So I Married a Sorcerer (The Embraced #2)(10)

An arrow whizzed over their heads and struck the mainsail mast with a thunk.

“There’s a message attached.” Captain Shaw motioned to one of his crewmen to retrieve the message.

“How did they manage to shoot an arrow so far?” Gwennore asked.

“Rupert must have done it,” Lieutenant Helgar grumbled. “He put a strong wind behind it.”

The crewman dashed onto the quarterdeck to hand the message to Captain Shaw.

He unfolded the paper. “It says, ‘You will deliver Princess Brigitta to our flagship or suffer the consequences.’”

Brigitta’s heart lurched in her chest.

Mother Ginessa grabbed her arm. “How do they know she’s the princess? I never told anyone.”

“The Wind Sorcerer must have discovered it by using his evil powers,” the lieutenant muttered.

“Rupert?” Brigitta asked. “Why would he want me?”

“No doubt he means to force King Gunther into paying a ransom,” Lieutenant Helgar replied as he glared at the lead pirate ship. “The bloody monster.”

“We cannot let her go.” Mother Ginessa held on to Brigitta. “She couldn’t possibly be safe there!”

Captain Shaw gave the pirate flagship a wary look. “If they seek a ransom, they would have to keep her safe.”

Mother Ginessa gasped. “Ye mean to hand her over?”

“I don’t believe we have any choice.” With a grimace, Captain Shaw crumbled the message in his fist. “They have nine ships. We cannot evade them or outrun them, especially with this Rupert fellow controlling the wind.”

With a sinking heart, Brigitta watched as the nine ships formed a circle around them. “What are the consequences if I don’t go?”

A horn blasted from the pirate flagship, then crewmen on each pirate ship lined up with arrows aimed at the Eberoni vessel. One by one, the arrows were quickly lit.

“Damn,” the lieutenant muttered.

Brigitta spun about. Good goddesses! They were completely surrounded by flaming arrows. One word from the horrid Rupert, and the arrows would set their ship on fire. Her sisters would either burn to death or drown.

Tears stung her eyes. “I have to go.”

“Nay!” Maeve grabbed her.

“I have to go now!” Brigitta pulled away from Maeve and Mother Ginessa and ran down the steps to the main deck. In a panic, she turned toward the captain, who had followed her. “How? How do I leave?”

“The dinghy is still tied off to port.” Captain Shaw motioned for two crewmen to come forward. “My men will row you to the flagship.”

“Thank you, Captain.”

He gave her a sympathetic look. “No, thank you. Your bravery is saving everyone on board this vessel. But please be assured that Rupert will not dare harm you, not when you can earn him a hefty ransom. As soon as we reach Ebton, I will inform King Leofric so we can mount a rescue.”

Brigitta nodded. “Thank you.”

While the two crewmen climbed down to the dinghy, Brigitta’s sisters rushed forward to hug her.

“Fear not, child.” Mother Ginessa touched her cheek. “I will come with you.”

Brigitta shook her head. “Nay, ye mustn’t. Luciana needs ye more than I. Ye’re the best midwife around.”

Mother Ginessa frowned. “I dare not send ye to those ruffians without a chaperone.”

“I’ll go with herself,” Sorcha declared.

“And I,” Gwennore added.

“Nay!” Brigitta cried. Here she was trying to keep her sisters safe, and they wanted to endanger themselves?

Mother Ginessa scoffed at the two girls. “Absolutely not! How can ye chaperone yer sister when ye’re a year younger than she is?”

“Oh, heavenly goddesses,” Sister Fallyn wailed. “What will become of our poor Brigitta?”

Mother Ginessa turned toward the other nun with a speculative look. “You.”

“Aye.” Sister Fallyn nodded as she made the sign of the moons. “I will pray for another miracle.”

“Nay,” Mother Ginessa replied. “Ye’ll go with Brigitta.”

“What?” Sister Fallyn squeaked.

Mother Ginessa grabbed the nun by the shoulders. “Ye must keep Brigitta safe. I’m counting on you.”

“Holy goddesses!” Sister Fallyn turned pale.

Brigitta winced. How could she ask anyone to share this ordeal? “Perhaps we shouldn’t—”

“Nay, she will go with you.” Mother Ginessa gave the nun a stern look. “Ye can do this, Sister. Ye must be strong for Brigitta’s sake.”

Sister Fallyn nodded, her eyes filling with tears. “Aye, I will not disappoint you.” She hurried to Brigitta’s side and latched on to her arm. “Fear not, child. I will not let any harm come to yerself.”

Brigitta smiled through her own tears, for she could tell the nun was as terrified as she was. “Don’t worry,” she told her sisters, who all had tears streaming down their cheeks. “I’ll see ye again. I promise.”

The captain helped her over the side, and slowly Brigitta made her way down the rope ladder to the dinghy. The two crewmen helped her settle on a wooden bench. As she waited for Sister Fallyn, she glanced at the pirate ships. One by one, the flaming arrows were being extinguished.

Kerrelyn Sparks's Books