Steal the Light (Thieves #1)(99)

His hand came in between us and found my clit, rubbing insistently as he thrust his cock up, finding that special place that sent me soaring.

I called out his name when I came. Dev. Dev. Dev.

His gorgeous face contorted, and he held himself against me as his orgasm overtook him.

He fell down, covering my body with his. He was smiling as he kissed me, his cock still deep inside. I could already feel him getting hard again. “I’m crazy about you, Zoey.”

I kissed him back, my whole soul satisfied. “Back at you.”

“And don’t think I’m done with you,” he said. “I’m going to take my time now.”

I held on to him as he kissed me again, this time a long slow grind against my mouth. I relaxed and gave over to his unique magic.

It wasn’t perfect, but it was safe and happy.

He picked me up and carried me to the bedroom, and I was ready to start a whole new life.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

“Hello, Z,” Daniel said from my front porch. My heart fluttered at the sound of his voice.

He’d been gone almost four months when he showed up on my doorstep. I was told that whatever was happening with Daniel’s trial would be over quickly. Unfortunately, quickly means different things when you’re immortal. Four months passed and no news. The only way I knew Daniel was still alive was the fact that the Council-approved nurse came out once a week to collect my little bag of blood. She chatted throughout the process and tried to make it as quick as possible. She was my only link to the vampire world, and she was much more interested in talking about reality television than vampire politics.

I’d done a lot in the four months since Daniel had been carried away from me in chains and a coffin. I started a relationship with Dev, and I moved. I took my part of the money and bought a small house outside the city. It was quiet, and I was left alone for the most part. It sat on an acre of land and it was, to put it mildly, a fixer upper. That was what happened when you quartered a million dollars. I split the money into four parts because Dev wouldn’t take his. Danny had his part, and Neil and Sarah had theirs. I held out hope that Sarah would need it one day. Thieves had a code, and I followed it.

I swallowed twice before I could answer. He looked so different. His hair was long and slightly unkempt. He was wearing jeans and a T-shirt with Captain America on the front. The expensive boots he’d worn were gone. He wore a new pair of Converse instead. He looked like my Daniel coming home from calculus class.

“Hello,” I managed.

He smiled, slightly sad as he looked around the porch with its peeling paint. “It’s a nice place.”

“It’s a dump,” I admitted. “But I paid cash.”

He ran his hands along the railing. “It has good bones. A little paint, a lot of sweat, and it’ll be beautiful.”

We stood there staring at each other, not quite knowing what to say. He’d lied to me and left me behind, not caring if I ever learned the truth. Dev was different. He didn’t know everything, but he tried to find people who could answer my questions. He spent months traveling the country with me, asking questions, holding my hand.

“Zoey, I’m sorry. I did what I thought I had to,” he said.

“I’m seeing someone,” I blurted out at the same time.

He stopped for a moment and ran a hand through his thick hair. “Is it Dev?”

“Well, you did sell me to him,” I pointed out. But I would have found my way back anyway. I had an odd connection to the faery. I was comfortable with him. I could breathe with Dev.

“I won’t make that mistake again.” Daniel looked down at his shoes. “I guess that means I can keep the two million, then.”

“Two million?” I choked out. Dev hadn’t mentioned that little number.

“He didn’t tell you?”

“No, I guess it slipped his mind,” I sputtered. “You are so giving that back to him.”

“All right.” Daniel smiled sadly. “Is he making you happy, Z?”

I nodded because Dev was trying. I don’t know if I would call it happy, but I was certainly satisfied. What I had with Dev was simple. We enjoyed each other. We had fun. We had a lot of really amazing sex. Content. I was peaceful with Dev. I didn’t mention that last part to Daniel. Dev was what I needed right now. Being with Dev didn’t consume my whole life.

Daniel nodded as though he’d come to a decision. “Then that’s good. I just want you to be happy. I know it doesn’t matter now, but everything I did I did because I love you. I might have been wrong, but I thought I was doing the right thing.”

We were quiet for a moment, all of our history hanging there between us, filling the night air with an oppressive sadness.

“Do you want me to go?” Daniel asked.

“Where would you go, Danny?” I needed to know.

“Probably back to Europe. There are a few loose ends I could take care of before I get down to business.”

That was said in his badass-vampire voice, and it didn’t make me feel secure. “What business is that?”

I thought for a moment he was going to ignore the question. He took his time, but he slowly turned toward the full moon and answered me. “I’m going to kill Halfer. I haven’t figured out just how to do it yet, but I will. I’m going to make him pay.” He turned back to me and grinned. “Or I could stay here and hang out with you.”

Lexi Blake's Books