A look of concern marred Henry’s tan and rosy face. “What do you mean?”
“She’s got the sleeping sickness.” Pansy brought the tea to Briar and helped her sip.
The sweet liquid took away some of the dryness in Briar’s throat. “Polio,” Briar said, quick to explain. “A bunch of us mill girls came down with it. I’m the worst. They’re all starting to recover, but I’m…not.”
“Are you sure it’s polio? How long have you been like this?”
Briar glanced at Pansy. “The doctor hasn’t confirmed my case, but he’s examined the others,” Briar said. “Mine came on yesterday.”
“What about Fanny? Does she think it’s polio?”
“Fanny’s not the doctor,” Pansy said. “Do you have any sore places, Briar? I could heat up more warm cloths for you.”
“I’m fine. You can go play with the boys. Henry can get you if I need anything.”
“Don’t tell them I’m back yet. I’d like to talk to Briar first,” he said.
Pansy nodded then reluctantly went back outside.
“Pansy has been a wonderful nursemaid for me,” Briar said. “I think she feels she can save me. She’s scared I’ll die like Mam and Da.”
Henry pulled up a chair and held Briar’s hand. “You’re not going to die. Don’t even think it.”
“I feel it moving up my body,” Briar said, and she couldn’t hide the tremble in her voice. She’d not told the others because she didn’t want them to worry, but she knew Henry could be strong for her. He always had been. “When it gets to my lungs I won’t be able to breathe. There’s nothing else to be done but wait.” She swallowed. “It’s so good to see you, Henry. I never thought I’d lay eyes on you again.”
“Don’t talk like that.”
“What about the letter? Were you able to find my aunt?”
Henry shook his head. “I tried. I found someone who knew your family. An old farmer who thought they’d all left at the same time, but then his wife corrected him. Said your aunt and her husband left a few weeks after your mama did. They were going for work in the factories in England.”
“That must be why they lost touch. Neither had a home, so their letters couldn’t find each other.”
She took another sip of tea. Her throat burned, but she needed to talk more. “I got your gifts. The acorn, the heart-shaped pebble, Solomon’s Seal.”
He grinned. “How did you know they were from me?”
“I don’t know how you did it, but only you would have given me those things. Tokens from the valley you love. Plus they were left in that spot you always tap on my frame when you’re leaving.”
He looked pleased that she noticed. “I didn’t want you to forget about me, so I found an accomplice.”
Briar started to cough, which hurt her lungs and made her wince.
Henry stood. “Are you all right?”
She held up a hand. “I’m okay now. Was Fanny your accomplice?”
“Yes. How did you know?”
“Something she said.” That’s why she told me she was a fairy. She knew what I’d done with the spindle because she was there leaving me a gift from Henry and saw what I did.
Henry began pacing between the bed and the door. “When did everyone start getting sick?”
“A few weeks ago, but never mind that. You’re back. I want to hear all about the big adventurous world out there. Come sit and tell me.” She looked around him to the pack he’d left by the door. It was much fuller than when he left. “What did you bring home?”
He looked back at the bag. “I have a gift for you.” He took a step toward her. “But, I’ll save it for later when you’re feeling better.”
“There might not be a later.”
“Well, I’m not going to show you now. I believe you’re stubborn enough to get better if only to look inside that bag.”
Briar struggled for a breath. “Maybe.”
Henry continued pacing. “I was all set to tell you of my adventures, but it doesn’t seem appropriate now, with you so ill. How can I help? Where is Fanny?” He paced over to the door and scanned the valley.
“I’m sure Fanny will be along soon. Meanwhile, your tales of adventure are exactly how you can help.”
He nodded. “All right.” He poured himself a glass from the water jug and pulled up a chair from the table. “After I left you at the train station, I traveled to the east coast where I boarded a strong sailing vessel. You should see New York, Bri. I’ve never seen so many people meeting in one place before. The captain told me there were more than a million and a half people living there, and I believe him.
“The ship was sturdy, but I wasn’t. I’m no sailor, that’s for sure. I’ve never been so happy to see land in my life. When the ground is taken away from you, you sure miss it.”
Briar closed her eyes. Henry didn’t know how right he was.
“A huge storm picked up halfway through the trip and even the seasoned sailors were praying for deliverance. They made all passengers go below decks as wave after wave crashed over top. It was as if the sea were trying to spit up everything in it, and take us down at the same time.”