The Dom Who Loved Me (Masters and Mercenaries #1)(65)

His blood was starting to thrum through his system as anger turned into something else. They would never get through an interview session with this much tension between them. Maybe it was time to follow his instincts. “I won’t ever take another sub, little one. You’re mine, and it’s going to stay that way.”

“Not in this lifetime, Sean,” she snarled the words at him, every movement of her body just begging him to force the issue.

“You have a safeword, Grace,” he offered magnanimously. “Are you going to say it?”

“Fuck you.”

He practically growled. “Not your safeword, baby.”

He was on her in a second.

What the hell was she doing? She was tugging the tiger’s tail, and she couldn’t seem to stop. Ever since the instant she had discovered Sean’s lies, something wicked had taken up in Grace’s chest. For awhile it had been drowned out with sorrow and self-doubt, but now it flared to life and demanded to be heard.

“You have a safeword, Grace.” Sean was so gorgeous. His blond hair was dark now that it was wet, and his clothes clung to his body like a greedy, worshipping lover. His eyes were firmly focused on her, leaving no doubt as to what his intentions were. The rain was coming down in sheets, but there was no mistaking his low growl for an offer of amnesty. He wanted her to submit. He wanted her on her knees waiting for his command. If he couldn’t have that, he wanted her to admit she couldn’t handle it and walk away. “Are you going to say it?”

The words were out of her mouth before she could judge the wisdom behind them. Oh, she was in so much trouble and still that safeword was buried with absolutely no hope of ever being said. “Fuck you.”

A fierce grin lit his face. “Not your safeword, baby.”

Sean moved almost faster than her eye could track. He was so quick and graceful. There was only time to try to bring the umbrella up again, but before she could strike, his hand wound around the handle. It was tossed away. Grace attempted to turn, to prolong the fight. The outcome was inevitable. She would go down, but she wasn’t going down easy.

Grace pushed against him as he hauled her into his arms. Her breasts pressed against him. His hands tightened around her arms forming manacles she couldn’t escape. His mouth slammed down on hers.

Yes, a voice deep inside her said. This was what she had pushed him for. This was what she needed. She couldn’t ask for it. Her pride demanded that she stay away from him, but her heart was willing to push him into giving her what she wanted. She wanted Sean. She wanted him inside her with a ferocity that surprised her. Sean’s tongue dominated. She felt small and helpless compared to him. He plunged into her mouth as the rain came down, and there was nothing she could do but feel his desire.

And yet…Grace attempted to shove against his chest. He had used her and would continue to do so. What was she thinking? Why couldn’t she use her safeword and be done with it?

“Don’t fight me.” He murmured the words against her lips. “I want to be gentle. I want to show you how it can be. If you keep pushing me, I’ll take you to the dungeon and there won’t be any tenderness.”

But she didn’t want his tenderness. That had proven to be false. His passion though, she would take that. Grace brought her foot down on his. He hissed in pain as the stiletto made contact and dropped her hands for a moment. Grace turned to try to run. She was face first in the mud with Sean’s big body pressing her down before she could take a second step. She was caught between the soggy earth and Sean’s hardness.

“I told you.” His words were shouted as he held her down. She struggled, but he was far too heavy. She felt him moving, squirming, and then he rolled her over in one smooth move, recapturing her quickly. He had his belt in his hands. Before she could protest, that strip of leather bound her hands together in front of her body, and Sean hauled her up like a calf he’d just roped. “You can walk with me, or I can drag you through the mud. Your choice, Grace.”

Or, she could say her safeword and be done with it, done with him. She started to walk behind him, his hands tugging her along, but the shoes stuck in the mud, and she stumbled. Sean cursed, and in a second she was cradled in his arms being carried toward the big house. Her bound hands sat in her lap. She shivered from the cold, but a part of her was heating up. What kind of a woman was she that he could use her, and she practically begged him for more?

Sean didn’t pause as he hit the steps. His eyes stared straight ahead.

“Later, Ian,” he growled as they passed a huge blond man who had to be Sean’s brother. There were others there, but no sign of Adam and Jake. Grace was grateful for that. This was between her and Sean.

Sean kicked open the front door.

“Sean, what the f*ck do you think you’re doing?” Ian asked, following them.

Grace could see him over Sean’s left shoulder. He looked just like Sean, only harder and more dangerous. Ian Taggert didn’t look like a man who was used to being ignored.

“Are there towels in the dungeon?” Sean didn’t stop. He moved with great purpose down the hallway. Grace’s heart skittered. Dungeon. She’d never seen a dungeon before.

“Sean, this is utterly ridiculous.”

“And yet it’s happening,” Sean shot back. “Are you going to come between me and my submissive?”

Lexi Blake's Books