Safe from Harm (Protect & Serve #2)(94)
He’d been shitting on authority for so long just to spite his father that he hadn’t considered what it might eventually cost him when he’d decided to walk away from his job as a deputy in Fairfield County and flip the proverbial bird to his father by joining the FBI.
Oh, sure—he’d won that battle, showing his dad that the guilt trips and harsh code of honor that had governed their family for generations couldn’t sway him. But his heart had been the ultimate casualty. Because in finally breaking away from the Old Man’s will, he’d also left her behind. Abby Morrow. The woman who’d captured his heart like no one else ever had—and then shattered it into a million jagged pieces. Even thinking of her now made his chest tight with heartache and regret.
He gave himself a quick shake, pushing away the image of Abby’s sensual smile, bright cornflower-blue eyes, and flawless fair skin and forcing his attention back to the news that he was being reassigned. He cleared his throat. “Where’re you sending me?”
Skinner’s lips twitched. “Well, since the apple doesn’t seem to fall far from the tree, it seems only fitting that you go fill a spot in one of our northern Indiana resident agencies.”
Kyle suppressed a resigned, bitter laugh. The irony of being forced back home when he’d worked so hard to break away was not lost on him. But it was too late to confess that his attitude and brash behavior were all an act, that upholding the law was in his blood—no matter how much he wanted to deny it—and that getting scum off the streets was not just his job, but his calling. Any protestations of the sort would just look like he was a whiny bitch trying to save his own ass.
So, instead, he donned his most unconcerned demeanor and flashed what he imagined was an infuriatingly undaunted grin. “So when do I leave?”
Order Kate SeRine’s first book
in the Protect & Serve series
Stop at Nothing
On sale now
Author’s Note
For the purposes of this series, I have created fictional Fairfield County, Indiana. All of the cities, towns, events, and people therein are products of my imagination.
Also, although I have made every attempt at accuracy in writing this story, there may be times when I had to bend the rules of police procedure or when I needed to make a judgment call when said procedures varied or sources conflicted.
It is with great respect and gratitude for those in law enforcement that I write the Protect & Serve series. In particular, I owe a special debt of gratitude to my technical advisors: Deputy S., Detective L., and Sheriff B. Thank you for answering all of my questions and for giving me a small glimpse into your world.
In addition, I would be remiss if I didn’t thank my incredible team at Sourcebooks, especially my amazing editor, Cat Clyne. And this series never would have come to be without my dear friend and tireless agent, Nicole Resciniti, whose faith in me never wavers. Love you, Nic. Also, huge hugs to my amazingly talented BFF, Cecy Robson, who keeps me sane.
And, as always, thank you to my husband and our darling boys. There’s no way I could do this without your love and support. You are my sun, moon, stars.
About the Author
Kate SeRine (pronounced “serene”) has been telling stories since before she could hold a pen. When she’s not writing, you’ll find Kate watching low-budget horror movies or geeking out over pretty much any movie adaptation of a comic book. As long as action and suspense are involved, she’s in!
Kate lives in a smallish, quintessentially Midwestern town with her husband and two sons, who share her love of storytelling. She never tires of creating new worlds to share, and is even now working on her next project—probably while consuming way too much coffee. Kate is also the author of the award-winning Transplanted Tales paranormal romance series and the Dark Alliance romantic suspense series.
Connect with Kate at,, or on Twitter @KateSeRine.