Skin Deep (Station Seventeen #1)(57)

Kissing Isabella wasn’t going to be enough. And if they didn’t stop right now, they weren’t going to stop at all.

Kellan broke from her mouth, his breath heavy against the line of her jaw. “Moreno,” he warned, but she captured the rest with a quick slide of her lips.

“Get in the car and ask me upstairs, Walker. My answer’s not no.”


Isabella tried as hard as she knew how not to break every land-speed record in existence on the drive to Kellan’s apartment. True to his word about the distance, the six miles took as many minutes, the walk from the building’s parking lot to the elevator bay in the lobby only a few more. He stood beside her in the small but nicely decorated space, their shoulders and the outside edges of their pinky fingers just close enough to share warmth but not contact.

They said nothing. Hell, they weren’t even looking at one another.

She’d never wanted anyone inside of her so badly in her life.

The elevator doors trundled open with a soft, rolling thump, but before Isabella could make even the slightest move forward, Kellan caught her hand.

“Be sure you still want this.”

Lust and adrenaline and a thousand other things answered under her skin, but they were all in agreement about one thing. “I’ve been sure since the second I kissed you. I want this. Right now.”

“Good,” he said, his eyes glittering so dark, they were nearly navy blue.

And then he pulled her into the elevator.

“Kellan,” she said, but his name got lost on the moan that followed as he walked her back against the mirrored wall adjacent to the control panel, taking only the briefest of seconds to hit the button for the fourth floor and wait for the elevator doors to shut before refocusing his undivided attention on her body.

“Mmm.” Dropping his lips to her neck, Kellan fisted the lapels of the suit jacket he’d loaned her, yanking the fabric apart to reveal her flimsy dress and heated skin. “Do you know how hard it is to concentrate with you in this dress?” he asked, stringing a line of slow, seductive kisses all the way to her shoulder, and oh God, his mouth had to be each and every one of the seven deadly sins.

Isabella arched her back to increase their contact, because she was pretty sure that if he stopped, she’d lose her mind. “All the more reason to take it off.”

“Oh no, sweetheart. I’m not letting you off the hook so easy.”

Surprise burst through her, followed by a quick shot of confusion. “But you said you wanted this too.”

“Make no mistake.” Kellan’s lips parted in a smile that she felt more than saw as he lifted his mouth to her ear. “I am dying to fuck you. But this isn’t going to be a quickie in the bathroom where I shove up your skirt and finish hot and fast. I’m going to take my time with you, Isabella. I’m going to make you come with my fingers and my mouth and my cock, and when I’m done, you’re going to remember every inch of where I’ve been.”

Sweet God in heaven, what was taking this elevator so damn long?

As if the car and cables had heard her, the control panel by her side sounded off in a muted ding, the doors sliding open to reveal a blessedly empty well-lit hallway. “Please tell me you don’t live at the end of the hall,” Isabella said, because truly, her deep, dirty need to lose her clothes and let Kellan make good on his promise was reaching critical mass.

The cocky half-smile tugging at the corners of Kellan’s lips? Not helping. “Three doors down on the left. 405.”


They took the half-dozen steps necessary to reach his door, barely making the trip over the threshold before they crashed back together in a tangle of tongues, arms, and really bad intentions. Isabella recognized the bright power of an adrenaline rush all too well—Lord knew it was an occupational hazard for someone who could be shot at or sideswiped on any given day. There were far worse ways to burn that energy than mutually agreed upon, no-strings-attached sex, and anyway, she’d stretched the truth with Kellan a few minutes ago.

Isabella had wanted him for days, months if she counted that initial spark of attraction between them before their trip to Chicago.

Right now, she meant to have him.

“You’re wearing too many clothes,” she said, placing the murmur against his mouth as she reached for the buttons on his shirt with one hand and the buckle on his belt with the other.

He stilled both of her hands in a move so fast, her pulse clattered. “I meant what I said. I want you, but I’m not rushing this.”


“No.” Walker softened the harshness of his insistence with a brush of his lips. “Look, I’m not trying to make this into something it’s not. We’re attracted to each other and we’re looking to blow off some steam. You don’t date and you don’t do relationships. I get it. But I’m still not rushing. Now come here.”

Under any other circumstances, she’d rather be skinned alive than bossed around, especially in bed. But something about Kellan’s tone told her he hadn’t asked to be domineering, and his shockingly gentle touch as he twined his fingers through hers backed up the sentiment.“There, see?” he said, guiding her through the darkness of what had to be the foyer and pulling her farther into his apartment. “Not so bad.”

Kimberly Kincaid's Books