyes bright.

“Now let us live,” she commanded.

Lev said nothing. He turned his back and climbed inside the truck. Nettie and Liliya ran toward the tree line, empowered, knowing that freedom was on the other side.

When they reached the trees, the leaves kicked up under their feet and the forest enveloped them. They kept running long after the sounds of the soldiers had faded. They stopped when they found a small stream and finally rested, heaving with exhaustion as they drank their fill. Nettie began to shiver, succumbing to the shock of their escape. The two girls gripped each other tight and held one another as they cried. They had just done the impossible.


Semele set the pages down in disbelief. She hadn’t finished reading yet, but she had realized something so shocking she couldn’t continue. She walked to the main room and caught Theo pacing.

Gwendolyn Womack's Books