Secret Mayhem (Back Down Devil MC #4)(16)

“You're hiding too, Shay. Your room confirms that.”

“My business isn’t yours,” Shay said. “I’m going to take a shower. The room is yours for right now. Sit. Think. Figure something out.”

Shay walked to the bathroom and shut the door. The water turned on a few seconds later and Ava slowly moved to the bed and sat down. She dropped her bag between her legs. She was safer here than in the clubhouse. She was safer with Back Down Devil than with the Lost Men. And she was safer with Shay than Trev. That much she knew.

When Ava looked to the bathroom door, she realized two things.

First, she could use a shower.

Second, she was told that she needed to earn her keep…

Ava stood and stripped. She left a neat pile of clothes on the bed. She reached back and unsnapped her bra, adding that to the pile. When she wiggled out of her panties, her mouth suddenly ran dry. She was already turned on just imagining what it would be like to touch Shay’s body.

She walked to the bathroom and was relieved to find the door unlocked. She stepped into the warm, foggy bathroom. The rush of steam and heat made her shiver, just enough to make her nipples harden and ache.

Ava couldn’t see through the black shower curtain, but Shay was in there. Slowly, she approached the shower, biting her bottom lip. She pulled the curtain open from the right, which turned out to be the back of the shower. Peeking inside, she saw the backside of Shay.

A single tattoo stretched from the top of his spine to about halfway down his muscular back. It looked like some kind of vine. The rest was just bare skin. Beautiful, bare skin. His ass was firm and his legs were muscular and sexy.

Ava stepped into the shower and pulled the curtain shut.

Shay just stood there, the water beating against the front of his body. He didn’t acknowledge Ava and as much as she wanted to say something, this turned her on even more. It wasn’t the idea of being sneaky or even being ignored, it was just the silence that did it. She was already wet and she wanted to touch Shay. The less talking, the less chance of having to share something about herself.

With just a few more steps, Ava was close enough to Shay to feel the mist of water bouncing off his body. She got even closer, allowing her breasts to touch his back. Her erect nipples were tender and she bent her knees as a wave of pleasure ran through her body. Her left hand touched Shay’s side and then slid around, moving down his strong abs. She felt a small thatch of hair and then her hand wrapped around a thick, hard cock.

Gently, Ava stroked up and back just once. She let out a sigh and put her right hand out, bracing herself on the sweaty tile. She started to move faster as her hand was desperate to hold all of Shay’s thickness. She put her lips to Shay’s back and let out another sigh. The water allowed her hand to move with ease. Shay’s body started to move. He was trying to thrust at her hand. Each time he moved back and bumped into her stomach, it sent waves of heat through Ava’s body.

Faster and faster, Ava felt Shay’s body getting tighter. He let out a groan and sigh, making Ava want it more. She ran her lips and tongue along his back, groaning, wanting him to come. She whispered his name and tried to nibble at him, but he was all muscle.

“Keep going,” Shay finally said. “Faster.”

Ava did as she was told. She moved as fast as she could.

“Grip tighter,” Shay ordered. “Don’t let up, love.”

Ava bit her lip as her hand and wrist grew sore. She put her cheek to Shay’s back and started to breathe heavily. She could feel Shay thickening even more in her hand. When he finally let out a hiss and started to come, Ava’s mouth fell open and she lost her breath for a moment. Her hand continued to move fast up and down as his warm release spilled into her hand.

She slowed down before letting Shay go. Ava glanced at her hand to see the evidence of what she had just done.

Shay put his head back and let out a few breaths. He let the water rush upon him and then opened the shower curtain and left.

“It’s all yours,” Shay said from outside the shower.

“Thanks,” Ava said.

“And I didn’t mean just the shower. Goes for my bed tonight, too. I’ll keep you safe for tonight.”

That was all the conversation needed.

Ava had apparently earned her keep.


Shay dried off and dressed himself. He then stood and looked at himself in the mirror. Tomorrow they would have a big table meeting to decide on the protection ride for Jakey. Then they would need to take care of Eight Under. And if all went well, Shay would be able to track down his brother and take him out for good. If he told the truth to the MC, Miller might pull him off it. Or keep him in the background.

And that just couldn’t happen.

Shay needed to kill his brother. He wanted to watch Caius die for all the horrible things he’d done to the world. Closing his eyes, Shay calmed himself the best he could before grabbing a bottle of whiskey. He opened it and chugged as much as his mouth and stomach could take. It burned and made him sick. Then he heard the shower turn off and he noticed Ava’s clothes were on the bed and her bag was on the floor.

The bathroom door opened and Ava stepped out, wearing nothing but a towel. Her dark hair looked even darker when wet. Her eyes were so blue. It was insane how beautiful Ava was.

“What?” Ava asked.

London Casey & Karol's Books