The Dom Who Loved Me (Masters and Mercenaries #1)(43)

“Fine,” Adam growled. “She has it password protected. What are her sons’ names?”

“David and Kyle.” Sean had spent a portion of his afternoon looking at the pictures on Grace’s mantel. When he wasn’t plotting the way he was going to betray her, he’d stared at the two attractive young men she’d raised. There were pictures from their graduations and some family vacation photos. There was an old picture of a smiling, dark-haired man with glasses. He didn’t look like a man who could land a woman like Grace. She had deeply loved her husband.

Now she loved him.

“Not working. Okay, husband’s name is Pete. That’s a no. She seems to change it every week.” Adam glanced back at Jake with a knowing look in his eyes. “You think?”

Jake shrugged as he stared at the screen. “Worth a try.”

Two seconds later the screen cleared, and they were in.

Sean was curious. “What was the password?”

“My Viking.”

Sean looked between his friends. It was obvious to Sean that they were sharing some joke that he didn’t get. “Viking? Like the football team?”

Adam gave him a smirky grin. “No, Sven, like the long, flowing-haired plunderers of lovely females. You remind her of a Viking.”

And she reminded him of a fertility goddess. Sean felt his stomach turn. Fertile. He’d taken her without a condom and with no thought to pulling out. He’d just taken her and spilled himself in her hot, tight *. That wasn’t right. He had thought about it. He’d thought about stopping. He just hadn’t. What if he’d gotten Grace pregnant? The butterflies in his stomach calmed a bit. If he’d gotten her pregnant, then she couldn’t turn him away when she discovered his lies. A baby would be a permanent link between them. God, he was an *, but the thought didn’t scare him.

Adam closed the computer and unhooked the laptop. “Done. Now you can go hop back in bed with Grace.”

Sean smiled, but it was an outward sign of his inner beast. Now that Adam had done his job, Sean could feel free to have a discussion with his friend. “Are you sure you’re finished? Got everything you need?”

Adam looked smug as he packed up his equipment. “I have everything on that system down to her latest solitaire game. I’ll go over it at my leisure.”

“Try doing it with one eye, *.” Quick as he could, Sean popped him, drawing his fist back and landing it squarely across his friend’s left eye.

“Fuck!” Adam bowled over, his hands covering the offended body part.

“Don’t you ever take advantage of my Grace. She’s mine. I hear you get her in a position like that again and I swear to God, Adam, I’ll take your head off next time.” Sean looked over to see if Jake was about to defend his best friend. Jake Dean was infinitely more dangerous than Adam in a fight. Adam was the brain, while Jake was the deadly brawn. Jacob was merely shaking his head as he watched.

“I told you he was going to kick your ass when you walked into that dressing room with her.”

Adam looked up, his eye puffing up already. “I was doing my goddamn job. I was told to keep an eye on her and let me tell you I got an eyeful.”

Sean took another step toward the * and gave serious consideration to killing the f*cker.

Jake rolled his eyes and came between the two of them. “Don’t even try to justify your actions, Adam. You knew exactly what you were doing when you talked your way into the dressing room with her.” Jake turned to Sean. “Let’s go get some ice. I’d like to keep the swelling down, otherwise the talk at the office tomorrow might be that I abuse my boyfriend. Or did you forget our cover?”

Sean sighed and surveyed the damage. Jake had a point. “Damn it, Jake, I didn’t think about it.”

Jake shook his head as he studied Adam’s eye. “No, but I can see you’re not doing a lot of thinking at all, Sean. Maybe you should take a step back. It wouldn’t be strange at all for Sean Johansson to get called back to corporate. It might give you both a little breathing room.”

Sean wasn’t going anywhere, but it was easier to just nod and mumble something about Grace’s fridge. Jake shoved Adam toward the kitchen.

“He’s not my sergeant anymore. I don’t have to follow his orders. I got kicked out of the f*cking army, remember?” Adam complained as he walked out.

Jake’s voice was low and soothing. “I know, buddy. I know. Let’s get your eye fixed up.”

The duo shuffled off, and Sean was left with a strange sense of loneliness. Jake and Adam had each other’s back, and had for many years. Sean wasn’t alone, per se. He had his family, but no one who was always on his side, and now he felt that oneness. If someone punched him in the face, no one was going to take care of him. His brother would tell him he deserved it and send him on his way. Grace wouldn’t, though. Grace would probably try to baby him. If he’d been punched, she would have an ice pack in hand and stand there cooing over him trying to make him feel better.

Sean picked up Grace’s laptop and placed it back in her case. He crossed the living room to the foyer and put it back where she kept it, ready for her to dash out the door tomorrow. He’d make her think about going in late or maybe taking the day off. He liked the idea of just keeping her out of the office. He’d make her French toast and sausage. He’d cuddle with her and take a long hot shower for two and make love to her again. It would be nice to play hooky. They could shut off the cell phones and pretend the outside world didn’t exist.

Lexi Blake's Books