Swing (Landry Family #2)(29)

“Let me,” he says.

I still. He peers down at me, a small smile on his lips. One knee is on the mattress, then the other. He is behind me in a flash. With a gentle hand, he brushes my hair to one shoulder and tugs on the zipper at my neck.

I shiver, more from his touch than the air hitting my exposed skin. Looking straight ahead, I feel the zipper slowly roll towards the small of my back. It finally hits the end. His hands, so rough and hardened, push the fabric at the shoulders so it falls to my waist. I feel his lips press a kiss at the base of my neck.

Glancing at him over the corner of my shoulder, I watch him unbutton his shirt. As each inch of skin is displayed, I feel my heartbeat pick up until the shirt is tossed on the floor, and I’m on the brink of a heart attack.

He steps off the bed and removes his shoes and pants. I shimmy out of my dress and toss it to the floor, freezing when I catch him staring at me.

“What?” I ask, feeling, for the first time, self-conscious.

“Damn, baby.”

“What?” I ask again, feeling my nipples harden under his observation.

“You just make me want to stand here and stare at you, you’re so goddamn beautiful.”

“Stop, Landry,” I blush. “Not that I’m opposed to appreciating the view because your body is seriously . . . You’re incredible.”

“I know.”

I burst out laughing, crooking my finger. “But now’s not the time for that. I need fucked.”

Using those stellar baseball reflexes, I’m on my back and he’s hovering over me before I see it coming.

“It’s about time,” I say breathlessly, slipping my hand between us and grabbing his cock. “Just like I thought.”

“What’s that?”

“Size thirteen.”


“Never mind,” I giggle. “I want to feel you inside me.”

“You,” he says, his mouth up against my ear, “are going to be the death of me.”

“Don’t die until after you fuck me, please.”

He takes a nibble at the shell of my ear, making me shriek and writhe beneath him. He uses my movement against me, or for me, depending, and I feel his girth at my opening.

I still and hold my breath. His arms, those sinewy, muscled arms, cage me in on either side of my head. A sinful smirk plays on his lips as he swirls his hips and drags his cock through my wetness. I move, attempting to get some friction against my needy clit. I dig my nails into his ass to convince him to go.

“Do I need to use a condom?” he asks.

“I’m clean and on the pill,” I say.

“I get checked every six months. I’m clean.”

“Then get on with it, Landry, I—” My sentence is halted by a yelp as he pushes into me with one long, hard, owning push. “Ah!” I squeal, panting.

“You like that?”

“God, yes,” I breathe, my eyes rolling to the back of my head. He’s watching me and I’d like to be able to hold my ground and gaze, but I can’t. It’s impossible. He knows this. He likes this, the cocky bastard.

“You are so fucking sexy,” he almost growls as he strokes his cock in and out of my pussy. “Damn it, Dani. You feel better than I even imagined.”

“Do I?” I ask, reaching my hands behind me and gripping the pillows. “Do I turn you on, Landry?”

“You know you do. You feel how hard my cock is.”

“For me.”

“For you.”

“Ah!” I moan as his strokes become harder. “Yes! This!”

My entire body is on fire, my breasts bouncing with each thrust. He drives into me, hitting that spot in the back of my vagina that is a trigger to an orgasm. “I’m going to come.”

“Come all over my cock,” he growls.

“Fuck!” I scream as my vision is dotted with an array of colors. The build-up starts at my pussy and rolls, like lava, through my body. In a matter of seconds, I feel the energy pulsing through my toes and the top of my head. “Lincoln!”

He doesn’t slow down, just massages that spot with his swollen head. When my eyes can open again, I see his skin is broken out in a glisten of sweat.

Pulling his cock out so just the tip sits in my opening, he grins. “Up.” He rocks back on his heels.

Confused and still out of breath, I try to sit up. He bends down, touching his lips to mine, before wrapping an arm around my waist and twisting me on my hands and knees. A quick slap collides with my bare ass.

“Hold on, baby,” he says.

Before I can hold on or get my wits about me, he’s once again at my opening and thrusting in.

“Shit,” I mutter, clenching my teeth. One hand grips the bend of my waist, the other sitting on the end of my spine. His thumb plays against my ass, applying concerted pressure over the opening in the back. “I can’t,” I groan, knowing good and well that I can. And I want to.

He chuckles behind me. “We’ll save that for another day.”

“One day at a—” I start but am stopped by another smack to my rear. “Landry!”

He laughs again, both hands now digging into my sides, as he builds me up with quick, powerful strokes.

“You feel so good,” he growls, finding that spot once again. “I can’t hold back for long.”

Adriana Locke's Books