Savage Love (Back Down Devil MC #7)(66)
Jerry swallowed hard. “I want to take her with me then. I’ll leave that f*cking kid here. You can have him. Or just get rid of him.”
“That’s your son,” Miller said.
“No. That ain’t my son. He looks too much like Ella. I bet she f*cking cheated on me!”
Jerry brought the gun up like he was going to hit Ella in the head.
“No!” Miller bellowed.
A gunshot went off and Jerry stumbled to the side. Miller looked around and then before he could piece the puzzle together, Jerry fired his weapon, hitting Miller in the shoulder. Miller collapsed in fiery pain and watched as Blaine stormed the side window, shooting at Jerry.
Jerry dropped and the bullets missed him. He hid behind Ella.
Miller held his shoulder, feeling the blood pulsing.
“Shit,” he growled.
“You f*cker.”
It was Jerry, pointing his gun from behind the chair. He rose up just enough to put his face next to Ella’s. He then put the gun to Ella’s head.
“We’re all going to die then,” Jerry said and smiled.
Miller had a split second to make a decision. He grabbed his gun, lifted it, looked Ella dead in the eyes, and pulled the trigger.
Ella screamed through the towel in her mouth as Jerry flew back. Blaine came through the window a second later and rushed to Miller. He helped Miller up and then took the towel from Ella’s mouth.
“Sorry, babe,” Blaine said. “Miller needs this.”
“Miller!” Ella yelled. “Where’s Beck?”
“He’s right here,” Gaige said as he came into the cabin.
“Untie Ella,” Miller said, swatting Blaine away.
He walked behind the chair and saw Jerry on the ground, a bullet hole between his eyes.
“You got your kill,” Gaige said.
Beck let out a cry.
Miller turned and saw Ella on her feet. She grabbed Beck and hugged the baby, crying. Miller put his unwounded arm around her and pulled her close.
“It’s over,” Miller whispered. He kissed the top of her head. “It’s f*cking over.”
“He was going to hurt us,” Ella cried.
“Look at me…” Ella looked at him. “But he didn’t.”
“Hey, Miller,” Blaine said. “What do we do now?”
Miller looked around the cabin. “Burn it all down. Make it look like an accident. I don’t give a shit.”
Miller walked Ella out of the cabin. He made a line for the woods, not caring about anything else behind him. By the time he reached his cabin, there was a line of black smoke starting to rise up.
At the steps to the cabin, Miller felt his legs start to give.
“I’m good,” he whispered. “Just… a lot of blood…”
“I’ll call for help,” Ella said.
“No. The fire. Jerry… f*ck. Ella, I love you. I love Beck. I want to be a family with you. I need you, darling.”
“You have me. You have us.”
Miller tried to kiss Ella but ended up on the ground.
The clubhouse would be fixed. The prospects who had half a brain were already working on the mess Chief Jerry had made. Ella and Beck were fine and Miller barely got out of needing surgery. The bullet was plucked from his shoulder and he was stitched up and told he could leave in a day or two. To Miller, that meant a couple hours.
Jerry’s cabin burned to the ground. He was officially - and finally - gone for good.
The guys were standing around Miller’s bed as he started to come out of a deep trance from the painkillers. For a second he swore he saw Griffin standing there, but the image faded and switched to Trev.
“What happened to you?” he asked Trev.
“Rode them out of town,” Trev said.
“Jerry’s guys. The black clothes guys,” Gaige said. “They came after everyone. Trev led them on a chase. Crazy f*cker stole one of their trucks.”
“I had them too. Then they ganged up on me and tried beating me to death. So I laughed each time they hit me. Then they just stopped. They had police scanners and radios. I heard that there was a fire on the mountain and I thought the worst for you, brother.”
“You really put yourself on the line for us,” Miller said. “I want you to have a cut. To wear the name and logo again, brother. I’m serious. Full-time spot at the table.”
“Aye,” Shay said. “We can vote right now.”
“I’m in,” Jace said.
“No,” Trev said. “I’m here to help. He’s gone, but this isn’t over yet. The club has a lot to do. I’ll be there, for everyone. I have my leather cut. I have my memories. I don’t want anyone to forget about Griffin.”
Miller nodded. “Where’s Ella?”
“I’m right here,” a voice said.
Jace and Erik broke apart and Ella stood with Beck.
“Everyone out,” Miller said. “Give me some time with my family.”
Gaige grabbed Miller’s hand. “Saw this on the floor… make it right.”
Miller felt the diamond ring in his hand, again.
“Come here,” Miller said to Ella.
London Casey & Karol's Books
- Secret Mayhem (Back Down Devil MC #4)
- Riding Darkness (Back Down Devil MC #4.5)
- Twisted Pieces (Back Down Devil MC #5)
- London Casey
- Wild Blaze (Back Down Devil MC 0.5)
- Steel Temptation (Back Down Devil MC #6)
- Viper's Kiss (Back Down Devil MC #8)
- Ruthless Hold (Back Down Devil MC #9)
- Owned & Untamed (Back Down Devil MC #11)
- Game