The Duke Meets His Match (The Infamous Somertons #3)(50)

“It does.” He pulled up a chair, sat by her bedside, and opened the book to the desired page. “But in this one, the dragon sets fire to the forest and the prince has to find his way through the smoldering woods to reach the castle where the princess is kept captive.”

Her eyes widened. “Does he?”

“I won’t spoil it but will have to read it. But I must warn you that it is a long story.”

Animation briefly left her face. “I have nothing but time.”

He hesitated, then looked at her closely. “Has Dr. Graves examined you?”

She nodded. “I was surprised when he told me the orphanage doctor had to leave. I was nervous at first, but Dr. Graves has a kind smile.”

“Listen to Dr. Graves. He will make you feel better. And that will make Miss Chloe happy.”

Emily sat up another inch and caught his gaze. “Do you like Miss Chloe?”

Very much. “We are friends.”

They were, he realized. The physical attraction was still there, of course, and he couldn’t imagine not desiring her. But she meant much more to him now. She was his confidant, someone who had seen him at his darkest moments and stayed by his side—his friend.

His future wife.

He wanted to tell Emily the happy news but kept silent. He knew Chloe would want to tell Emily herself, and he didn’t want to ruin the surprise.

“I was friends with another girl,” Emily said. “Her name was Caroline, but then she left with a handsome couple who wanted a girl, and she went away. I was happy for her, but sad at the same time. I’m old enough to know that a pretty lady and handsome man won’t come and take me to their home. No one wants a sick girl.”

Michael swallowed, and a sudden heaviness centered in his chest. Emily, if she was fortunate enough to overcome her illness, would most likely never be adopted but would live her life in the orphanage. She’d be one of the older girls he’d seen scrubbing the orphanage halls in exchange for their keep. If she did not fully recover, she could be sent to another institution or a hospital, a place with poor medical care where she wouldn’t live long. He clenched his jaw. Dr. Graves would help the little girl. He had to.

Looking into Emily’s intelligent green eyes, he saw what had drawn Chloe to the child. Yes, they shared a background. Both had been abandoned by a parent. Both had been ill—Emily still was. But there was more. They shared a similar spirt—a strength and resolve to survive, to fight. It’s what he admired most about Chloe…and now Emily.

Michael pushed aside the nagging thought of Emily’s illness and what it would do to Chloe if the child perished. He opened the book and began to read, “Once upon a time, there was a prince…”

Chapter Twenty-Two

The evening of Eliza’s dinner party arrived quickly. “You look lovely,” Henry told Chloe as he bowed over the hand she presented.

It took Chloe great effort to smile as Henry straightened and looked into her eyes. Guilt pressed heavily upon her chest. She wanted desperately to speak to him alone, but she’d have to be patient.

The room was full of guests waiting to enter the dining room. Her sisters and their husbands were sharing drinks and chatting amicably. Any private conversation would have to wait until after dinner when they could take a turn in the gardens.

A movement out of the corner of her eye drew her attention. She turned to see Michael enter the room and stand by the mantle. He looked every inch the powerful duke, and her breath caught in her throat. His meticulously cut jacket clung to his broad shoulders and emphasized the breadth of his chest. The rakish fall of dark hair across his brow made her want to run her fingers through it. Her eyes slowly rose to his, and a spark passed between them so strong she feared everyone in the room could see.

Their gaze was broken when Lady Willowby approached him. The widow looked stunning in a violet gown that clung to every curve of her voluptuous figure. The bodice was low, and an amethyst jewel the size of a walnut rested between her large breasts. She smiled up at him and touched his sleeve.

Chloe looked away as jealousy welled within her. She wanted to cross the room and rest her fingers on his sleeve, to stake her claim.

“Will you accompany me for a ride in the park tomorrow?” Henry asked, drawing her attention back to him. Henry was watching her with an expectant look on his face. She needed to tell him, and soon, but how best to go about it? “I’m afraid I have another dress appointment with my sister.”

His looked crestfallen. “Another time?”

Her unease increased. “Henry, there is something I need to discuss with you. After the gentlemen enjoy their port and cigars following dinner, will you meet me in the gardens?

Henry’s eyes lit with anticipation, and he leaned forward to whisper in her ear. “I shall think of little else all evening.”

Oh no. He believed she wanted a romantic tryst. She must end whatever false hopes he had between them.

She was saved from responding when the butler announced dinner was ready and the guests began to shuffle into the dining room.

Lady Willowby laughed flirtatiously as she took the duke’s arm. Henry offered Chloe his arm as he escorted her into the dining room. Unable to avoid a glance toward Michael, her pulse pounded at his possessive stare.

It was going to be a long evening.

Tina Gabrielle's Books