Sweet Rivalry (1001 Dark Nights)(7)

“In due time,” he says with a knowing smile that hints he’s enjoying this little power play a bit too much, but he’s allowed. He’s the one in the know.

“I was excited at the chance for this project given how well we’ve worked together on projects in the past.”

“You definitely know my favorite words, Ryder.”

“On time and under budget,” I say as his laugh booms around the room. Heads turn and competitors take note of who he’s speaking with.

Exactly my intentions.

“Just what I want to hear. How can I—excuse me one second,” he says as he’s summoned away by an employee across the room.

“Still great at kissing ass, I see,” Harper murmurs the minute he’s out of earshot.

And she just stepped into the ring. I didn’t doubt she would for a second. Let’s see if she wants to play with the gloves on or off.

I turn slowly to face her, the disbelief that she’s here still as real as when she lifted her face to meet my eyes with that smirk playing at the corner of her lips like she did earlier in the conference room.

“Still great at being hostile, I see. Hello, Harper.” My greeting and smile are a mixture of cautious sincerity. “And after all this time I thought you might have changed. So refreshing to see you haven’t.”

Ding. Ding. Ding. Round One.

“Hello, Ryder.” She gives a subtle lift of her brow as our eyes hold longer than they should. A nonverbal challenge that’s welcome and terrifying all at the same time.

“Such a pleasure to see you again.”

“Well, at least I know you’re still good at telling a lie. We both know you’re far from happy I’m here.” Her laugh is throaty, her lips distracting.

God, she’s gorgeous.

I reject the thought the minute it hits me but how can I f*cking argue that she isn’t? She’s all curves and confidence and sex appeal wrapped in that sophisticated, damn business suit. Her expression may say drop dead, but her body screams make me feel alive.

“Think what you will. I’m glad to see I still bring out the best in you.”

She snorts. It’s such a contradiction to the completely put together woman before me and yet the sound of it tells me a bit of the old her I used to know remains. The one from before.

“True,” she muses nonchalantly, eyes focused on the other side of the room. “I mean look how the last competition ended between us…” The comment is left open-ended but the lift of her eyebrows and purse of her lips say the words for her: I won.

“Good thing I’ve learned the error of my ways since then.”

We hold each other’s gazes, our lips fighting back smiles while unspoken challenges war between us.

“I’m sure you have, but we both know you’re standing here sizing me up, asking yourself who is this woman who sounds like the Harper Denton you once knew but looks nothing like her and is ten times smarter now…and then you’re wondering if your best is enough this time around?” she says, a coy smile on her lips and my own mouth falling lax as she makes her mark and hits the nail directly on the head. She lowers her voice as if she’s going to let me in on a little secret. “The answer is no.”

She’s good. Damn good.

The Ice Queen returns.

I chuckle and shake my head. I shouldn’t be surprised that just like that, we’re picking up right where we left off. And just as I’m about to speak, her smile widens and tells me that Mason is on his way back.

“Sorry about that. A few details needed clarifying.” Mason interrupts as he returns and looks from Harper to me and then back to Harper. It’s not hard to sense the tension—competitive and sexual––that always seems to be a constant between us. “You two have met then?”

I nod. “We’ve competed a time or two in the past,” I respond, trying to play nice.

“Hm. I wasn’t aware. Sometimes familiarity can be an advantage. Or a liability. I’ll enjoy being the benefactor of both.” He glances between us again, momentarily lost in thought before he rubs his hands together in front of him. “Now, what was it we were discussing?”

“I was just letting Ryder here know what other projects are coming up for bid in the vicinity. I figured it’s only kind to give him his options since I’ll be winning this one.” Harper’s smile is sweet and genuine to match the playfulness of her tone and yet I know she means every word.

Mason’s laugh rumbles through the room. His quick grin tells me he respects her for having the balls to make the comment. Who doesn’t respect a woman making a definitive play in the male-dominated world of construction management?

“We’ll see about that.” My smile is tight as I meet her eyes, my own warning fired off in the silent exchange.

Mason looks between us again. “This is going to be fun to watch. Nothing like a good, clean fight between colleagues. Excuse me again, but we’re going to get the presentation back under way shortly and I need to tend to a few details first.”

We both turn to watch him retreat, and I swear I hear Harper mutter under her breath, “Who says I don’t like things a little dirty?”

The minute the words register, my mind immediately goes there.

To dirty.

And with Harper.

K. Bromberg's Books