Race the Darkness (Fatal Dreams, #1)(15)
He raised the knife, then punched it into the woman’s back—again, again, again—in a series of thrusts so rapid Isleen couldn’t count. The sound of steel to bone snapped loudly against the peaceful backdrop of birdsong. Slurping, wet sounds now accompanied each slam of blade to flesh.
The woman stopped screaming.
Xander jerked awake with a full-body shudder. Damn. The incessant noise of the hospital flooded his ears. Beeping and buzzing machines. Hundreds of conversations. The rattle and hum of the air conditioner. Christ. It hadn’t seemed this loud until now. The sounds had been there, but somehow he’d forced them into the background. Now they were in the foreground, demanding his attention, depleting his hold on sanity, driving him closer and closer to a visit from the Bastard.
A streak of light snuck around the edges of the closed blinds, slashing across Isleen’s empty hospital bed.
Xander’s heart went bucking bronco inside his chest. Where was she? He kicked to his feet and ran from the room. The hallway was empty except for Isleen in her hospital smock flashing her too-bony spine and creamy white ass to the world.
He darted back in the room, grabbed the blanket off the bed, and then raced after her, his boots clomping as loud as a Clydesdale’s hooves against the tiled floor.
He didn’t mean for it to happen, but his vision locked on the pale mounds of her ass, on the demarcation of each rib, on the expanse of all that ivory skin. He shouldn’t be staring; he shouldn’t be getting a monster rocket in his pants; and he shouldn’t be thinking thoughts of—
What. Was. Wrong. With. Him. Especially when he could see the pale-pink outlines of so many scars that it hurt just looking at them.
She was only four days out of that torture trailer, three days free from death’s grasp, and two days off the IVs and liquid food, and here he was, thinking about the ways he’d like to prime her pump. When had he become a goddamned pervert?
He caught up with her. “You’re probably cold.” The words gushed out of his mouth, sounding as awkward as the front of his jeans felt. He draped the blanket over her shoulders, arranged and rearranged it until her backside was covered to her knees. The whole time, she never stopped moving, never acknowledged him, just kept heading down the hallway.
“Where are you going? I can have them bring up a meal. Or if you need the bathroom, it’s back there.”
She turned into the small waiting area with its vending machines full of fake food. Row had saved him by hauling in as much home cooking as she could carry for Dad and him. She’d even gotten him a replacement cell phone and brought him clean clothes.
Isleen moved across the room and sat in a chair directly in front of a window, staring out at the main entrance three stories below them.
News vans from every channel in Ohio had staked out the parking lot. Reporters and cameramen milled around, waiting, always waiting for a hint, a glimpse, a morsel of information about the two women held hostage in that trailer. The media had gone manic over their story.
“Goddamned vultures. I’m going to close the blinds, don’t want them to see you.” He pulled the cord, and the vertical blinds folded shut. She stared at the closed blinds, her face a blank slate, devoid of emotion and animation.
Shit. She was in shock. Didn’t she have a right to be after everything she’d been through?
Her body seemed to be healing nicely, but her mind had stagnated. She ate when food was placed in front of her. She let the doctor examine her. But she never communicated. When Xander touched her, he felt more than actually witnessed her attention shifting from deep inside herself to him. After what she’d endured, she deserved any comfort he had the strength to give her.
He sat next to her and took her delicate hand in both of his oversized man hands. Over the past few days, he hadn’t been able to resist touching her. Didn’t know what that was about, only that it felt right to him and seemed to comfort her. A secret, crazy part of him thought his touch was the reason her body had been recovering so fast. But that was a thought his sanity couldn’t afford to think.
“You’re safe now. You’re in the hospital. You’re doing well. A little shaky at first. Your organs were failing, but now everything is functioning normally. The doctors can’t explain your rapid recovery, but they are thinking of releasing you later today or tomorrow. They just wanted to see you up and around first.” He touched her chin lightly, guiding her face around so it was aimed at his. “I’ve been right here with you the entire time. And I’ll be right here whenever you decide to talk to me.”
Part of him couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth. When it came to her, his gonads had turned into nomads and taken off without him. Somehow, he was okay with that. Deep in his marrow, he meant what he said. He’d wait for her to come around. No matter how long it took.
He might’ve only met her four days ago, but she’d been inside his head for years, and somehow that made her intimately familiar. Not to mention that she’d waited all that time for him to find her and save her. The least he could do was offer the rest of his life as penance. If she needed time, he would give every second to her.
Her grip on his hand tightened, like she understood his words, but if she had, then why wasn’t he tuning in to her? He focused on her, waited for anything in her expression to change, an opening for him to squeeze his way inside and help her heal.