The Billionaire Bargain #3(26)

She did a little dance and then, squealing, ran off, presumably to spread the good tidings.

“We really did it,” Grant said, sinking onto the sofa, dazed.

“And Tina spoke an entire paragraph without ending a single sentence in a question mark,” I added. “Between that and the fact that you love me—” Lord, but I was never going to be tired of hearing those words—“today is looking like a day for miracles.”

“You have it the wrong way around,” Grant said, reaching for me and pulling me down beside him. “The miracle is that you love me.”

And before I could argue it further, he kissed me again.

Our kisses moments ago had been desperate and passionate, their ardor born of our startled joy, of our urgent need to confirm that the other loved us, wanted us, was truly there and not just a dream.

This kiss was slow and tender, a cherishing of each sensation we could give and receive, a promise of love and safety and security. Our lips met again and again, teasing and comforting, tantalizing and then soothing.

“You know what we should do next?” Grant murmured when we finally broke contact. “Celebrate.”

I smiled shyly. “I have a few ideas.”

“Naughty, naughty,” Grant said with raised eyebrows. “You’ll certainly have to share those ideas with me soon. You know I value your contributions.” He took me by the hand and smiled. “I couldn’t have done this without you.”

? ? ?

“OMG, you guys!!” Kate threw her arms around us and embraced us both at once, crushing us in her love-fueled and strawberry-daiquiri-scented grip. “You did it! You really did it! You would not believe how happy I am for you!”

This was Devlin Media Corp’s official public celebration, following shortly on the heels of my and Grant’s private one. Everyone was there—Grant had rented out a football stadium in order to fit in as many shareholders, employees, and families as wanted to attend. There was free pizza, booze, three bands Grant had called in, and fireworks. Now that’s what I’d call a proper company picnic.

“Thanks, Kate, I love you too, girl,” I said, laughing and disengaging gently. “Damn, but my man knows how to throw a party.”

I leaned back into him, feeling a doofy smile spread across my face. Not going to lie, my favorite part of this event was how Grant had kept his arm around me the whole time. I could spend the rest of my life this way.

He leaned down and kissed my temple. “Only the best for you, sugarplum.”

Kate rolled her eyes. “All right, you lovebirds, watch it. There are children present.”

She spotted someone over our shoulder, her eyes widening. “Holy shit, is that—did you seriously invite—”

“Your favorite actor to ever play Sherlock Holmes? Yes, yes, we did,” I said, laughing. “And he’s got an autograph just for you. I never would have gotten halfway here without your advice, after all.”

“Girl, I will give you about a thousand thank-yous later, but right now I have to go tackle-hug this man!” And Kate was off like a shot.

I chuckled fondly and let my head fall against Grant’s shoulder. “You really are amazing. I don’t know what could top this.”

“Well, I do have some ideas to start with.” He guided me into a private patch of shadow and slid two pieces of paper into my hand.

I gaped at them for several seconds before I could believe my eyes. “Tickets to the Caribbean?”

He grinned. “We leave tonight.”

I stared up at him, blown away by his thoughtfulness and generosity. “Really? You’re serious?”

That grin widened, playful and wicked. “Oh, I’m very serious, Lacey. You’ve earned yourself a decent vacation.” He leaned in, his hot breath tickling my ear as he growled. “You see, I’ve been a very bad boss, overworking you so.”

His hand slid to cup my breast, his fingers circling but not quite touching my nipple.

My breath caught in my throat. “Have you heard me complaining?”

“Nonetheless, now I’m going to make it up to you.” His voice dipped lower, a sensual growl. “We have a private villa, beachfront.”

“Nice view?” I asked, trying to be casual even as he set my body on fire.

“Oh, I’m hoping for a very nice view indeed.” The glint in his eyes grew mischievous. “Didn’t I mention? It’s clothing optional.”

The end.


I lay sprawled on our towel, luxuriating both in the heat of the sun and the heat of Grant’s bronzed body next to mine.

The light made the white sands gleam as though we rested on diamonds, and turned the ocean into a sparkling sapphire, yet a light breeze played with my hair and kept me cool as it carried the sounds of exotic birds and a steel drum band just around the bend of the coastline.

“Ready for another dip?” Grant asked.

“Mmm, just a minute,” I said, snuggling up to his side. “I just want to treasure this moment a little bit longer.”

“Well, with a reason like that,” Grant said, sliding his strong arms around me, “feel free to take all the time you need.”

The past week had been amazing: snorkeling in the shallows and scuba diving in the coral reefs during the day, dances and fancy banquet dinners at night. We had hiked through leafy green jungles, visited quaint cafes where the scent of coffee mingled with pineapple and the sea-salt air, walked hand in hand through the moonlit streets, just talking and enjoying each other’s company.

Lila Monroe's Books