Tell Me True (Call Me Cat Trilogy #3)(25)

Maxwell drove as we followed Ash and the police to the police station. My hands shook and I fought back tears. How many bad omens could one couple handle on their wedding day—their wedding days?

"It's going to be okay," he said as he pulled into the parking lot. "We both know Ash is innocent, whatever it is. So they've got nothing."

Detective Gray met us at the front of the station. "I'm sorry, Catelyn," he said, before I could chew him out. "This wasn't my call. I got pressure from higher up to make the arrest, and to make it when I did."

I swallowed my anger just a little. Gray didn't usually apologize, but he looked genuinely sorry.

Maxwell asked, "What are you charging him with?"

"The murder of Jonathan Davenport. We're also questioning him about the disappearance of his private investigator. We—they—believe that Jim discovered something linking Ash to the crime, and Ash got rid of the P.I. to save himself."

I crossed my arms over my chest, the wedding dress stretching around my ribs. "Why would he hire a P.I. if he was guilty?"

The detective shrugged. "Maybe to keep up appearances. Maybe he thought he'd covered his tracks so well he wouldn't be discovered."

"You have no evidence to keep my husband here. He didn't kill his brother. He loved Jon even if they weren't always close. And his life was threatened that day, as well."

Detective Gray looked around like someone might be listening, then ushered us to an interrogation room and closed the door. "We have a recording of Ash threatening to kill Jon."

I sucked in my breath and Maxwell sighed. "Why?" he asked.

Gray looked at me. "They were fighting over you, Catelyn."

I shook my head, too confused to think straight. "I want to talk to Ash. Right now. You shouldn't be questioning him without his lawyer, and I'm assistant to legal counsel, so we'd like to see our client immediately."

Maxwell raised an eyebrow in surprise but didn't object to me inserting myself into Ash's defense team. When Gray left to get Ash, however, Maxwell leaned in. "Bold move, but you know you can't be part of his defense if this goes to court."

I sank into a chair, my feet killing me from the heels and my skin irritated by the too-tight, itchy dress. "I know, but I need to talk to him."

Ash came in and closed the door behind him. "This is all a lie," he said, before kissing me.

"Of course it is," I said. "But there's a tape of you threatening Jon?"

He sat next to me and held my hand as he talked to us both. "It was back when you were spending a lot of time with him. I got a bit jealous and Jon rubbed it in how much you had in common—law school and golf and whatever. So I called him back, but he wasn't home and I left a stupid message. Afterwards, I regretted it immediately and knew that nothing was going on between you two, of course. I'm a fool, Catelyn, but I'm no murderer. Please believe me."

He begged with his eyes as he held my hands and I pulled him to me and hugged him. "You don't have to tell me that, Ash. I always believe in you. I'm your wife."

Maxwell stood. "If that's all they have on you then they have nothing. Let's get you out of here."

We followed Maxwell out and Ash held me. "I loved Jon. Despite our differences, he was a great guy. I wish things had been different."

It seemed Jon was a better guy in death than he had been in life, but I kept my thoughts to myself as Maxwell got Ash out of there with remarkable speed. I wondered if he'd greased some pockets or used threats to get Ash released. Either way, we had enough time to change and make it to our reception. But before we left, I found Detective Gray and pulled him aside. "You don't actually believe that Ash killed Jon do you?"

He looked around again and then shook his head. "No, I don't."

"Then come to our reception tonight. Maybe you'll find a new suspect."


I'd packed my bags the night before, but I still had to change out of my wedding dress and redo my hair and makeup before the cruise. Ash hurried next to me, shedding his tux for a suit. But while he stood there, dress shirt unbuttoned revealing his chiseled abs, I nearly forgot why we ever had to leave this bedroom.

My hands fumbled at the buttons on my dress and I turned my back to him. "Can you help me get out of this?"

Rather than rush, he took his time with each button, sliding his fingers down my back as he slowly peeled my dress off me. Then he pressed his chest against my skin, wrapping his arms around me so he could fondle my naked breasts.

The television hummed in the background, stuck on a news channel as he kissed my neck and used his teeth to stir me to greater need.

A name mentioned on the news caught my attention, and I looked up, shocked to see a familiar face staring back at me. I listened more intently to the newscaster, who wore the feigned expression of one mildly sad at a tragedy that had no effect on his life.

"Earlier this evening the body of Molly Winthrope, age twenty-five, was discovered in her apartment. The detective on the scene said the young woman from Boston had allegedly cut her wrists while taking a bath. The death is initially being ruled as a suicide, according to Detective Aaron Gray of the Boston Police Department, though no suicide note has been found. She appeared to be seven months pregnant; the child did not survive. In other news…"

Karpov Kinrade's Books