Riding Him (Ghost Riders MC #5)(10)

After a few moments, I see Violet exit her apartment with a bag over her shoulder. She comes to stand right where Vincent was. She looks as f*cking beautiful as she did when she stepped over my ass after nailing me in the dick. All that hair and legs. Both seem to go on forever.

“We can take mine,” she says, looking at her truck.

“I’ve got the camping gear,” I counter. I want to drive. I need some kind of f*cking control here because she isn't going to give me any.

“I’ve got the guns,” she fires right back at me, not budging.

“I like to drive.”

“I like to drive, too.”

I let out a frustrated breath. I don’t know why I feel both annoyed and turned on. I would’ve thought that blow to my cock would have knocked some sense into him, but he clearly doesn't care. “Look, you need to read me all the information Pres gave you in the office and tell me where the f*ck we are going and what the f*ck we are doing. Can you do that while driving?”

“Yes,” she snaps without even a second of hesitation. She’s showing me that she will fight me on everything. That really isn't going to work if we are going to be a team in this. I need her to listen. She needs to understand that when it comes to some things, she just can’t win, and this is one of them. When it comes to this, I’m in charge. Not that I wouldn’t ask her opinion on some things or listen to what she has to say, but when I give an order, it sticks.

I wait, letting her know I’m not f*cking around with this, and finally she rolls her big blue eyes and opens the door to the back seat of my SUV. She tosses in her bag and then grabs her guns out of her truck. I get out and help her load up, making quick work of what she wants to bring. Then she hops into the passenger seat and slams the door in my face. For a second I stand there, wondering what the f*ck I was planning on doing. Was I trying to open the door for her?

I just shake my head and walk around to the driver’s side and get in.

“Head west and hop on the 70. We’re going to Colorado,” she says as she opens the file and starts flipping through the pages.

“Hope you packed a coat,” I say, looking over at her. She’s wearing a thin tank top and tight jeans with combat boots. She looks sexy as f*ck, and I can’t stop picturing her nipples getting hard in the cold air. “Never mind. Hope you didn’t,” I tease, shooting a smile that seems to do nothing for her.

She sighs, clearly annoyed, and reads the intel from Lucias.

Our club has been having a turf war with the Five Aces for a while now. Their club is in business with some arms dealers, and we’ve been lucky to stay out of it and keep them out of our area. But the president of the Five Aces is pushing back, and it’s time we take matters into our own hands. They haven’t just stolen from us, they’ve planted evidence that’s had the cops crawling up our asses for shit we didn't even do, and they’ve done it just to try to make a point. But we’re about to make a bigger point right back. We’re lucky we aren't the only club that’s been having problems with them. The Hard Mixers, a sister club, is gunning for them too.

Normally this would be a mission for Casper, but she’s having a kid, and times are changing. The Ghost Riders are trying to stay legit and protect our town. And in order to do that, our Pres has decided we take off the head of the snake to show anyone and everyone that we might be clean for the most part, but if you f*ck with us, we will f*ck you right back. I’ve got no problems putting any of those men six feet under. They are all kinds of dirty. They don’t care what it is or how they have to do things to make money. Shit that makes your skin crawl, but they seem to just want to roll around in it.

Cobra is their club president, and his men are loyal to him but not one another. They fight like dogs to get to the top, wanting his approval and hoping to be the next in line at his side. They do what he says because they fear the consequences, not because they respect him as a leader. I’d bet anything most would stab him right in the back to take his place, unaware that what they would be getting is total and utter chaos that no one could really control. Their own president is barely hanging on.

That club is a band of misfits that can’t agree on anything except doing what he tells them to. There is no real unity or brotherhood. We take out the leader, and the club dismantles around it. They’ll end up eating each other alive trying to take his spot. We’ve seen it happen before when you get guys in your club that don’t have respect for anything. You can’t have a group of people trying to work together when you’ve got to watch your back to make sure none of them stab you. That’s how the Five Aces operate. Inside their own house, no one can be trusted. They’re sloppy, and bringing assault rifles to our front door is crossing the line. We’ve put up with their shit long enough, and Pres wants Violet and me to put it to an end.

“So, a bike rally?” I ask, looking over to get a peek of her cleavage and then back to the road, unable to help myself.

“It seems so. Pres says the Five Aces are going to be at a rally this weekend in upstate Colorado. All of them will be in attendance, and so will Cobra. They’re staying outside of town, so looks like we’ll be using that camping gear after all.” She looks over at me and catches me looking down her shirt. “Eyes on the road, Scribe.”

I wink at her and look away. If I’m not mistaken, I catch a smile playing at her lips. Finally, she gives me something.

Alexa Riley's Books