Tell Me True (Call Me Cat Trilogy #3)(7)

We worked our way through the golf course and Jon began to talk about their childhood. "I idolized my big brother," he said, swinging hard. His ball flew across a sand trap and landed near the hole.

Mine didn't do as well and we had to walk further away to retrieve it.

"When we were kids, I was a bit scrawny. I got picked on a lot, but Ash was always there to stand up for me."

I tried to hit my ball out of the sand but only dug it in deeper.

"As we got older, I was the studious one, always studying hard and getting good grades. Valedictorian material and AP classes. Ash got in with a bad crowd. The ones who always wore black and who smoked pot behind the school during lunch. Ash tried to get me involved with them, but I refused, knowing they could derail everything I was working so hard for."

He held out his hand for my club and I gave it to him, letting him hit my ball out of the hazard, then taking the club back as we walked over to our balls, which were now side by side next to the hole.

"They called me Scrawny Jonny and liked to knock my books out of my hands, take my stuff, that kind of thing. Ash didn't defend me anymore. He just let his new friends torment me. I missed my brother and wanted to be with him, but he'd changed and we grew apart. Of course, eventually Ash straightened out and got his life together, and I'm so glad he did. I'm happy for him. Even a little jealous." He looked at me and I felt an awkward energy between us. "He has the perfect career, the perfect woman. The perfect life. I hope I find that some day."

He hit his golf ball and it rolled smoothly into the hole.

I did the same and then we both bent down to pick up our balls. As we straightened up, I reached for his hand, my own shaking with nerves at what I was about to do. "There's something I have to tell you."

He turned to me, his face flushed and confused. "What is it?"

"I found my mother's book."

Chapter Five

The Elephant In The Room


A SHAFT OF moonlight beamed its way through our bedroom window, casting a white glow across Ash's arm as he pulled me closer to his body. "What's wrong, Catelyn? Is there something going on you haven't told me?"

My back faced him, so he couldn't see me bite my lip. He couldn't see the downturned lines of my frown or the worry etched on my face. I tried to keep all of that from my voice. "I'm tired. And worried. Someone's coming after you. And I'm sad about Jon."

Maybe that was the wrong thing to say. His arm left me, and I shivered when the cool night air hit my skin where his warm flesh had just been.

"You seem more upset about his death than Bridgette, and she was sleeping with him." Was there a hint of an accusation in his voice?

It had been a week since our non-wedding. Since the murder of Jon. Since the threat against the life that mattered more to me than my own. Since our lives had fallen apart. The level of disruption a situation like this can cause is unimaginable until you're living through it. "Of course I'm upset. He was my friend and about to become my brother-in-law. But Bridgette is devastated. She can't sleep and I'm sure she's lost weight. She doesn't look healthy."

I turned to face him, pushing my naked body up against his as he stared at the ceiling. I ran my fingers through the hair on his sculpted chest and rested my head against his shoulder. "You have nothing to worry about with me and Jon,” I said soothingly. “I was only spending time with him to get to know my new family. I’ve missed having one since my parents died."

The tension in his body drained away and he wrapped his arm around me and kissed the top of my head. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I just know that Jon would have done almost anything to have you, and I didn't like seeing you spend so much time with him. But now… I guess it doesn't matter. I can't believe he's dead. I may not have always liked the bastard, but he was my brother. And now that he's gone, I miss him. Or at least I miss the brother I grew up with. The good memories, you know?"

"I do know. I feel it. I hurt when you hurt. We may not have gotten married last week, but you're still the husband of my heart and I love you. We are one," I said, linking our hands together. "I feel what you feel." And you feel what I feel.

"We'll get married, I promise you that. As soon as we get through the funeral and figure out who did this, as soon as the shadow of Jon's death can't threaten our happiness, we'll get married. But nothing changes how I feel about you. You're mine, no matter what. And I'm yours. And no one is going to hurt me, I promise."

He kissed me softly, with a tenderness that almost broke me with its sweetness. When his tongue flicked against mine, a flare of fire awakened in my belly and I moaned.

His cock hardened instantly, pressing against my stomach with an urgent need that had lain dormant since Jon's death.

I took him in my hand and stroked as our mouths played with each other, kisses getting harder and deeper, bodies pushing closer, hands exploring with desperate hunger.

With one hand he played with my breasts, squeezing my nipples alternately, sending shivers of desire that woke up all the nerves in my body. With the other, he moved between my legs, teasing the sensitive skin there, oh-so-lightly connecting with my swelling clit, sending tingles of pleasure through my body.

Karpov Kinrade's Books