Stormcaster (Shattered Realms #3)(43)

She also looked beaten down, exhausted, and sad, like the only survivor of a catastrophe.

She looked around the taproom, her gaze lighting briefly on Evan and his two companions. Dropping her hat and gloves on the table next to theirs, she elbowed her way through the crowd at the bar.

“You’re still here, Captain?” the barkeep said, turning toward the kegs lining the wall without waiting for an order. “I thought you’d left yesterday.”

“The queen asked me to stay a little longer,” the woman said. “She’s still—she needed—” She stopped, cleared her throat. “She still had some questions she wanted answered before I go.”

Evan came instantly alert. This chance encounter might be a stroke of luck. This captain, whoever she was, could be his connection to the queen.

The barkeep plunked two brimming cups down in front of her. “Too bad,” he said. “I know you’re anxious to get back to your ship.”

Even better, she was a mariner, maybe even a privateer working for the queen.

“At least maybe the weather’ll be better when I head to the coast,” she said, pulling out her purse.

The barkeep shook his head. “On the house,” he said. “We all appreciate what you’re doing, ma’am.”

Evan watched her carry the cups to her table and settle heavily into her seat. He raised his cup. “Fair winds, following seas, and a safe harbor at journey’s end,” he said in Common. It was the traditional sailor’s blessing.

She turned and studied him, her eyes narrowed. Then took in Teza and Brody as well. “And the same to you.” She turned back to her ale.

“We are merchants from Carthis,” Evan said. “We are on our way to meet with your queen to discuss the possibility of trade between our countries.”

“Merchants, are you?” The captain raised an eyebrow.

“Sort of,” Evan said, turning his cup between his hands.

“You look like a wizard to me,” she said, using the northern term.

“Sort of,” Evan said again.

“And a pirate.”

“Sort of.” He laughed. “Since you brought it up, you look a bit like a pirate yourself.”

This time, he managed to break through her brusque resistance. “I’m not a pirate,” she said, “but I am a ship’s captain.” She extended her hand. “I’m Hadley DeVilliers.”

Her name was vaguely familiar, but he couldn’t place where he’d heard it. He gripped her hand, and the sting of magic flowed between them. “Lucky Faris.”

“Faris?” Her grip tightened before she let go. “I was thinking of a different name.”

“You must be thinking of a different pirate,” Evan said, meeting her gaze.

“Really?” she said. “I could have sworn that you were Evan Strangward, known as the Stormcaster of the Indio.”

Brody and Teza shifted in their seats, their hands sliding toward their weapons. DeVilliers noticed—he knew she did—but pretended not to.

Evan ran his finger around the rim of his glass, playing for time. Of course she would figure it out, being a mage, and a ship’s captain. There weren’t that many pirates with auras.

“Congratulations, Captain, you’ve found me out.” Evan swallowed down his ale and signaled the bartender for another. “I hope that doesn’t ruin our nascent friendship.”

She raised an eyebrow. “You don’t talk like any pirate I’ve ever met,” she said.

“That’s because you’ve never met a pirate like me,” Evan said.

“You’re a long way from the ocean, Stormcaster,” DeVilliers said. “Where’s your ship?” She looked around the room, as if he might have hung it on a hook by the door.

“Actually, I seem to be without a ship at the moment,” Evan said.

“Ah,” she said, shaking her head. “A shipless pirate? There’s nothing sadder—or more dangerous—than that.”

“What about you? What’s your ship?”

“The Sea Wolf. She sails out of Chalk Cliffs. Have you heard of her?”

Evan nearly choked on his cider. Then checked their surroundings to see if she’d brought any crew with her. She had not. It was just the four of them, so he had the numbers.

“I take it you have,” she said, her eyes crinkling in amusement.

The Sea Wolf was the sleek, three-masted flagship of the Fellsian navy. It was the bane of pirates and Ardenine warships alike. Its captain was known as one of the savviest masters afloat.

It was just his luck that he’d run into the chief officer of the Fellsian navy in a mountain town. A naval officer who looked like a pirate. One of the few wetlanders who would recognize him.

She tilted her chin up. “Now that we’ve been introduced, I have a question. I’ve heard rumors about your Stormborn crew—that they are fierce fighters with reddish auras.” She pointed at Teza and Brody. “Here is living proof. What does it mean, and how do they get that way?”

Evan shrugged, downplaying it. “It simply indicates that they are sworn to me.”

“I’m sworn to the Gray Wolf queen, but I’ve not grown furry ears,” DeVilliers said, running a hand through her hair as if to verify. “So these Stormborn—they are not wizards?”

Cinda Williams Chima's Books